viernes, 3 de mayo de 2013


There is no doubt that the American president, proves to be a great character and a great vision scopes universal issues about politics and not economic, but psychosocial issues high level: YOUR FUTURE IS WRITTEN BY THE FINGER GOD (National Anthem) ... DEMOCRACY IS THE FATE OF MANKIND (Benito Juàrez) ... MEXICO IS A MIXTURE OF CULTURES YOU SEE IN DIEGO RIVERA, Frida Kahlo and OCTAVIO PAZ ...

By now a good time, that we were not Mexicans so pleasantly shocked by a President of the United States, as we have been in these two short days.

Of course the agreements on security, economic cooperation, Educaciòn, common growth and momentum for immigration reform, are of great importance for all Mexicans. But above all that, this attitude of trust and commitment in a pop Mèxico many lines to help develop their Naciòn, where many millions of Mexicans come together and join forces and for daily within the United States.

Listen to part of a president so important that both Mexicans and Americans must leave behind stereotypical thoughts, leave aside old mentalities and we focus course to new realities, it seems simple or only part of a condescending speech or benevolent, but it is not are signs of a new vision of bilateral relationship the two countries and expressed by the top leader of the Americans.

If, in Mèxico, many think and believe that most politicians and many U.S. employers, impose their will and their mandates over our sovereign will. Also we are knowledgeable and are well aware of the distortions that the tabloids northern neighbor, point and point in their headlines to try to present the image of a wild Mèxico criminalized. But it is very comfortable voice heard on this important President, that does not seek to isolate us or exclude us, but on the contrary, it recognizes that the Mexican men and women, we have made every effort to be at the height of a world modernized and we have tried to sacrifice to raise the quality of life of future generations. And there came another great sign for our young scholars and creative, he referred to them as the makers and builders of the progress of our country and cited the immense literature Nobel Prize in 1990 saying that modernity is not outside but within us and that Youth have to take our nation to occupy its rightful place in the world. He is also an invitation to Mexican youth to prepare themselves in the United States and carry out student exchanges between the two countries ...

Mexicans do not want to stagnate in old and ancient cultural stereotypes that hinder our shared neighborhood, now will just have to wait for the results of such actions and apparent good and fruitful meeting ... Another great Mexican, said: ¨ someday will race these soils cosmic ¨ ... It may well be among our Latin American, Canadians, Asians and Pacific Americans ... Hopeful and comforting visit with an excellent shot at the beautiful and attractive Museum of Anthropology: ¨ YOU HAVE THE GREATEST FRIEND, THE NATION THAT ALWAYS SUPPORT YOUR SUCCESS, YOUR NEIGHBOR, USA, VIVA MEXICO! VIVA AMERICA! GOD BLESS ...

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