domingo, 9 de octubre de 2011


Someone knocked on the door.Knock, knock- "Who is"? We heard the sharp, hollow voice of an elder.
The person at the voice from inside, he was frightened, but remembering that it was just a wise old man, but ill, he replied:- "I am a suitor for the presidency of a country's third-world country, very hurt. I bring a work program which I have prepared with great care. I need to review it and give me an answer.
The old change in tone and slightly softer voice said:- Give me more details, please.
The ordering sighing voice their thoughts and firm initiated the request:- It requires comprehensive changes in order to finance increases productivity and employment. A Reform to modernize the government. Economic policy should focus to build a prosperous, competitive, secure and just world. Ah! - Added sighing .- First the program and then the man, eh? ... It is to build unity debate ...
After his words, he was sighing away from the door, making soft noises of relief and pleasure.I'm listening, 'I snapped the old man .- You do not need any revision of the program, raise your hands and place them on your chest, close your eyes and concentrate deeply.
The sighing placed his hands as he had given the old man and closed his eyes tightly, making sure that nothing distract him.
The inner voice, the tone changed again and it rang again into cavernous, rough and peremptory.- My answer you get, if you answer a riddle. Are you ready?
Outside winter was seeping down to the bones. The earth was completely frozen. The suitor wanted to enter the house and pulled the old man near the fire, but had to settle for what was offered. Even to himself, I kept thinking: "What the hell good is to answer a riddle?.
- Answer! - A strong cry of the old him back to reality right away.- "Be patient, wise old man said the sighing .- What good does it do?- "Stupid, stupid, stupid idiot" - the old man uttered very annoying .- Do you want my help or not?
As the only suitor who came up in haste to answer was:-Yes- Well-inside, the old man took his beard, frowning groom and said firmly, "guess programmer:

BUT NOT wear one patch DRUM
NOT be a fisherman.
Decipher that and you'll have my answer. "You can imagine how thrilled that the suitor was when I heard that!They say that both the elder, as the house, disappeared instantly and sighing to the presidency of that Third World countries in their anger hit his hands so violently on the floor swallowed by the snow disappeared, going straight to hell and He was never seen ...

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