domingo, 14 de octubre de 2012


Everything we do and respond from a background context that sustains us. We are the same fund without even realizing it. We all have a fund and operate from it; bring and conduct ourselves from him. The world has its own background: A great informative manipulation attempt against the planet and a massive production of unnecessary items that nullify our authentic development as a species. It requires power, money, fame, whatever the cost, and no one settles for less. These are the principles that guide the world from remote tiempos.Y the large base of the fund "universal human" is envy, competition desgrarradora, nothing to do with love and forgiveness and the peaceful coexistence of Christianity: The church threatens his followers with the application of penalties, excommunications and penance. Other religions severe restrictions and prohibitions apply them to foster fear and guilt all his followers. That's his background, from operating there, why not give them any work requiring tithes or donations to their hungry fans, as long grip on power celestial say they attend. They also sell their parishioners intangibles: Paradise, immortality, reincarnation ...They have lost faith and hope in the future. New age movements, no exception, failed all their false promises of being waived, and the return to nature that we were born to never ever again to respect: Yoga, meditation, Zen, all failed whole. Beings we have become hypocrites, cynical, irresponsible and deceitful, dishonest, manipulative, false, crooks, treacherous ...In building the material world - Did creation! - We lost our identity, what we identify with ourselves and the more we grew our power over matter, the more we begin to feel powerless in our individual lives and in our relationship with our peers and society itself. And worse, get caught in a set of absurd pseudo posed by leaders who have been leading to the loss of the man himself, to the loss of our deepest essences: We have become slaves and faithful servants of the same as we built with our own hands and minds, serving as aberrant, bizarre and absurd: The second building has already replaced the first by Divine energies - that abound throughout the known universe-far, far behind. ..The passage of nomadism, toward a sedentary lifestyle, the development of agriculture and livestock, resulted in very complex societies that had to be organized and gave birth to the concepts of culture and civilization and that, precisely, we missed: The first began Down to end human spirituality. It started to get complicated. The population became a significant increase seudodirigentes and had to invent endless lies that have given rise to the concentration camp in which we now live and survive.All of us, we were touring professionals vague whole earth. We wandered at least 50,000 thousand years and only at 10,000 thousand of sedentary, have caused a number of problems, especially those related to the monopolies of wealth and the manipulation of information, we have to despair and extinction.The transfondos, exclude us, both produced and directed by the system, such as our own, created and installed by our trainers, do not leave, almost nothing outside these contexts, it is used a lot with much malice, repression and exclusion , which may be uncertain, which does not fit into the perceptions of the fund, the different, ourselves: Who the fucking hell to mass unemployment in the world? Is the production and proliferation of nuclear weapons, weapons of war? Does the intensified exploitation and depletion of non-renewable natural resources? Does the possession and excessive exploitation of the best land? Is access restricted to specific knowledge, medicinal, physical, astronomical, mathematical, psychological? Does the dangerous increase of the world population and famine?Bah, nobody give a damn all that! What we are seeing is what we have: Transformations and transformations without substantive change and true of anything, or anyone. Unborn who understand how the human mind works, far from the mind of our Creator-God of course ...In our world, everything is relative, and now more than ever, we tend to associate everything with a variety of bizarre images, with bearded gurus and wrapped in robes, with ascetic hermit who meditate in penthouses of luxurious buildings, with rosaries, with incense , strange dances and drugs of all kinds. On the other hand, there are those, pseudoscientific, speaking of quantum mechanics, surrounded by sophisticated computers, the speed of the particles, the gluons, charms, quaks, Higgs-boson God particle, which has come to provide an understanding of the structure of matter. All this is neither more nor less, both mystical and scientific-that a fake carnival deluded people representing a whole hodgepodge, where, perhaps, the only thing clear is engaged eccentric practices and ideological associations that are very far from being a true essential for the majority, unless all that if we have known and experienced after both coming and going, it is chaos and we're heading for interconnections and produce order out of chaos, where nature could spontaneously return to their autonomy and could return to self-regulate, for the sake of those who survive.Our funds and funds that support our culture, we must give them a human tint setting by dereflexión-away-a pure dialogue with the world and with our world, our lives using what they say that behind all, are Divine energy particles and to whom and not dominated by the motivations that derive from a false self, will achieve a change of perception and different knowledge, finishing with false bottoms, and why not, with the whole of civilization-, to take up the equation: real me, like God, I am God! (HIGGS THANKS!). We will end all funds and backgraound!

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