martes, 7 de mayo de 2013


We opened my eyes to life, suddenly appear before an immense universe: People, animals, cars, noises, some plants, some trees and if we turn to heaven someday, we will run into the day with the sun, at night , with the moon and stars ... happend to be like those lab monkeys after newborns are subjected to a long imprisonment, without getting to know the outside world, to one day be taken by researchers to a free Surrounded by trees, plants, grass and herbs and the poor are left to contemplate with amazement, the vastness of the outer space, unable to do much ... So it ', too with us ...

Of course, in the outside world, all this surrounded by angry, evil demons and ghosts elusive that descend to earth to cause suffering, pain and many deaths to the simple men and women of this plane. But it is also said, and so we ensure all mythologies, that in heaven the gods dwell though not visible to anyone, the blessed and the saints speak to them: Those gods, they say, shine like tiny sparks in the darkness of the eternal night ...

The fact is that for nearly 14 billion years, we were integrating, based on hydrogen and leading to an incandescent star. That star, orange and yellow agglutinated many other celestial bodies. The structure of your location, we did squeeze in third place cosmic chemical elements gave way to increasingly more sophisticated ways, ranging from very simple to more and more complicated and it was through a long march of five billion years or so , which began our evolution as inorganic molecules that were first grouped to form small chains sprouting of them combined organic our vital spark in the environment ...

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