sábado, 13 de julio de 2013


Be aware about ourselves, has been a major task of the human being through all time ... That kind of activity, most of the time, and it has proved extremely embarrassing, boring and very expensive ... Life is a succession of scenes in motion, spaces or scenarios where nothing is advised before us and everything can be converted at any time, in comedy, drama or tragedy and yet, the world continues its inexorable march inside the dimension time. Everything we do is personal story and many times, but most of them are not even written by us ... We live in a hectic world where people have gained great existential tensions that alien beings are transformed into their own experiences and wills and in many cases, this type of behavior, are transformed into delicate problems of mental and physical health: Noise, routine, poor social stability, economic and very little peace and rest. Moreover, at present, the psychological aspects resolute, escacean, being that psychology is life itself and it is from the mind that give rise to genuine personal story, emotions station ... While we are big fans of social kaleidoscope, we can never choose to become aware of ourselves, much less transform our social or family ... But if we move from mere spectators to players, we already installed in a sensational decisive action: Theater psychotherapeutic ... Since the human being appears as such, there are theatrical performances, able to provide insight and behavioral changes aimed at changing not only the environment, but of themselves. It make use of the scenic resources of causing spontaneous fun and relaxation and rehabilitation focused introspection. Through simple exercises and simple, develop characters that embody the emotionality: laugh, get angry, mourn. It starts artificially and spontaneously and then manages to discover the hidden in ourselves ... With that playful theatrical activity, esposible attack both human suffering: Improved self-esteem, develop social skills, overcomes shyness, power is achieved public speaking, are overcome depressive tendencies, encourages creativity, it teaches the grumpy laugh ... This kind of psychological drama and evidence also influences different reactions in viewers cathartic ... It's great fun and is much more exciting than conventional oral therapies ... it can and play with the problematic exclusive and obstaculizantes: Being creative children once again, is awareness of ourselves in a much more creative without hesitation or stereotypes absoluita enjoying freedom ... In psychotherapeutic practice tool of immense JL Moreno, I remember having several experienciaas experiential in my training as a therapist: I was at his Institute in New York in a psychodrama introductory talk. It was something very new and surprising: a play spontaneous free, only some preliminary indications that resulted in a highly realistic scenes and drama ... ¨ I ¨ The auxiliary (scenic therapists) and the director of the plot (therapist owner) did revive a person familiar events so we hit on all viewers, making us feel many moods at different levels: there were those who wept and shuddered to identify with the psychodynamics representative ... My other experience was with myself, when Dr. Jesus Rodriguez Rico, I distinguished the professional way to assist me in the center of psychodrama in the DF for several months: One of my performances was in another bigger simulated passenger in a scenario where the 'I' assistants were doing the role of passengers. Psicoteatral exercise was found out what people thought of me ... When Dr Rico, backstage, I told him that I cared to know that was what people thought of me and about me. It was then radio show host and panelist on a television program on Channel 9 Television. The exercise was very revealing: My presence to other people, they do not say much while he was in the truck, the passengers were doing their thing and I take mine without awaken any particular concern or interest. When Dr. Rico I lowered the truck course, no one said anything about my presence ... Conclusion: I was a nobody! Jjajajajja I laughed about it all afternoon while musing with myself about my supposed importance. again .. I never matter what people may or may not say about me, to get rid of that false assumption, I felt that my creativity more and now came to the opinion of others, I jajjajaja worth a reverend radish ...

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