viernes, 15 de junio de 2012


In today's world of globalization, the transformation sociopolìticaseconòmicas countries can no longer be seen exclisivamente locally. In fact even given the changes and have always obeyed both internal and external factors. At least, this has happened in our country: The missionaries asked Cortés to Charles V, to evangelize the Indians, in their zeal to protect them, always kept them as minors. They realized quickly that the psychology of the defeated, called for a lot of protection and shelter. The Tlatoanis Aztecs, they were like their parents and the Indians were prevented from being autonomous and managers of their own destiny.

It was not until several centuries for most of the defeated Indians, will merge with the conquerors, emerging mestizos, and could be stripped of their customs, ideas and prejudices, and their idolatry by the powerful, as to leave the lot of superstitions and fears that constituted, always, serious obstacles to its progress and advancement ...

It was not until 1810, transciciones century, thanks to ideas from the European continent, in which a group of French intellectuals proposed changing the world at all levels and whose ideas were capitalized by a small group of local people awake than Mexico ventured out of their almost, eternal slumber.

Of course, had to face the established system and all interests created through centuries of subjugation and as rightly said by the French philosophers: ¨ The world must be governed by intellect, by reason, not by fears or manipulative ¨ theological ideas.

It was not easy this task, because the prevailing persecution, killings and imprisonment. They claimed the French thinkers: ¨ We are born good but society corrupts us ¨. And they added: ¨ Happiness is not in the past or done what God wants, it is possible to find happiness on earth, doing what we we want ¨ ...

Meanwhile, the huge Voltaire, violent ideological campaigns launched to arouse his followers. His thoughts helped trigger revolutions in various parts of the globe, said: ¨ We must rid ourselves of all the absurdities and follies that we have installed ¨ kings. And denounced his own protector Frederick the Great of Prussia. The thrust of that thinker was the hatred of lies and falsehood, but however, defended the right to speak among men: ¨ I do not agree with any of the words you say, but defend to the death your right to ¨ Court to say them ...

The reasons that led to the independence of Mexico, some were intrinsic: economic inequality, social and political equality between social classes. Limitations in commercial transactions by Spain. And the extrinsic reasons: Decline of the Spanish empire, due to its backwardness in modern ideas, the influence of the French Enlightenment, the independence of the United States and the French Revolution, and the intervention of Great Britain and the United States to promote enmancipaciòn of Hispanic countries and of course, the French invasion of Spain.

 In Mexico today, and urge socioeconomìcaspolìticas transformations within the internal factors, we have: An eternal inequality in the distribution and use of wealth and thus a great and profound social inequality, very rude, grotesque and offensive and that might give rise to new and threatening conflicts and even civil war for survival ... This, despite the wealthy require the signature of agreements of civility to the leftist candidate for president of the country.

The main reasons external interference would be the countries investors have in the country. But perhaps a very decisive factor would be the one who plays our nearest northern neighbor, since the presence in 1824 by Mr. Joel Roberts Poinsset and the creation of the Masonic Lodges of great intrigue, succeeded disengage from Europe, exposing the Mexican more appalling miseries for a while. I would not be for others to mention that at that time, our country was installed in the chaos, no one could restore peace. And it all came to complicate the occasion of the election season: There were two candidates, the pointer, Manuel Gomez Pedraza and Vicente Guerrero great liberator. Manuel won the election, but the disgruntled supporters of Guerrero promoted a rebellion Agreed. It had everything: Looting of stores, murders, detained, disappeared. Gomez Pedraza left the country and Congress was forced to accept the triumph of illegal insurgent Vicente Guerrero. But that was endorsed by the Masonic Lodge of the Yorkists, same as Poinsset helped intensify.

The strong interference of the empire of the earth, in our internal affairs, was expanded with the defeat of 1848 in which were subject to numerous agreements and authorizations shameful secret, treacherous abaladas by the great Santa Anna, who was eternally sustained by the foolish and shortsighted wealthy upper classes and the country. Since that time, everything that happens in socioeconòmicapòlìtica, Mexico, must be supervised and sanctioned by the political classes of the Empire.

The times of immense Abraham Lincoln, are surprising. He succeeds in reorganizing the Republican Party. It was a great man, of humble origin and never lost contact with his people. He was the President to protest against the war of aggression against Mexico. Banned slavery and the slave. Always fought for unity. He was responsible for an important definition of democracy: ¨ THE GOVERNMENT OF THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE AND FOR THE PEOPLE ¨ ...

Perhaps it is time for politicians of the powerful northern country, accept that we can carry out the transformation of Mexico and not in awe, or worry, but for what it is: The right to be more civic and equal under the rule of law. Being well we will also be able to be them.

We require sound understanding of the high command of our powerful neighbors, because today in Mexico, let's face it, there is no sign that the promise of tranquility will descend upon our native soil, and besides, will be granted so easily. It is very necessary that our powerful neighbors abet us take a step forward, because all the Mexicans are willing to pay a service before he died and as suggested Voltaire: ¨ All I can see seems to sow the seed abundance of a revolution inevitably emerge someday, but I will not have the pleasure to behold. The French are always late to things, but within reach. The light spreads from one neighbor to another, so that the first time there will be a splendid burst. then a shock will occur rarely. Happy young people who see good things ¨ ...

Mexicans, not just learned: As Independence, as in the Reformation, as in the failed revolution, now we are back in open conflict: Conservatives and Liberals. Do you require other foreign intervention?

Hopefully, in the meeting of 20, President Obama, orient properly and our greatest human and representative and just had an act of great humanity with our young migrants do think conservatives and liberals of our country and encourage them to create a better Mexico that greatly benefit both countries ...

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