domingo, 17 de febrero de 2013

The Experience Lived

Our universal culture that frames the entire planet with respect to the cosmos, is characterized by a dislocation and fragmentation.The vast majority of so-called human, show great interest in images, the superficial and the ephemeral, it has fallen into an uproar. It systematically rejects the traditional philosophical search for unity, order, coherence and reality. What underlies all phenomena that surround us and give meaning to our lives, are being discarded.Since several decades, the nature of knowledge, has been changing gradually, to the extent that substantial information to our human development, has been marginalized. Knowledge now legitimized not by appealing to their truth or their ability to accurately represent what exists objectively. It appeals to their efficiency and the service we can render to the set of vested interests: more talk of inputs, consumption or products that are the goals toward which the world moves daily at breakneck speed regardless of the damages that will cause: Everything is replaceable and disposable ... That is the dislocation! Be completely out of place ...And fragmentation, is closely related and according to the time factor was considered as a constant flow, uniform and objective way. That time, was regarded as past, present and future. But now, we live in a subjective reality and virtual, where there is no nexus between the present, past and future. That's the entrance to the stage where everything is broken, cracked or split: A world installed in a series of perpetual presents and dislocated constrastarlos no longer possible or the past or the future. The idea that there is, there is no objective reality, because of the ephemeral and artificial presented to us in our everyday lives, they see that reality as nonexistent, spooky, and with doubts is it true what we have or represent?These images via internet television images or fragments that are only fragmentation Total pictures to be taken for valid essence necessarily What? And the relief of human suffering can never be achieved?Our bodies today, are a true reflection of fragmented images that bombard us daily. We seek ideality of these images reflected in us and that leads us to suffer endless doubts, trapped in mental mazes trying to get answers that may never be answered: deadly trap that leads to mismatches and multiple mental disorders that most suffers from long time ...Have we lost our original desires, our own desires?We live in a tangle installed both images and languages ​​that have taken over our privacy, our pursuit of our own desires, our ... Our unconscious essences are saturated with a series of images and languages ​​outside our structures human, where metaphor and relationships designating one thing with the name of another, and we can rescue. We are cut off from ourselves! We painted on the surface in the contingent, we are on the edge of madness ...Perhaps, it is high time that we return to the experience of the things themselves, as presented in the actual experience above theories or systems or devices intended to present the factual world as they think it should be, leaving aside the entirely lost in the dislocation and fragmentation, as if we were outside the intent of our own consciences ...Consciousness has the property of being or be directed toward something: Intentionality. That's what we
grants causality. Without this feature, consciousness would not be such: there are things in the world, not just the virtual or the observed televised or online, it's not all real. We are forgetting and boring the wonderful world that surrounds us. We are forgetting our true feelings with others. We are forgetting that it presented refers beyond itself. We are forgetting the hidden parts of what is behind everything and that is not seen but it does exist: life itself! Life requires our involvement and intentional self-description that gives us transcendental experiences: What really is seen and felt by the observer and that includes human interpretive vitality interirores showing our, ours, the essentially human, leaving him sidelined given existing simulated: I dislocated and fragmented that it promotes artificial or manipulated, both ideas and things that kills temporality distinguishes us from other species, the only witnesses being aware of everything and everyone .. .Human freedom, gives us a great opportunity to become aware of the choice. It is the very basis of our actions in the world of affairs. Also leads us to see what is not there and in doing so, we exist and we must be able to choose ... I mean, being active and participatory and sensitive, we are responsible for our actions and that is what gives meaning to our lives. ..Out of our human suffering, is to re-owning our existence, is to choose a dignified death at every moment conscious and orient toward the use of our freedom day by day, every moment, breaking the temporary fragmentation, returning the past to help the future and when we choose, we're done with the past from the present to meet a brighter future that we speak from our own experience of life ...

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