miércoles, 22 de febrero de 2012


The world increasingly turns to unpredictable and complex: the cosmos itself, from the stars, stars and galaxies that make up the organs of the body, including the systems computer more organized and the same financial investment in the world, obey certain procedures that are composed of elements of disorder which cause chaos and with it a multitude of changes to our long-suffering and tormented planet.
When someone is smoking, for example, and causes the smoke a donut-shaped figure, it begins to desvaneserse in space even in the absence of airflow through. This goes to show that what starts in an orderly, also gradually begins to crumble and dissolve into complete disarray. Everything is subject to continuous changes and modifications constant. We are governed by laws that unintentionally and even thinking, we are completely unknown and untranslatable for most mortals.
Scientists and many men and women dedicated to research, pursue without finding the mathematical rules that elucidate an underlying order in our world, as the mechanistic predictions ideals that operates like clockwork, it is coming down precipitously to events facing humanity at the beginning of this millennium: We are living in chaos installed and want to avoid at all costs and do not accept it. Do chaos as negative as might be supposed?
Nothing can be analyzed by simple movements or separate elements applicable to any object in the universe. That has concluded, the predictable and ridiculous laws are coming down. All exhibits chaos. The solar system itself, reveals a chaotic dynamics, which is predicted of him, we now know, would only have validity time not very long, small effects would confound the most accurate and precise calculations made by astronomers more prepared. Are we governed by the order or chaos and as bad as it seems?Let's see:In life many things and situations can be understood to be feasible, especially now with sophisticated technology to achieve, for example say the weather: At some point it was believed it would be feasible with the aid of cybernetics is come to understand, predict and even control it. But one thing to know and understand the atmospheric processes of interaction of the seas along with the atmosphere and the solar influence is quite another to predict the weather. So far, is impossible. Even many of the calculations are made with a mathematical precision, relative to, say, moisture, air velocities, temperatures, have shown that when extrapolated do not coincide, in which predicted good weather, storms and lightning appeared that is apparently very small differences in the conditions inicailes calculations, which were not taken into account, only served to alter the primary conditions ultimately giving greatly amplified and surprising changes which eventually become events of tremendous magnitude, something and the domino effect or effects that butterfly flapping its wings at a point of land can produce climatic disasters in other distant point, months later.
And all this comes to the fore, as in the cosmos, as in nature and even in humans, everything is unpredictable and any small change can lead to domino or butterfly effect and we do not just insist on will, at all costs, avoid the chaotic forced opting for an order that is preventing our development and evolution as a species. Empecinando We're so arrogant, to avoid the complexity and despise small but important signals, subtracting significance and importance. We deny that the order and its components depend on a balance very weak and fragile and that our progress is retrogression, decay, chaos and further development and on and on.
Not everything can be a culture of mirror where as good robots are obliged to reproduce reality as it is. The financial crisis in Greece, Italy and Spain want to be addressed forcefully by supporters of the established order and infrastructure, forcing these nations to respect the traditions and subvert the obligations preventing them: That there are more poor and unemployed, but nothing move, that nothing is changed, that debtors pay with their blood, their lives and those of their children, but chaos should avoid at all costs and any price! This means that our minds reflect only the reality of the bankers, usurers and speculators.How do you avoid the butterfly effects? How can I get order out of chaos?By the sublime! and that is helping science to the art ... that Greece, Italy and Spain pay nothing and spent bailouts in social development programs. Let there be chaos, because that is closer to the real world and solve many problems that afflict humanity. Chaos requires renewal, new contributions. Chaos is revival. We like structures are composed of atoms that swarm in an area of ​​chaos and disorder. We are in the bottom sets of different particles to get messy and health must not lose the complexity and stay and stay always in a mess that requires a constant search for balance, homeostasis, knowing and not get help, that's the healthy dynamics of chaos. And likewise, I think, you should do the world as a whole, facilitating the possibility that countries like Greece to move in a direction other than the payment of its debt and adjustments draconian social-political-economic and taxes required by their creditors, trying to show full strength chaotic qualities and use them to propose a new way of life for humanity, as proposed and performed in the past .. That would add to the chaos SUBLIME, the unpresentable, which can be conceived, but can not be seen: The future of history, the promising creative abyss of eternity ...

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