martes, 4 de octubre de 2011


We see the world through the lenses built previously by other beings.Anyone who wants to understand and develop the culture, learn to identify these lenses.
Coexistence is possible because some of these lenses have proven to be capable of generating a lot of knowledge to solving problems.
Always or almost always, to try to survive, we are exposed to trying to discover how things are organized and descriptive classifications begin by trying to search, under the spheres of social life and its diversities and characteristics, a primary order an underlying estrucutra explain what happens in what we perceive, ie on the surface. This primary structure would be the essence hidden depths of reality, which may be obscured by the superficial appearance.
On occasion I had the opportunity to travel to the east and stay to live for some time, in those distant lands, I struggled enough to be able to investigate, in this interesting and mysterious people, their hidden essence estrucutra or, same as the have become world leaders in various areas of the world economy and survive major catastrophes of all kinds.
The whole time I lived with them, without showing signs of boredom or tedium, projected daily: Discipline-and willingness to learn-order, delivery, responsibility, obedience, and absence of conflict-cleaning, respect, silence as participation that do not stress-work - the fruit that feeds and provides support-a lot of work ...
On occasion you went for a walk, I found a nice spot in a park, where they sold handicrafts, handmade (because they are able to manufacture any type of product, using sophisticated machinery), and I ran Canadian craftsman, very friendly, tried to sell me a ring with an amber mount: "I've been here more than ten years and do not quite understand. Do not get to point where I can the figure them out, allow us to be here in this garden, with our posts, only once a month and we never explain why you can not expose our goods any longer, if we like our things and we buy them, but even then, only prmiten us to be here, a few hours month. I say, not just Compend, are very difficult to decipher. "
Those comments that former hippy-fachoso looking, tall, strong with long blond hair, entered in years- and forced me to redouble my efforts of observation, using a different way to approach them. That kept me very entertained, in those distant but very attractive and interesting terrestrial latitudes.
My perspective approach in other directions, establishing an analogy between this society, like tireless ants, and our bodies. Place everything in sight from a systemic interpretation, where the elements and constituent parts were functionally related to everything and to let me understand the relationship. I wished I could decipher in the shortest time possible. Attended: to museums, concerts, gatherings, meetings halls, recreational parks, entertainment centers, to their temples. The temples struck me about way, they call release site, where the borders between the religious-relationship with the sacred, and people are confused so much that everything disappears. His place of relationship with the Divine, are not such, their religion is free of moral hierarchy, something incomprehensible in the field of Western monotheistic religions, hence to be known to those temples as places of road to liberation.
Continue to apply my theoretical concept that allowed me to understand, and not the basis for the structure of these enigmatic beings, but began to settle everything to understand something that strikes me about so and that perhaps, after adding all the parts that could go understanding, could learn how society functioned as so successful over many others in the world. I said:"If you can understand how it affects the one hand, could perhaps come to understand other areas and hence, achieve capture and entire society operate as always in full cooperation among all.
One day in the house where I was staying, was attended by a grandmother, and tell those people who are responsible adults who visit their country for education and academics, I could realize that at noon, arrived a little boy about six years old. He instructed the grandmother left and a girl no more than twenty years. I had already taken many turns to the issue of trying to understand and my observations, just spinning in circles and could not advance my findings, my structural and functional approaches were not proved useful, in that, to me, incomprehensible world, where everything for them turned out to be very consistent and operational. And where, on top of mine, political and religious issues are not exclusive, but complementary, yet exclusive.
It was then that I did not have to leave anything more to do my very emepeñosas observations, I began to enjoy, truly, as those two beautiful women, related to the creature to his office - which has always met its early days of age, enables all kinds of activity, obey in everything, so that the boy, for all the attention he received and recorded, will behave own right, not giving at all and can participate silently all activities by those two women. "So we educate them from the arms" - he told me.
The time was invested, how much money was spent, especially in those countries as developed, and some with very small territories, all matter, all charge, museums, parks, theaters and everything is very expensive-which was looking so desire, the primary structure the essence hidden recesses of the real, had it in my own space, Grandma ... I said to myself :"To these creatures, first give them love in abundance- as it were tyrants-, and attention and then lead them to take delivery of creative tasks and joint participation. Educate by example. Never fight with them, never scold them, accept them as they are, they manifest  with all its authenticity and energy, collaborate, discipline, order, work ...
What a lesson that was! The women in those lands, god how wrong was my concept about them! this  countries that  are now strong, powerful, very productive and successful is due  the greatness of their women ...

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