martes, 9 de octubre de 2012


The big trend today's cyber world and operability towards highly technical scenarios, have been emerging as a watershed that lies very clearly and accurately to all this with the world is about to emerge not long term despite the impediment of our willpower. A vital force that is not yet fully bowed, more however, already suffer from heavy wear and sharp weakening in modern times.Perhaps, we installed and, without giving much aware of it, in the waiting room where we have to choose between signing the annihilation of an existential project developed over many millennia, or sign the emergence of a new way of life completely oblivious to what essentially human, without even having reached to be bearers worthy of such adjective.In the previous path, which was supposed to appear in combinations biochemical basis of random and focused primarily seeking a realized under the tenets of good physical health, good education based on values ​​and appropriate cultural and artistic development for happiness (target goals) of that, we now know, fragile world, should be accepted with deep regret, that all was mere conjecture and pure irrializables fantastic and aspirations: The struggle for power, lack of faith and of hope, the competition and the lack of an ethical-moral firm and solid, put paid to those whose lights headlights have become extinct, and clouding, before the strong flashes and glimpses amazing and very surprising that for quite a long time let see on the horizon the semblance of a new era supported by the skillful manipulation-that arouses curiosity, of the younger generation and other, not so new, but already firmly entrenched and framed within the transition model that crosses ethereal and astral spaces at dizzying speeds, never intended for any of the highlights of our ancestors ...Acting under the guidance of good will, to see, hear and speak well, were the solid foundations of an education that was mixed with the West and tried to sustain the human trajectory preaching love God above all things and to love to each other, without expecting anything in return. But unfortunately, the combination of East-West, did not work at all, dominating over the route parallel behaviorist-positivist, of action and reaction, stimulus and response that stopped taking into account "Lacaja black idiot (anyone deciphered), call that allowed brain thinking during the interaction between human subjects, located inside a real culture in an environment that was the object of thought: He paid more attention to the content of ideas and not just binary languages ​​leading to a culture, a sense of withdrawal and suspension, as is now customary in the new context: Culture superimposed, the degree zero!The emergence of the new world, only foam crosses the superficial and artificial, the "know thyself" and scanned the simple method of "maieutic" since very little importance at present digital and virtual: the web Ligo I I only contact Phon or I Pad, I am inspired and excited by using the sophisticated technology, but in person, in interaction with others, face face: I do not speak, I cohibo not interacted, not show me, I hide ...And St. John of the Cross and the Hermit brother John, Ixtapan de la Sal?Is not the history that has not already? Where were the Mayans, the Aztecs, the Olmecs, the Egyptians, the Greeks, the Chinese?Apparently only severe distress, of knowing that we lost such a great forest or face the maddening calm of a quiet sea, or numbing and relentless fury untimely or terminal illness, we would recognize our true fragility and respect Unrestricted our home and thus, as with the great beacons of humanity, awaken to lead directly to divest from casual, the superfluous, the acquired artificially (which is the area where you have installed precisely the younger generation) to immediately focus on the connection of our essences intintivas intuitive aid us to allow us to find a viable solution to our already very surprising pop despair. That is, to the emergency and seriousness of the situation we live in, we can only get rid of outdated and absurd content to deal with the authentic and spontaneous that is left in our funds, the situations are real risk putting our survival as a species on this planet.Now more than ever, we are obliged, responsibly, and because time is short indeed, to our inner searcheth-as-Socrates proposed, and as we do with the layers of an onion, the pulling up to go the original zero degree-not imposed by the overwhelming modernity and its excesses, from which we emerge and thus truly be prepared for the conquest of conquests that is ours, to fulfill our mission of missions: Complete the human and build the world of humans.Of course, I raised here, not be another fantasy, or a set of metaphors unattainable, we know well and, not naively, that we are beings with a huge brain and mental capacity and even, many great spiritual possibilities, but we also know unfinished, for allowing insert in our educational careers of teaching and learning, and disorienting disrructivos links to "beautiful people" forcibly included retracing and diverting our essentially human development: It's about time that we had so ably neuronal achieved telepathic communication between us. Reach for the self-healing vibrational energy, emanating from our bodies and ourselves led to constantly renew. That our brain surrendered to full capacity ... But our education process has focused specially in sustaining the world of vested interests, the world of artifacts and the excesses of materiality and modernity.We must accept, with great and deep sorrow, we were not able, for many, many generations, to achieve fine enough and neural connections have allowed us to achieve both personal self-sufficiency and full realization consistent with ourselves: Happiness, as intended and missed, it was not possible to make it our own, we could not reach it, much less maintain, remained and stayed in simple aspirations for leisure, ephemeral and transitory. Our authentic vital centers, our true energy sources were, for the great majority, in a great state of indefención and ignorance: We live like lost asphalt jungle of ignorance and ignominy, without anything or anyone, we care deeply, in a world where everything is disposable, victims of our despair and the shortage of faith and lack of goodwill that once offered peace.We were the beings of the aspirations and hopes, the very few achievements in the development of the essentially human. Nobody bothered to include in the school systems how to develop our real and genuine mental and spiritual powers. Zen philosophy, fell into disuse and was marketed both served to very little in the West. Needless to say meditative activities and displaying them or religions. Is almost, sure we sign our extinction and that the quantum leaps, are given by technological advances, making way for a new species and in which "Microchips", will allow the neural connections necessary to facilitate fine which starts now to draw, very clearly, in our Terricolas horizons and an occasional nearby planet visited by robots: We are already installed, in being cyber highly technical availing findings, increasingly sophisticated science, will set aside the unfinished human misnamed, as they did at the time, the men of the Cro-Magnon to the Neanderthal giving a big barbecue feast with their antiquated, fearful and weak brains.That seems to be the near future world of programmed beings in the daily exercise of the cyber age and highly computerized. For that, we are educating the next generation of video games and Internet users, and to facilitate open access be step Robotic and cloned, based on designs far removed from current outdated human bodies ...It is a matter of great and deep sorrow and grief, but nothing made it possible to know our true essence, despite work and example of the great beacons of humanity. Some faith and hope will be enough to make, perhaps, a last and final effort (in injury time), thereby providing for even our best closure as a species and the inevitable result prefabricated beings, something good will to have and bring our planet worn and heavily punished ...All these thoughts were the product of a talk between friends ... (In Ixtapan de la Sal).

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