martes, 17 de diciembre de 2013


When recall maximum of Jesus : "Only the truth shall make you free me ," so I think that should be and always be . But the things that happen in the real world rarely permit or do so relative or absolute , subjective or objective ...

What the hell is it?

 Phenomenologically speaking , these are facts that make possible the evidence and involving all the cognitive process involved significant fairness and intention to know what to expect .

Truth to me is everything that is supported by verifiable facts and that are supported by witnesses to the honesty and good faith to discern something and clarified. We agree on the accuracy and existence, without preference or bias ...

Truth to be such, needs and demonstrations and also the history of humanity , so it has registered " Until we see not believe " ...

Yet not all visible and verifiable necessarily true or constitutes a truth. There are many facts that could distort the true and the real: We depend on our senses and our moods that go along with them and that is a terrible and great limitation : Our eyes and ears , capture only some wave frequencies . Beyond them or below them, we are prevented from perceiving the events and happenings that even some animals if they capture with great precision: we moreover, we are affected by the actions of our emotions that alter the perceived, either rejection or preference . Our main senses, such as vision and hearing it, just accept what they see and hear , hence magicians , suelan truquearnos with ease . Politicians also tend to do too often : We do see and hear things that are not and now with so much technological advancement , the brain , through its subsidiary meanings , can be very easily manageable and mocked , insomuch create you almost tangible virtual realities , but while non-existent : it is believed that the conquest of the Moon, was conducted in artificial settings . Several modern wars have been structured or nonexistent scenarios presented at film sets ... Almost everything is virtual !

But there is something even more serious : Few are those who bear the weight of truth. Our educational backgrounds , have made this virtue , a synonym of the true pain and has become highly disruptive and aggressive Earthlings large majorities .

People opt for the way of disguise, disguise the route of all the facts. For example , on occasion , a female patient who was diagnosed with cancer , he was manipulated and was not informed of what was happening with your body. The findings of the lab work, did not communicate because his family evaded the issue of the severity of their health. In other situations, one wishes to report any accident to other , much less if there descesos . There are people who judge alter the events , stating that a family died , he left and never returned and went into a far country, abandoning them . Try at all costs to reframe reality to avoid bitter pills . I remember that on occasion , a hospital , one of the technical department of cardiology , started with coughing that will never disappear him, nor could he eradicate. One day , through a lung analysis , you will detect a malignant tumor. As the other friends in the same area , they said that they had moved to oncology , because at that time there were no beds in the hospital !

Needless to say, those who by good luck , touch them a cash prize in any game of chance and someone that the entire first : " How are we going to say , you will not have a heart attack? ?

And do not try to communicate something weird to others, because those people who manage to perceive low frequencies or very high, branded as crazy or sick , so swear and perjure have had this or that experience or witness something amazing.

" Only the truth will set you free or to not do not believe " are two very difficult maxims of support and practice in a world built on the basis of lies, those if nonexistent, which killed Giordano Bruno or manipulated knowledge of Aristotle and silenced those of Copernicus, and continue to facilitate and underpin the development of the crazy world that we have all built , because there is something more sickly than trying to cover with veil in pink color , which one day turns into black and to return to a more lively tone , no more than accept and endure the bitter reality , trying to overcome it, because the truth which makes possible the evidence - not only provides freedom, but can achieve a higher level of health , beyond the vested interests or negotiations and temporary alliances, it hurts or not, or may or may not be checked ... always Bet on the truth?

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