sábado, 8 de febrero de 2014


In a globalized and the world we inhabit , the large village , misnamed land becomes a series of ephemeral insignificant huts lost in the immensity of the asphalt jungles, transmutation themselves in vile grotezcas copies of all those in truth rule the beautiful blue , green and white planet ...

Culture water planet , for many decades , was composed by the sum of all its components, we were a whole, although the Tower of Babel , apparently kept us isolated from each other . In our aspirations was going towards the unity of humanity disque , to build a world without borders , with one universal language, with a single identity . However the cultural variety of all these marked differences enclosed a thread that constituted at once, our immense wealth galactica ...

However, with the penetration of mass communication systems , especially those in the Television , in all its forms , punctuated with false economic models , the direction we were still healthy identity and union , walked away , leaving a dominant ideology arise and highly morbid uniformity , coming primarily from looters countries now direct the destinies of our big spaceship ...

Globalization , in those seemingly supported communication media are bringing thereto, and the insistent attempt oradar setpoint to the weaker countries, not only on the financial aspects , but even interfering dramatically in the most sacred contents are cultural , who had granted them some identity throughout its existence ...

Already suspected and intuited that the world was heading towards uniformity of criteria, especially the consumer and preferably the global enejenacion . Referrals do people live outside herself: In cosmetics, in surgery, the implants in colas , on fries, on burgers , in alcohol. And now more recently in marijuana official by the largest Empire ...

In a matter of decades , people in blue - green planet, we have been engaged in a preference trend led by large transnational consortia proposing , through the media , a number of files , disque , more informative than that otherwise, intended to lead to uniformity trends minds, for purposes only of political and commercial financial enejenacion ...

For quite some time , we all witnessed the television and make believe to new generations and old - also that their cultures are nothing compared to the cultures of the powerful countries . Indicate to the mass audience , by all television media , they
are victorious , their insignificant countries are nothing others.Lifestyle electronic media and their biased commentators, every day, trying to convince the millions of viewers , through reports and covert advertising channels that their ideologies are the best and perceptions and interpretations of reality are at a much higher level to all those who do not profess . And it was so , through the sustained and continuous repetition , as people begin to convince , day by day , that truly are the others, the powerful, the carrying best values ​​them, that their cultures are superior to of others and about others. As if sostuvieramos yet the Kingdom of Egypt , it was awesome or that the Roman or Aztec or Inca. These empires were also supported in lies, gadgets, falsehoods imposed by a few that ultimately caused praises and also freaked people. Cultures were also grounded in values ​​frivolous and without support. Decayed and perished when their sacred cultural symbols disrupted when attacked human archetypes , authorized intoxicated debauchery and his wise men , Quetzalcoatl, as an example, another Cleopatra , Caligula another one , Ay !

The mass media , product globalization , is also met your goals alienating the time, his mission : Make live all alienated way of forcing and pressuring families to consume harmful values ​​for the psychic health ... Beings globalized world , we give the impression of living as dormant , but apparently our haggard faces give the impression that we are awake and making us believe that we live immersed in a pleasant and humane world, without ever really tell that we are being pressured to daily to enter that club dead bury their dead ...

When you visit and meet the countries of hegemonic cultures, dominating , and live with them a while, you can see that although globalization , whether benefiting in so - and of course, if you take advantage of all - , also has led to depersonalize , losing their identity and warmth . They have become victims of the same that have produced and built , hence needing urgent legalize any toxic as to escape the harsh reality imposed on everyone, but it also affects : Culture of mirrors , where everything is a simple reflex without sustenance , nothing belongs to them , everything is disposable , including the most intimate relationships. That's what the world of globalizing systems, unemployment, hunger of many, the mental affectation , the assumptions , the reflections of the nonexistent , the redundant symbols of the Olympics of super guarded , the false and ephemeral victories ... a culture devoid of content, an alienated world that have made them believe that they develop and that really happens as squirrels go round and round endlessly in his tub , forward thinking running in circles with no end ...

If at some future generation were to ask when the kaleidoscopic humanity of the twenty-first century was lost , would have to leave settled it was when the future became the past and the poor management of mass media , we did not realize the dangers this raised , leaving aside the dignified and constructive both for us and for our neighbors in endless circles ..

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