jueves, 26 de julio de 2012


The current leaders of the world have arrived to power at the time in which a competent generation of leaders that had prevailed, they were dying or leaving the political scene to be replaced by that group that I still do not understand the new realities of a troubled world and plunged into continuous conflicts of all kinds.

These new leaders, appeal to the state power to implement social justice through the law of laws. But apparently, the strength of the state is not as satisfactory to intervene much less effective .. People are always waiting for profits in exchange for their labor effort: An elementary reality that goes beyond the supposed love of country ... And all citizens could work 16 hours daily, yet could never get to their countries of third world hunger and poverty in which they are: raw materials are exported great value, but as they go in a rudimentary way, the powerful countries that buy products at very low prices and when manufactured and converted return in machinery or other goods, the prices are very high and the patterns of dependency and debt can never be away keeping force eternal dependence.

It is important to note that these inexperienced leaders, some very young, base their actions on invitations to the private sector to participate in the changes that the State intends to carry out and do not realize that these local investors follow and faithfully reproduce same patterns of exploitation of the powerful countries, so have supported them in their campaigns to reach and power. If the State comes up with something intervenirles, immediately breaking the alleged national collaboration, contract, lose confidence and withdraw their capital from their exhausted, exploited and well-worn local economies. That's a very sad fact: There is no fair competition and all employers point to the establishment of monopolies. In developing countries, markets give rise to new, more powerful and harmful concentrations of power. That is also very unfortunate, but it is a fact categorical.

Is there no way out of poverty?

Produce items based on products made from raw materials to which they can not add value, is and means the total and absolute poverty in a market economy. That's what defines more developing countries. Instead, wealth is located in manufactured goods which they can add value and that they succeed only highly industrialized countries. The 'economic power is always referred to the indexes of value added.

The current leaders, especially the young, do not listen and worse, is that the overwhelming majority of them are attacking the employees and workers, trying to eradicate and annihilate its labor unions. They both attack against mass production that have left them no space nor the means to save. Productive activities, are already so few - with marked unemployment - the move to access that people could save, has been almost canceled. There efficient production leading to the savings generated by the contributions of all.

It is unfair that there are people, many people, that you are doomed in the XXI century, not to have a greater purchasing power and even with the necessities to survive. If poor people could access the money, could buy more goods from rich countries. All win - the positive sum proposed by the Swedish Social Democrat Olof Palme, 'no one would have to leave the market economy or of global capitalism that both defend the rich. The poor would be less poor and the rich, habrìrìan more markets for their products.

Of course, that the global economy would have to change their policies and facilitate access to technological development in poor nations. But nobody is listening and we're heading to a dead end and very riesgozo highly dangerous for everyone.

Do third world leaders today, they would have to call ethical rich nations to try to move on?

The utopia that begins in a world in which workers and employees could become shareholders of the companies in which they work, where they no longer need to go to work because they receive a salary, but because they own and expect additional payments, as those who gave their employees Robert Owen-partners for their excess production and appreciation, was born dead in today's world. These would be nothing peruasivos called for the rich owners of the means of production. Would be based on fantasies. Now we know, nobody does business with the poor third world employees to harmonize human conviviality, much less want to bear armies of famished and illiterate employees. It seems that in no way is the way forward.

What is the route then?

Borrowed money to invest in training people to produce competitively for global markets and economies still live in more restrictive specifications that could ensure a less terrifying future. But all this, has no semblance of reality, are just simple ideas, of a single thinker who rejects the history and destiny, a victim of modernity and its excesses, immersed in a global economy disperses semblance of reality ... Without notice of reality !

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