domingo, 15 de septiembre de 2013


Oh my children , oh my children ! They were bitter groans and cries of the Llorona , the first woman who gave birth to a product generated by two races : the indigenous and Spanish . Legend has it that it was a lost soul wandering the streets at night in search of their children who had drowned in the river for revenge, betrayal because he violated a Spanish soldier and father of children who changing it had betrayed her for another woman.
Let me tell you something about the month of September, major national month in my country : It is precisely at this time, September 15 , which in 1810 conducted a conspiracy against the Spanish government had subdued my country for 300 long years. History tells us that people with legal and academic background, carried out a plan regardless of the Spanish monarchy . It was in the town of Dolores Hidalgo, a Creole father from the pulpit of his church deliverer screamed back then :Long live the King Fernando VII , long live the Virgin of Guadalupe and death to the Spaniards! At that time began the war of independence that would give us the mestizos Mexican homeland ...
But history is not always as indeed narrated the events occurred , Father Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla , precisely because it is a native , wanted to give opportunity to those of his caste in Mexican indigenous land . The Creoles had no access to positions of leadership because the Spanish born in Spain were those that had priority over control of the territory of New Spain . Father Hidalgo struggled to push their class , American-born Spanish . Everything was provided by the French invasion of Spain , making her King prisoner at the hands of Joseph Bonaparte : That was considered the external cause . And internally, the great discontent of the Creoles and mixed race that had grown in number. Just that the priest Hidalgo , the great mob of indigenous peasants was overflowed and within days were many and his followers started a revolutionary movement that would end 11 years after the attempt to integrate not only the new Spain to the Creoles but the Mexico that we have all tried to grow and develop since then , until today. But in life one thing is planned and another , what the dynamic process allows and authorizes existential one has proposed and life : what began as an attempt to change of power by a cry , went to stop a way of creating a new nation , which until today, we have to accept , not to be realized definitively and accurately despite all attempts of people of good will and absolute surrender ... the cries and groans and Mèxico wails of today , are the hundreds of thousands of Mexican mothers of all socioeconomic levels daily screaming every corner :Oh my children , oh my children ! missing in Mexico unbalanced, stripped and cracked by a handful of rogue , dishonest, treacherous mourn those mothers make for their children as if they were crazy women , wandering and grieving daily on all sides by the outburst of their loved ones in Mexico do not just join as a nation overall identity and own for all its inhabitants that make up ... what have we to celebrate this holiday season in September homelands in a country of murders , kidnappings , betrayals and disappearances , where there is no prevailing law to make justice prevail and can live in freedom, peace and tranquility to its residents ? ...
La Llorona , with their cries , groans and lamentations , not just a myth or legend , today , in my country is so palpable reality that is lived in the flesh daily in thousands of millions of homes where children , children of all , are disappearing as drowning in the depths of the rivers where we have allowed all murdered hunger, deprivation , betrayals and injustices :Live Mèxico , death to traitors and make a new nation together! . Oh.. my children , oh my children ! ...

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