martes, 16 de octubre de 2012


Urge the heroes of human progress!

Our confused, uncertain, unpredictable and disoriented world, requires a synthesis immediately above any influence futuristic foresight, cloning, cyborgs, mutations or space research.

Apparently, you need to put feelings above a highly reasoned intelligence, failed and sickly. Perhaps the feeling is accompanied by a great intuitive power, the renewing power able to redeem through novel approaches, which so far, seems immutable and rigid and unchangeable: You need to create and establish reforms catching that enthusiasm for new and renewal older generations.

First, it requires that social phenomena of the world, can be reduced to codes, laws and universal laws very well established and respected by all, enabling to end border and impediment so limiting the free movement of human beings, for illuminate the true total planet and we need to have everyone in this nascent millennium random and hopeless.

Then, we will have to focus to achieve unparalleled moral and political improvement that includes humanity.

Then, you have to make science and progress, to relieve beings of the insane task of having to order it and systematize it all: that this is the task of the machines that are as accurate in such mechanical activities, same as every day, Iran increasingly pervasive in its theme.

Meanwhile, all we us of advocating the development of our authentic human abilities, and all that exists, should serve to give us only illustration of this, nourishing and strengthening the rickety altruism of human nature that prevails today.

On the other hand, we must do everything possible to find once and for all, the thrust of our essence, to turn it around in that order-that our minds become a magnet that attracts all material may be required to facilitate the organization and classification of any kind of information to learn the basics, while working and living. It is practical tendencies of thought acquire human filmmaker, because ideas adhere to coordinate and clarify that and put them into action frank: Less hypotheses and evidence, now more than ever ...

The development of a new way of seeing life, not something that we feel we should of alien or strange or not we can carry out, nor is most wonderful, and no less credible than the development of a being from fusion of egg and sperm. And that we have already practiced throughout our existence as a species. We require, in new ways and ways of relating to the divine energies that surround us. In end the outdated intituciones like the fake, cardboard and punitive family. That other of false marriages and scenic. The individualistic social coexistence. Those who promote the false spirit created through a life dedicated to trade, trafficking in, to swindle, to the production of excessive and market prices that every figure and gives a number.

We must create the new principles of psychology to try to track and implement the real and true evolution of the mind: with sufficient capacity to alter perception and develop our consciousness and answer cuestionantes of Who am I? What am I? Why am I? What is my true self? What should I do to find the true meaning and purpose in life? What do I want?

Emotions, thoughts, impulses, images and sensations, are and are very distorted in the world today. We see it everyday to countless evidence everywhere. In addition, very little is what we can do to remedy the sad and terrible situations our fellow sufferers in these dark days. It requires the need for an urgent decision Disposition: The conclusions of the material world are very wrong.

The motivational factor, is essential in organizing awareness and this is a very important issue because the way we get that awareness will be the emerging field of our successes or suffering. The human being suffers, because it ignores the true nature and that ignorance leads him to a painful and useless life. Science assumes that humans evolved by chance in a random or haphazard universe and from that point of view, we are just complex biochemical phenomena, of unparalleled experimental interest, but not unlike anything else that is examined in laboratories: Pure and authentic scientific materialism!

The vision of the science of a mechanical universe, orderly and indifferent, offers no real purpose to life. Human beings, we need a reason for being and existence, otherwise we get bored, we fall into despair and even depression. In the scientific world, there is no reason to be, but our lives and our mental health depends on us to find some sense of our pilgrimage. The goals of security, sex, power, fame, money, did not work as genuine and true satisfiers, or as real life purposes. Survival with notoriety and wealth, not enough for the pleasure of our consciences. Missed a broader vision that would satisfy the human truth that is sought to provide through money or scientistic our great culture.
Towards where?

People facing illness, old age and death, all we realize, without accepting the whole, the decline and extinction of our lives. Older people in as you age, perceived irretrievably descends towards the great fatigue and goals that one day proposed to benefit themselves, seem useless in a world that, although he realizes extinction, no a broader picture of the human race: A universe without purpose, immersed in a large concert distortions, in which the reason for life, is death itself!

Despair and anguish that exists in our societies, reflecting the quantitative use of alcohol, sedatives, narcotics and toxic symptoms seek to mitigate those consuming these beings of this culture. It is thought that the inordinate consumption of drugs can substitute for the absence of a reason to exist ..

To find some answers to our main questions - same as the scientistic not matter or considered absurd-we have to locate outside the traditional ways of thinking, finding all again in a world without borders and barriers, developing a different perceptual skills to clarify our consciences distorted "loved objects" to move towards true motivations for change, supported by our authentic human feelings towards development of high insights that give us a real reason for being: The Self true that behind every falsehood and imposition! ...

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