domingo, 18 de diciembre de 2011


Today the mad discord and greed rule the world.Greed has lost the present canceling the future. We are falling at the stage where humans remember more what wrong it well done. Good works, and do not attract anyone's attention. The policy is no longer in the service of man and the people no longer believe in anything or anyone.We live in a troubled world, no compass, where we are all witnessing the global financial debacle and general. No, there is no one leader with the idea of ​​knowing how to drive the destiny of its people. No one thinks of what follows. Nobody knows where to go.Meanwhile, other world leaders have made wars, drug trafficking, crime and organized crime in business and successful tastiest of all time, setting aside and disregarding completely any kind of human action . Life care less.Our precious youth, they have been taken physically out of hand. In a few decades, we have seen with regret, with great sorrow, vast changes in them, same as a consequence, the whole world have changed and unfortunately not for good. This phenomenon, we have seen it happen in just a matter of years. Depend on the young, new people and that we have placed, not outraged, but the anger and total decay and there is no possibility to rescue the artificial world of drugs. The abandoned and we are paying the consequences and at what price.The world economy is not out of the tight grip of the credit institutions that are on the brink of madness to the world population, which for many years has lived in sacrifice no sacrifice too alleged or beneficial results.Greece and Italy, are on the brink of the precipice. They represent two pillars of the great cultures of humanity. If they were charged to us all that we have taken from their eternal contributions - are showing that academic books in all the world-do not suffice to pay or the minimum payment on that huge debt. We must return to thank you for your contribution, have highlighted the usurers of the world.It is very deep thought and great caution, the alley in which we are all stuck. This time even the most powerful and are saved. It is a fierce competition for the position of economic markets, where the beneficiaries, sooner or later succumb and will also assume the consequences of the same things they have caused.It has been an absurd globalization game, where there is one winner, only debt, poverty and soon the entire world of scarcity.Partnerships and bailouts are temporary and will not fix anything of substance to anyone. We are moving towards a general confrontation of some powers against each other and to make valid: Every man for himself!All of the above, framed in a number of natural disasters that keep the world's population highly affected, exposed to suffer the worst along with their loved ones, unable to do anything at all, losing what little they have in a matter of minutes. Governments can not keep to restore the losses, many of them also expose fatal to mankind, Japan as a serious example of this.It may be in the impotence of the civilian population in what lies the most serious and sensitive matters adversity: when predators are not the leaders, who attacks the nature with all its internal energy. And people are not the way, we live trapped at the stage of the mazes, where the law of Darwin is the only law that prevails, then who got out of the quagmire, have to face another of greater scope and difficulty: the labyrinth the nightmare of the real world.We live without the cover of the puzzle. We are full of parts. Parts that we do not know or have idea of ​​where to place.What is the cover of the puzzle in the world today? How to learn to create a cover to view it?In my therapy, my patients, that is the point: to put together your puzzle. They arrive at the office without knowing what their home, their problems. They live without knowing what they are doing and where to place the pieces that have accumulated in their travel through life.Patients think they know where they go, but really know how to essentially build your own puzzle going from one place to another. What we do know is that life is uncomfortable, and many of his thoughts hindering the achievement of its objectives to make them live each day so useless and unsatisfactory. And worse, they do not know if there is a possibility of some output. It is at that very moment, where my therapeutic work begins: help the bereaved to create your own cover for life will be a great adventure, placing matching pieces that filled him with satisfaction and fun learning how to die with dignity instant immediately outside the paradigms that have been imposed.In life, if we see athletically speaking, we win, lose or draw, but more important is that we do remain a few winners, that is, that whatever happens, we are always willing to learn and that is what will distinguish us the victor will always want to win at all costs regardless of the feelings of others or what they can learn. In preparing our home we discover that what really matters is to learn, because it come to life, and that is what life learning! That's what makes us winners also because you can win, lose or draw, but the interesting thing is to learn from each of these events to be better at events or subsequent events.Leaders to kill each other, to make all who wish to cheat, to lie all you like, that financial institutions around the world starve, that they want to desfalquen, who made all the money they can. That noble nature with its powerful internal forces release their energy and debug of both human absurdity. But we ordinary citizens go first so directly and intimately know ourselves and look to the ultimate nature of our spirits to perhaps find the key to a world outside their own traps caught no way out. We can never know the real nature of things from the outside. Put aside names, things and all possible distractions and focus all our energies to create our own cover of our puzzle to accommodate as many pieces we already have and that we have so dispersed.And now, my Christmas present to all my readers from Mexico, Russia, Germany, USA, Ukraine, France, Malaysia, Netherlands, Austria, Bulgaria, Japan, India, Italy, United Kingdom, Czechoslovakia, Peru, Argentina, Chile and Brazil. I have with them a large debt and a deep gratitude.
Will the gift:Consciousness is the mere surface of our totality. We do not know our inner surface only. Under our consciousness is a vital force, tenacious, based on our most pressing desires: the desire. Spontaneous human strength, strong intrinsic activity. To thrive, and convince us to do so, one must appeal to the powerful inner strength. That energy is the only permanent and unchangeable element in us. It is the fulcrum of thought, of our total essence. Is continuity of purpose and attitude, gives unity to consciousness and holds together all the ideas and thoughts, accompanying with continuous harmony.The intellect gets tired, never will. The intellect needs rest and sleep. Will power works even in sleep. This force is intended to improve and maintain the body. Hence, many healings (of which discuss in later texts) occur during the dream state. There is no lock or limit to the immense energy.We are talking of how to develop and design the cover of our own puzzle, so I ask for calm and patience as the issue is very serious and requires a comprehensive and facilitative attitude that allows us to get a response from you guys use to readers.In designing our home, our finest emerging desires, it is these that are a great inner power that will shape everything that exists and surrounds us, these desires are themselves called this energy and willpower are not always managed in a rational or moral. Then, the will is made by the desires and human wishes are based on constant and continuous. The states will need and that means and the capacity to will and that is what moves the world. Many of the actions carried out in the healing process, are based precisely know how to drive this vital energy to restore health. It is here where therapeutic work starts the importance of knowing a cover to build a puzzle that is nothing more than life itself: to understand the suffering that the fulfillment is never satisfied at all and that made them believe that the life was to get the highest possible satisfaction and enduring. The first thing to do is realize that we are dealing not with the intellect, not with reason, which have appealed both at different times of the wise men. We are dealing with the wishes and indeed in life that we are hungry we have built them, you just have to learn to drive to succeed. Second we must understand that in the structure of the new home that we will not have to go in search of happiness, but freedom from fear and pain. You have to convince the sufferer that there is no lasting happiness and complete in itself, it is more than anything to become self-sufficient and to agree with us, putting aside all fear or pain to act at every moment reframing reality. Happiness is not goal, intelligent action daily and constant.In the third level should be told that whatever we do, our farewell to this life is inevitable sooner or later, everything is an exchange that often does not cover what we invest in life and the world as we have built, as will always be in bankruptcy and as such is the very European Economic Comunicad What can we expect then we?The man is an enemy of his own kind: each wolf fight for space and time from other wolves. We have become wolves in sheep. The life we ​​have built is based on competition, in war, we are surrounded by strife, conflict and frequent alternation of victory and defeat. Death is not visible, but always present, and as we said, sooner or later we will find it. Everything takes a little while and then come down like a house of cards. We became very early in Old Town. We must raise awareness of the brevity of personal existence and creatively reconcile with death. For a magnificent facade, it is essential to place the terrible fear of the disappearance and consider it as an ally and as long as this vivirnos as heroes always ready to deliver the best of us, that the copper is sparing our bones.Fourth, understand that poverty and the fight will continue after the death of individuals because everything is based on the wishes and therefore there can be no victory over the evils of life, because the need to desire is immensely powerful and things are usually the one began, is the recurring cycle of life and irremediable. To be dying Voltaire said: "I leave you as stupid as he found them."This is nothing more than an individual, not collective salvation, for mankind begins in us. Already exist and have existed in many world saviors and solvers neurotic life of others and only the very fortunate achieve a momentary thing, others have gone down in history as victims of misunderstanding of humanity and others have not even been are just an invention to control the masses.In a fifth step, we must explain our desires, to be transformed will give way to a willingness and on earth peace if there is a holder of a set of good wishes and they can be put into practice. Only the good wishes have to think and create, not magically appear and is a lifetime job. It is a way of life and living.Sixth, the mourners have to explain to be desired property or how to acquire wealth, will not make your wishes are met. A life dedicated to the acquisition of money is useless if you do not know how to make welfare or happiness, which is an art that requires a good knowledge, culture and wisdom, because boredom is the scourge of the wealthy, and that leisure is not creative, comes the worst. The rich people's lives is the life of boredom and this causes them great pain, a pain and more intolerable now that wealthy and hoarders are subject to kidnapping and abduction. Rich people between pain and boredom, no matter that they have enough money to meet your needs, installed live in falsehood and fear of losing everything and the accumulation of wealth for them there is no solution.The seventh step is refined and polished acquiring good knowledge in a world full of information that stuns and disorients. Good knowledge from feathers and clean good sources for research, easy to master the willpower and toward ends that can bestow great spiritual and material satisfactions. The more we know of our passions, and nothing less control us from the compulsion protect both external and self-control.The largest of all the wonders of life is not conquering the world - something that happened to Alexander the Great who died of the consequences of a drunk-but the master of himself.Before resolving this whole scheme, mourners reach another level of perception and initiate a path toward new horizons fleeing the void of their own minds (full of absurdities) to realize that they have lived on borrowed ideas, based outside Cover strangers and not their own desires, fitting pieces and cheating forcefully. Gradually lost the ability to think for themselves and that was precisely what problematized their stock.In developing its own cover, patients start living and stop dreaming. They understand that the will is to live and that's what it is, because there is only life but in different ways at different levels. It is understood that the real achievement is more than I have in mind is that in pockets or on the bench. That happiness or comfort we receive from us is greater than we get from our surroundings. It goes well to self-sufficiency: Live and let live, no longer be installed in the temporal, the contingent, specific and immediate.The vast universe is neutral and can be converted by our home in a rather pleasant because the world is neither with us or against us. It's just raw material in our hands, and can be heaven or hell, as we structure our home because we are beings of achievements possessions. It is better to fight and lose or draw do not have fought at all. But we must fight our own fight and not others, because these limit our capabilities and prevent us refine our willpower and stimulate growth.Hands on course to our own home, having fun in the adventure of putting all the pieces as possible, based on what we deeply desire without canceling any of our desires, especially if they are based on a willingness and a healthy living. Merry Christmas and a fruitful and full of goodwill for all by 2012.(I'll be away until January where he will certainly meet again to discuss the beautiful Territory Totonaca and others). Thanks for everything everyone.

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