viernes, 29 de junio de 2012

Are two Mexicos?

Mexicans are coming to a dead end: It requires the creation of new structures and that the Constitution will make a series of changes which come all and not one is living in a Mexico that favors exclusive only to wealthy and powerful who all handled eternal and who never can be called to account.

Our problems seem to have gone before becoming a matter of respect for boundaries: Glad you compete in a presidential election several candidates, that means there is a democratic dynamic, but also ought to be possible to close the final contest two candidates in a second and final round. Voters could then elect the candidate that they could identify more with their project in a more clear and precise. Many countries in the world practice this option, thus avoiding polarization, conflict and division and fragmented post-election grievances. That is, there would be a winner that truly represent the interests of the majority. Perhaps, this is a future task of the Federal Electoral Institute. Meanwhile, our actions and decisions, are being limited by the same constitution that governs us and we must understand that if we change it, you have to do the same constitutional means and not by force, as it seems everything starts to point. That is the dead end and represents a boundary question to which we are dangerously arriving.

Mexico is divided for almost six years: the current conservative political party in power, supposedly, won the presidency with a margin of voters. In another country, truly democratic, that result would have dealt a second round of voting defining. In ours, it could not happen, because the legislature most, I did not, nor has it covered. Excision and polarity, were the disastrous results and thus an administration of crazy, full of incompetent, corrupt, trinqueteros, raises false and liars.

The worst case is that in our country, similar situations have already happened on several occasions and not just Mexicans to learn:
The economic situation in the years 1827 - 1829 was of helplessness and disastrous. At that would add a huge upheaval when the time came for the presidential election. Three candidates were General Vicente Guerrero, Mnuel Gomez Pedraza and Anastasio Bustamante. Taking place the vote, found that the majority of the votes corresponding to General Gomez Pedraza. Warrior in the second and Bustamante in the third. The political aspirations of those characters, divided the country: No one could believe that the insurgent hero, had lost the election. No one agreed with the results. The election was denounced as a sham: A poor and illiterate people are intoxicated with pulque and brandy and led them to vote according to previous instructions.

The warmongers rose: Santa Anna did in Oaxaca, was a good friend of Vicente Guerrero. The revolt spread throughout the country. The insurgents took possession of the police building Agreed. In Mexico City is locked in major combat in December 1828. Gomez Pedraza who decided to leave the country. There was looting throughout the city, shouting: Long live Lobato Guerrero! Experience the rush me! .. Doors of shops were broken. They stole jewelry, shop windows were destroyed. It is difficult to give an idea of ​​that banditry and rebellion.

The situation in Mexico was so unbalanced that foreign countries stopped trading with our country. Vicente Guerrero was deposed by declaring Congress ¨ ¨ unable to govern. General Bustamante took over the presidency and that was greeted with jubilation by the majority of the representatives who were warmongers. Liberal Party was founded. There were complications when I debug the tables admnistrativos Bustamante government of Guerrero, dismissing several governors and lawmakers, the number of malcontents. Civil strife intensified by the year 1831 and in 1832 was unbearable: The conspiracy succeeded and on multiple occasions, the President may have been killed. The banishments, executions and imprisonments were the order of the day, the repression was brutal. Vicente Guerrero was captured and killed. The church was stripped of its monopoly on education. The Conservatives, with so much confusion, prepared and organized to take power.

Time passed and intelligent Mexicans began to despair. It seemed that the whole country fell apart and disintegrated to anarchy and chaos. The Yucatan peninsula was virtually independent under self-government liberal. The Yucatan decided to stay away from Mexico, while not allowed to use their own resources and will help them financially. In 1841 they created their own legislature and integrated into an independent repùbilca. The Constitution of 1824 had many limitations and did not allow for more ...

The Mexicans, in the XXI century, we installed again in the same absurd and without giving much consideration, we are moving towards a confrontation and division that could accommodate either a civil war.

It is not possible, this is no time to impose any candidate with the exlusion of the followers of others. Now there pulque, but there are electronic cards that invite the vote forced and manipulated to try to get the car completely. There are already very many Mexicans fed up, tired of so much abuse, manipulation and false promises. You need to find spaces for expression and dynamics that allow the healthy breath of all. We had lived through times of war with the condition that no one died, but things had changed dramatically in this government and go crazy and more than 65 thousand dead. People are willing to make war, what happened in the tough neighborhood of Tepito is a clear example of this: If the attack and rob them of their food-the pretext may be the least of it, they can also counteract the bad is that desperate and cornered and undertaken against innocent people. The war without death, no longer exists. Birth without labor pains, no. Death without suffering, either. We are leading the tribes and want to manipulate them at all costs, to suppress and circumvent them. Conservatives believe that wealthy and can keep frozen in time ...

Will we be able to blend all Mexicans, forming new combinations, creating a new constitution which all come, to come out and be assisted, respecting the election or we are at the threshold of the low tolerance where lurks the face of barbarism ?

The only thing you now know, a few hours of an election very uneven and inequitable, prevalent in the population a sense chimeric fully defined without a form, which is watching us and leads us to: two Mexicos?

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