miércoles, 1 de mayo de 2013


... And now, a very special visit to my country: The president of Americans. Important character of the contemporary world ...

It is the first time you visit Mèxico officially, but yes is the first meeting with the President emerged from the Institutional Revolutionary Party, PRI.

In the bilateral agenda by both leaders, apparently, there is no significant surprise, will address issues related to border security, combating drugs, arms sales, the issue of migrants, joint cooperation agreements And we could add many more topics ... Everything obviously cairìa within the realm of speculation and assumptions, not even possible to make an absolute prediction in any way, we sometimes think that such official visits are Step mere courtesy and protocol. Never believed that something serious may pose or fix a situation neither transcendent talk-time of one and a half with their recreational-breaks and visits, especially to sign something that had not already arrived prior settlement, analyzed and decided by all Americans will be expert advisors. But say, and giving benefit of the doubt and accept that things are as we would have us believe, would say that my poor country, Mexico, is going through one of the extremely serious crisis of credibility and stability, which have proliferated to leaps and bounds, drug trafficking, organized crime in all its facets and gang warfare, police and armed forces of the nation, all framed in severe problems of unemployment and hungry on the basis of the great pyramid of wailing and tragedies, corruption and dishonesty of many political leaders across the country ...

Seen this way, of course a visit from the president more powerful in the world represents an invaluable opportunity to request assistance in many lines and areas of insufficient Mexican political administration ...

But the truth is that things are not so, there has never been such a help and if instead Mèxico countless abuses and disadvantages for us. We have always had to pay and by far, the differences with the powerful northern neighbor. There's the story, the informations for clarification, to make clear that of hardships to which we have had to face polìticos whenever the Americans, they do not seem the forms and ways of behaving and being of Mexicans. It's pitiful to say it, but serious historiography, does not lie, only points and remember: So far from God and so close to the United States!

American politicians never contemplate that in an attack on his country, which is now very feasible, Mèxico involved and would be seriously harmed. For example, if North Korea launched a missile atomic, that aggression would also include our native soil. There is nothing dangerous or harmful that could happen to our neighbors not included us immediately and we also irreversible.

In 1847, we were defeated by the U.S. embarrassingly and shamefully say, not for the efforts of our soldiers and the people who were glorious, but by the treacherous and inept leaders, as the submissive and scoundrel of Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna who never had modesty of their crimes to the homeland ... The February 2, 1848 in Guadalupe Hidalgo was signed, the peace treaty: Texas, New Mexico and Alta California became the power of the neighboring Republic. The United States in full might lift, a government with strong institutions and well-armed and disciplined army, opposed to a lower adversary weapons discipline and a people mired in poverty, hunger and disorganization discords, filled with hatred and resentment. Of course, that treaties included the defeat and determined to suffer subjection to our days: Underdevelopment, nationalization oil and energy equipment and convenience mode of the victors. Political and economic control absolute transcendent issues. We have always known that entrepreneurs are polìticos and Americans who have a determining influence to place the Presidents of Mèxico.

So What is an official visit of a day and a half as of May 2?

For anything and for much: For anything, because everything is provided Mexicans said and agreed, like it or not, and because little could be done that could change the course of their control over us and our country. And for reference purposes much because America going through a very serious econòmica sociopolitical debacle: Its ideological backbone is crossing the conflict of modern globalized world, where the major faults are cut, educational, cultural and philosophical. It is no longer a confrontation with socialist or communist countries or the cold war. But to deal with other powerful and ancient cultures with solid roots entrenched in their beliefs and they do not accept at all the opening to modernity ...

Everything points in the not too distant future, the United States in direct confrontation with a non-Western world, which in fact has already been raised within their own territory on several occasions: first the collapse of the Twin Towers in New York- self attack or not, but blamed activists who profess Islam, and more recently with the bombings of Boston-by young believers of Islam also, that started off pain, paranoia and deeply unsettled ... Externally with the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and possibly in a short future, against Iran and North Korea.

Ideas such as democracy, global market, equality, separation of religious beliefs with state affairs, liberty, individualism and human rights are not well accepted by those people who are reluctant to fully open and modernist. These cultures do not accept as universal values ​​from Western countries. Radically opposed to it and only identify with the values ​​of their own cultures.

United States get into everything, by his stance of democracy, freedom, equality, individualism and human rights. No respect those who do not agree and may have different views, for example, to the relationship with God and man, with authority or with the hierarchy. Entrepreneurs and American polìticos, pushing the world toward consumerism and implement valid philosophical trends in its territory, which respects free enterprise, not monopolies and paid employees well. But that is not true in other countries, and to implement their theories, through education and the mass media, it passes over the traditions and respect for intimate roots of life and try to eliminate these sources primary ancestral identity. Such policies alienating educaciòn consumerist and stimulate reactions and give rise to conflict and confrontation dinamic ...

United States, in its own territory, is highly fragmented and polarized and that's leading them to a rupture of unity, but try to make the international community believe otherwise, it turns out that they taught to be free, who imbued concepts of equality, democracy and individualism, are the same as the attack because they want to make use of the benefits of modernity that gives them the new modern country, but make use, itself in its freedom and individualism, democratically-principles bàsicos of ideology-American, to take up and return to the values ​​of their own cultures that give them identity and manipulatively communion of which were cruelly and brutally snatched. The American identity, is more focused on Superman, Batman, in the Super Friends, in the virtual, on special effects.

Is there an alternative other than the missiles, chemical and biological weapons or terrorist attacks?

United States has to defend every day more and that's not going to do with the fragmentation in their society and what worked for some time making their slaves immigrants believe in the American dream that anything could try and if failed, they could go back to try again and be filled with hope, it all ended with the appearance of other non-Western economies strong and indiscriminately engaged in piracy and the sale of high tecnology and destructive arms within a humanity broken off, corrupt, dishonest, exhausted and impoverished in the structure of essential human values, making them victims of the same as sown ...

Latin America is a large block of single majority profile and would be very desirable for polìticos and American businessmen were adapted with all its economic and military power and not to exploit and subjugate our cultures, but to provide education, social security and balance, because that way people that big block twin, could also provide them security and peace of mind they need and crave in a world so troubled sponsored and encouraged by their own mistakes, misperceptions and abusive tendencies ...

Mèxico and Mexicans, could be a great start of this new philosophical and ideological stance of human rights, freedom, justice and democracy worthy ...

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