jueves, 20 de septiembre de 2012


You mention in your email that my task to be solved is the answer unanswered ... This is to avoid falling into a purely cultural phenomenon.Who do the crowds say I am? (Referring you to Jesus?).Why would he come to my mind the story I wrote several years ago and contárselos you, just when we were dealing with the sculpture you sent to do about it?I answer, that we can all live our share Christ, friend Bruno ... Furthermore, all our mothers-not being sick-like behavior issue that the mother of Jesus said ...It turns out that the spiritual life, for me, on earth, does not bring any profit, no reward, no dividends from such material. Will someone be willing to make that sacrifice?The things of the Lord, are held by only feel good, because we will never go well, yes even know who does good, he is very wrong. There's the story of humanity full of examples.On earth, make no mistake, my friend Bruno, does well to most damaging or who has more money and power.What is the unknowable world of things in themselves?

Look, man, beyond any limit, we feel the urge to conceive something further, endless, and yet, the infinity itself is inconceivable. We can not conceive of eternity, but we suspect that it exists. We can not conceive of any time in the past, without feeling that before him there was something ... It comes down to ways of perception and conception that integrate our species and involved in all of our experiences: time, space and cause. These are ways of interpretation and our intellect: Feelings are disorganized stimuli. The perception is somewhat larger, is feeling organized. What we envisage is organized perception. Science is being organized knowledge, but wisdom is organized life. Where does all this? In millions of sensations to which we are exposed every day! ... They come by many means to us. Arrive in a disorganized manner. But our minds impose an order, a unitary succession: We are beings that pursue goals, purposes. Our minds are shedding light on dark and inhospitable deserts. We ourselves, which means an active effort of our minds, we make order out of chaos ... Our worlds (heads) have order, not for themselves, but because it is achieved through the exercise of thinking that is the makes known the world of all: Our thought is itself a computer ... Hence the importance of questioning at every turn, if necessary, until about, of unknowable things ... Of course that formularnos questions about content, interesting, because the best review, my friend, is supported by a good question and critical, so, to die with dignity, always ...But there be a way to escape from these mazes?Jesus Christ overcame the labyrinth, he did: First, operated through your computer thinking, when he was taught by his teachers, for a long time. Then he placed his faith matters, outside the territory of reason and realized that the world is recognized only as pure surface and appearance and then settled in their faith, in the firm belief of a free spirit and immortal, and the absolute conviction of a universal benevolent creator. All this stemmed from the existence of a deep inner instance through direct perception and intuition.The path he undertakes, emanates from a moral sense that most lost. That moral imperative for him was absolute and categorical and has nothing to do with the sound of church bells are clearly immoral, whose codes are based on punishment and penance and living, always in favor of the rich and powerful ...Furthermore, how is it that we want to know who is it, if in the morning before getting out for good purposes we plan our day, and at night we're doing stupid ...Where are the unconditional orders of our consciousness? Where is our moral sense categorical? Do not worked it as if their actions were to become a universal law?Do not acted consistently under the slogans of honrradez, justice and truth, when it was the most suitable, even above life itself?With all the aforementioned point, he showed that the moral law is in our hearts and must be incondiconal and absolute: The only thing that is good in this world (I said it not?), Is the good will, goodwill to follow the moral law, regardless of any benefit. Have not lived well?Friend Bruno, often in life, forget your own happiness and above all fulfill the duty. That to me has cost me blood, sweat and tears and suffering and severe isolation, solitude, no, because I learned to acompañrme myself ... Of course you need to find happiness ... but in others as well as he did without conditions, but we have to concretarnos always looking for perfection, as if happiness gives us that if we cause pain ... (Who will want to do).The Christic moral, does not teach us to be happy, but is telling us how to be worthy of being so. We must strive every day to apply Perfect Moral Law who kingdom without expecting anything in return, which gave everything without condition and learned to teach the value of the soul, the spirit: the perfect moral law applied in a absurd and imperfect world. An act is good, not because I have good results, but because it reflects the inner feeling of the good life:"Do unto others what you would not have them do unto you" ... This moral law is not from personal experience there before all our behavior, past, present and future. But in a world psychopathic, where the feeling is gone, has been buried ...Following expose everything, living from moment to moment, we can put more than merely mortal and we can make, all of us, a great center of strength and creative power (did not he?) Was demonstrated so we are immortal ... In our hearts we feel that life is but a part of life, that this earthly sojourn is just a history of a new birth, a new awakening (not mentioned?)For the same reason, is taught and approached us the kingdom of God on earth, showed that there is ... The Divine Divinity, His father, all of us, we did this. The postulate of immortality, leading to the existence of a case provided for this purpose, then, therein lies the presence of God, but that has appropriated the Holy Mother Church. Behind the events themselves, there is something divine, it is GOD who feels and not think ... Our moral sense, our faith, our freedom, we believe it indicates and points to the ...Is it very difficult to know who he is? Or do understand, live and practice as he did? His two codes, their immense codes were: The love and forgiveness ... His one commandment: "Love one another as I have loved you" ... (someone sincerely Practice this in this world?)We, my friend Bruno, over and above the laws inhumane towards understanding the world of our experience and earthly sleep, ready to come out, hopefully we can do freeing lovingly as he did! ... Greetings and love publicly say that I admire you, friend Bruce Wayne ... Thanks for all ...

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