viernes, 30 de agosto de 2013


Of that size are more recent statements about a possible U.S. intervention in the territory of Bashar Assad ... Syria is a very important Arab territory from the shores of the Mediterranean sea that borders countries of great relevance to countless interests of world powers : Iraq to the east , Jordan Isrrael and the south, Lebanon in the west and Turkey to the north ... England already distanced himself from a possible attack on the Syrians , the wills of Lords did not reach an agreement by 285 votes against 272 votes. The shadows of the past were present and forced the English minister to timeout issues humanism and to avoid precipitation as committed in the Iraq war , to their eternal support U.S. allies in an adventure of high economic and polìticos ...

In the North American country , you are confident with and without the UN report that evidence of the use of chemical weapons against civilians , and are more than proven that even them through their intelligence services already knew in advance . Reports ¨ Ban Ki moon report can not say anything we do not know and ¨ : 1429 civilians dead, including 426 children because of the bombs dropped on the outskirts of Damascus by Syrian government orders ...

The Obama administration , is provided by analyzing whether or not to beat the drums of war unilaterally and unleashed an armed action in the West against Syria ...

Everything points to military intervention , since such weapons , would put the first world power in very grave danger because of intense terrorist activity prevailing in the Arab world against ...

Just as China , Russia and Iran , supported the regime of Bashar by different interests and very juicy and shopping geographic position of goods , including armaments , twim the United States can not allow chemical weapons attack which we could as a large fixed white terrorist attacks short and medium term and enable the defeat of his allies always , the people of Isrrael ... ALL WILL OCCUR aND VERY FAST WAY ! WIN Shiites or Sunnis ? All monkeys playing with grenades seem to harm the whole world ...

(Minute information: The type of attacks as of August 21 are a "threat" to U.S. national security, also for allies like Israel, Turkey and Jordan, according to Obama .... "We will not the world is paralyzed. many think they should do something, but nobody wants to do it, "he mused ..." We can not accept a world in which women, children and innocent civilians are gassed, "he said ... the president of the United Barack Obama said today that military action is evaluating a "limited" in Syria would not "compromise" long-term war and sending troops, but said it is studying "a wide range" of options with their advisors Obama made ​​it clear ... that the chemical weapons attack on August 21 on the outskirts of Damascus and the United States attributed to the Syrian regime will not go unanswered because, in their view, represents a "challenge to the world" . added that the military and security advisers team are studying a "full range" of options and continue consultations with both Congress and with U.S. international allies.) ...

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