lunes, 31 de octubre de 2011


 Necesitamos  ya de un cambio global que concluya con la etapa de las polìticas restrictivas  que cancelan las libertades. En el Informe de Latinobaròmetro 2011 el 60% de los encuestados, no cree que el gobierno mexicano pueda cambiar la realidad de sus gobernados. Sòlo un 31% cree que el Estado sirva para atender los asuntos prioritarios de la sociedad. Honduras, Republica Dominicana y Guatemala, estàn peor. En materia de seguridad y combate a la delincuencia, el 60% considera que el Estado mexicano es incompetente para enfrentarla y atender la demanda. En cuanto al cumplimiento con la ley, sòlo el 19% cree que se cumple con su aplicaciòn, Perù y Bolivia, estàn peor que nostros.

Por eso hay que entender con mucha claridad, que la sociedad pertenece al hacer del individuo y no de los gobiernos y que lo principal es la existencia humana misma.

La libertad no es una prerrogativa, algo concedìdo, sino una obligaciòn, un deber, una necesidad que hay que ejercer a cada instante para que valga la pena vivir y morir con dignidad. Esto por fortuna, ya  està entendièndose en  todas las sociedades del planeta.

Estamos entrando al ciclo de la crìtica social directa a los poderes pùblicos y sus directrices econòmicas neoliberales y globalizadoras que impiden y cancelan toda posibilidad de la devoluciòn del poder a la sociedad, afectando a la vida comunitaria entera.

Estamos tratando de vivir màs allà del absurdo cotidiano, rompièndo con las intituciones desgastadas que sostienen lo impuesto y establecìdo por unos cuantos dirigentes a los que se les ha dejado en sus manos nuestro destino. La mejor manera de servir a tan noble causa de autodirección, para covertirnos en rectores de nuestras vidas, es manifestar a travès de conductas y comportamientos, modos de expresiòn constantes surgidas de la inconformidad y la molestia. 

Nuestra existencia, hoy por hoy, debe de ser de un  gran esfuerzo sostenido para intentar superar lo establecìdo, huyendo de todos los juicios de valor y adjetivaciones innecesarias hábilmente manipuladas por interèses oscurantistas y retrogrados.

Las protestas y la crìtica constante, continua y sostenida son las armas moral y polìtica de todos aquellos que han de luchar por la inclusiòn social en èste nuevo estadìo histórico que estamos creando entre todos los marginados y excluìdos de la conducción y accionar de nuestro planeta.

La  frustraciòn, la colera y la rabia son los vectores de las generaciones sin futuro, sin fe y  sin esperanza. Sobre todo, les aqueja sobre manera, la falta de confianza en las instituciones tradicionales de las que se esperaba todo; esas, afortunadamente, estàn llegando a su fin.

Las  generaciones actuales,  atribuyen con razòn, la maquinaciòn de la crisis actual  a las instituciones prostituìdas por el acaparamiento del dinero mediante intereses excesivos, lo cual impide toda emancipaciòn humana sana. Saben que esos comportamientos institucionales, son el fiel reflejo de formas corruptas y putrefactas de un sistema y conjunto de interèses creados utiles sòlo para los explotadores excluyentes que han fraguado una història a su modo y maneras de percepciòn muy particulares, excluyendo a las mayorìas del ejercicio democràtico genuino.

Los compromisos actuales requieren de elaborar un proceso històrico diferente, donde los excluìdos pasen a ser de simples expectadores a  autènticos hacedores de su propia realidad. Se requiere de una imaginaciòn creadora para concretar la realidad bajo una òptica distinta, muy diferente, insertando en el tejido social, ciertos procedimientos desarticuladores de lo establecido y falsamente respetado.

Se requiere del dominio y la participaciòn de  todas las redes sociales, sobre todo, de las provenientes del mundo cibernetico.

La tarea consiste en alcanzar un nuevo perfil humano que incluya a todos dando un significado distinto a todas las cosas, rumbo a un pluralismo polìtico, desdeñando las culpas o las penas morales impuestas por una ideologìa caduca y patològica.

Se requiere de morir en experiencias cumbres creativas y no indignamente esperando nada. Hay que romper con los tiempos establecìdos que sòlo benefician a los tramposos y les permiten armar sus triquiñuelas con mucha anticipación. Debemos de estorbarlos y obstaculizarlos en todo lo que propongan, a sabiendas de que todo, cualquier propuesta venida de ellos, siempre serà falsa, ventajosa y en su beneficio propio.

Nunca olvidar, de que somos seres que nos hacemos todos los días y de que es el tiempo de los desobedientes constructivos. Es tiempo de los antihèroes que se viven con afectos profundos hacìa si mismos y hacia sus semejantes. Tiempo de antihèroes  que se comprometen, viven y mueren en el climax de sus acciones. No màs hambre, no màs  màs carencias, no màs penas. Todos juntos  rumbo hacia una nueva historia de inclusión en nuestro hermoso y bello planeta. Un hasta aquí!!!

sábado, 29 de octubre de 2011

The subsistance

That morning was like no other. Don Pancho got up very early and went straight to the portal of the estate that is toward the east. It was wrapped in a big black blanket that gave to the feet and eyes sunk to his beige cowboy hat with broad brim and from there went to see the sunrise on the farthest horizon. The sun was about to emerge from the bottom of the landscape. The clouds turn purple and the whole field, moistened by the dew, I took a beautiful golden color, forming a kind of kaleidoscopic figure the birds were flying everywhere, dancing acompañdos of countless colorful butterflies going from flower to flower.
Don Pancho, was small in stature, dark-colored, slightly overweight, with a prominent belly. His father had been the chief of the village. His face had the characteristics of the indigenous race: dark straight hair, aquiline nose, short, white big teeth, big lips and mouth with a big mustache that fell by the edge. No one would believe he could be master of anything, much less of that great hacienda, more like a humble servant of that great place.
Perhaps the remarkable thing was his eyes large, bright, piercing and observers. In their talks, the fixed steadfastly maintained with whom speech produced a strange effect, as if his eyes were like steel beams that pierced the eyes of those who were dirigidos.No was much given to talking, did not say many words, but when was necessary to correct a mistake, gave very clear and precise orders and commanding tone. He always wore short sentences. people obeyed him, never scolded him. On the other hand never abused his position. He treated everyone with respect and kindness, but a firm, concise and strict.
He broke Don Pancho concentration trot of horses were heard along the way. As a country boy who was looking and fine ear, immediately distinguished from twilight shadows still hidden by the side of the grassy knoll, some silhouettes of three riders advancing to the hacienda. They came on horses of those who used to go down and climb hills in arid lands.
They were individuals who had been doing a long tour of the region, through farms and villages to purchase horses and cattle that they could be used to plow the field. It brought some heads and wanted to add about twenty more.
Don Pancho asked to sell them some animals of which he had at his ranch. Don Pancho said they had no animals for sale. And at that precise moment, step by like lightning imagianciòn a series of images that broke her heart:A field full of thistles and grass. Cerro Pelon. Wire falls everywhere. Dry land, without trees. Lean and hungry horses. A great desolation.- "So sell their animals or not, Don Pancho"Don Pancho, like a horrible nightmare desperantando, responding with joy and great courage in her voice:'No, gentlemen, I also planted yo.Ya I said, here not sell any animal, there is nothing for sale.
The truth is otherwise, modernity promised in the XXI century banish the scourge of hunger and no one wants to occupy the field and more than one billion people around the world have no access to food they require and the number of hungry and undernourished is increasing every day.
Excessive greed and poor distribution, and a shortage trend to control market prices, encourages speculation and rising prices of agricultural products. To all this we must add the most serious emergency resulting from climate change, with its hurricanes, heavy rains and overflowing rivers that end up with the little that farmers have. And as a corollary, all those phenomena caused by excessive industrialization and urbanization of the countryside.
Today, not only is food shortage, but other basics such as drinking water, of course, also, arable land, fisheries, energy, shelter, medicine. Apparently, at the beginning of the third millennium, we sunrise with a globalized food bottleneck that threatens to end the whole world not very long term. The suit, in a world that tends to overpopulation, and the available supply alacanzò so we are installed in a real dilemma of food shortage crisis and other basic elements necessary for the survival of the species.
The economic slowdown and increased social inequality with poverty of many nations, are being combined with the energy crisis and climate change, this puts the world on the threshold of hunger affecting more than one billion people in the earth.
We will have to do to him as Don Pancho: Applied to our fields with a holistic approach to self-sufficiency and return as soon as possible, short and medium term, not to sell any material assets of our nationals. Will this be another dream of a good Mexican lightning that just will not digest the nightmare we live in and to come to both disastrous and devastating natural event that plagues our impoverished Mexico?


Esa mañana, no era como las otras. Don Pancho levantòse muy temprano y fue directo al portal de la hacienda que miraba hacia el oriente. Estaba envuelto en un gran sarape negro que le daba hasta los pies y hundido hasta los ojos con su sombrero color beige de charro de anchas alas y desde ahì se puso a contemplar el amanecer en lo màs lejano del horizonte. El sol estaba a punto de emerger desde el fondo del paisaje. Las nubes se tornaban violàceas y todo el campo,humedecìdo por el rocio, tomaba un hermoso colorido dorado, formando una especie de figura calidoscòpica con los pàjaros revoloteàndo por todas partes, acompañdos de infinidad de danzarinas mariposas multicolores que iban de flor en flor.

Don Pancho, era pequeño de estatura, moreno de color, un tanto pasado de peso, con barriga prominente. Su padre habìa sido  el cacique del pueblo. Su rostro tenìa los rasgos caracterìsticos de la raza indigena: Pelo lacio obscuro, nariz aguileña corta, dientes grandes blancos, labios gruesos y boca grande, con un gran bigote que bajaba por los extremos. Nadie creerìa que pudiese ser dueño de nada, mucho menos de esa gran hacienda, màs bien parecìa un humilde sirviente de aquel inmenso lugar.

Quizàs, lo notable eran sus ojos grandes, vivos, penetrantes y observadores. En sus conversaciones, los mantenìa tenazmente fijos con quien hablaba producièndoles un extraño efecto, como si su mirada fuesen rayos acerados que se clavasen en las pupilas de aquellos a quien iban dirigidos.No era muy dado a hablar, no decìa muchas palabras, pero cuando era necesario corregir algùn error, daba ordenes muy claras y precisas y con tono imperativo. Siempre usaba frases cortas. la gente le obedecìa, nunca le reñìan. El por su parte jamàs abusaba de su posiciòn. Trataba a todos con respeto y bondad, aunque de manera firme,concisa y estricta.

Rompiò la concentraciòn de Don Pancho un trote de caballos que se escuchaban por el camino. Como hombre de campo que era, de mirada y oìdo fino, distinguiò de inmediato entre las sombras crepusculares que aùn ocultaban la falda de la loma cubierta de hierba, unas siluetas de tres jinetes que avanzaban hacia la hacienda. Venìan montados en caballos de esos que sirven para bajar y trepar lomas en terrenos aridos.

Eran unos individuos que venìan haciendo un  largo recorrido por la regiòn, pasando por ranchos y pueblos para adquirir  caballos y reses que les pudiesen servir para arar el campo. Ya traìan algunas cabezas y pretendìan sumar unas veinte màs.

Pidieròn a Don Pancho que les vendiera algunos animales de los que poseìa en su hacienda. Don Pancho les expresò que no tenìa ningùn animal en venta. Y en ese preciso momento, pasò por su imagianciòn como un relàmpago una serie de imagenes que le destrozaròn el corazòn:
Un campo lleno de cardos y zacate. Cerros pelones. Alambradas caìdas por doquier. Tierra seca, sin àrboles. Vacas flacas y caballos famèlicos. Una gran desolaciòn.
-"conque vende o no sus animales, Don Pancho"
Don Pancho, como desperantando de una horrible pesadilla, responde con alegrìa y mucho coraje en la voz:
-No, señores, voy a sembrar tambièn yo.Ya les dije, aquì no se vende ningùn animal, no hay nada en venta.

La verdad es otra,  la modernidad prometiò desterrar en el siglo XXI el flagelo del hambre y nadie se quiere ocupar del campo y màs de mil millones de personas en el orbe, no tienen acceso a los alimentos que requieren y la cifra de los hambreados y desnutrìdos, va en aumento cada dìa.

La codicia desmedida y la mala distribuciòn, ademàs de una escacez tendencial para controlar los precios del mercado, propicia la especulaciòn y el encarecimiento de los productos agricolas. A todo eso hay que agregarle la gravìsima emergencia resultante del cambio climàtico, con sus huracànes, lluvias excesivas y desbordamientos de rìos que acaban con lo poco que los campesinos poseen. Y  como corolario, todos aquellos fenòmenos provocados por la industrializaciòn y la desmedida urbanizaciòn del campo.

En la actualidad, ya no sòlo hay escacez de  alimentos, sino de otros elementos bàsicos como son el agua potable, por supuesto tambièn, tierra cultivable, recursos pesqueros, energèticos, vivienda, medicamentos. Al parecer, al inicio del tercer milenio, hemos amanecìdo con un estrangulamiento alimentario globalizado que amenaza con terminar al mundo entero a no muy largo plazo. La demanda, en un mundo que tiende a la sobrepoblaciòn, ya alacanzò a la oferta disponible de modo que estamos instalados ante un verdadero dilema de crisis de escacez alimentaria y de otros elementos bàsicos, necesarios para la subsistencia de la especie.

La desaceleraciòn econòmica y el aumento de la desigualdad social junto con la pobreza de muchas naciones, se estàn combinando con la crisis energètica y el cambio climatico, esto coloca al mundo entero en el umbral del hambre que afecta a màs de mil millones de habitantes en la tierra.

Habrà que hacerle como Don Pancho: Aplicarnos a nuestros campos con un enfoque integral y volver a la autosuficiencia lo màs pronto posible, a corto y mediano plazo, sin poner a la venta ningùn otro de nuestros bienes  materiales nacionales. ¿ Serà èste otro sueño relàmpago de un buen mexicano que no acaba de digerir la pesadilla en que vivimos y que està por venir ante tanto evento natural desastrozo y devastador que asola a nuestro empobrecìdo Mèxico?

jueves, 27 de octubre de 2011


There are already countless times that announces the end of the world, to humanity, that if a comet arremeterìa against the ground, that the presence of a malignant plague wipe out everything that several volcanoes would erupt together, that the land axes vary its position, that the powers would fight among themselves. And so endless predictions, apparently endless, not to include, of course, the most extravagant of them and much closer: That of the Mayan prophecies for December 2012. Despite all this, the planet continues, and worse, and us on the road, without having in mind, every day in the universe.
What is a fact, is the gradual decay of our world. And this, is not given, necessarily, event or situation, there is a free, sudden or surprising, but very direct interference of the seven billion people who already are to this day.
We know there have been attacks on our part, mother nature, which suggest and almost assured, the occurrence of climatic changes that have been placed on the verge of collapse. There is no place on earth right now, is not facing a disaster or severe weather events of magnitudes and irreversible consequences. Countless human beings are suffering unimaginable, exposed to a total destitution and absolute desolation.
Humanity, lately, has been severely hit by both natural events in nature, earthquakes, hurricanes, fires, floods, and civil wars or derived from organized crime and economic destabilization, political and financial. All this has been reported many casualties and despair and disillusionment caused throughout the world.
The social discontent and protests worldwide are increasing every day and have led to countless deaths. Not just to structure a plan of action to mitigate the existential crisis of all inhabitants of the planet. We continue perceived as foreign, as alien to each other: It's all competition and pricing, power and intrigue, and death struggle.
We have seen that the very European Economic Community, is extremely fragile before the attacks led by financial experts and specialists, which means facilities as given to them by economic globalization process, are quite capable of shoring any economy, supposedly could well be reinforced: Greece, Italy and Spain. The usurious bankers do not want to apologize to anyone unconscionable interest payments, however absurd they may be. Require, in exchange for forgiveness miserable, social economic adjustments, unbearable for the inhabitants of countries with economies retardant insolvent or payment. Never tire of amassing fortunes and fortunes by charging interest on arrears subhuman. Beware that the Italian economy to collapse. No possibility of any financial rescue. And the world would it even worse. Grace only required to remit the 50% of its debt and drastic adjustments to their citizens. But in Italy, be something much more serious and put everyone at a serious risk and a severe strain.
We live in a world where globalization and financial information warfare, wreak havoc on all who seek to lead their people to better paths. Apparently, nobody in the world, succeeds in finding the formula to achieve economic stability for his family, so strong, efficient and sustainable. Unemployment, hunger, marginalization and exclusion, are noted every day, everywhere to everywhere you look.
They are very delicate moments which mankind lives. All in one degree or another, have been forced to restrict significantly, their living standards. They have been precisely similar moments, which have led to earlier generations of fighting global nature. Powers, have had to fight for competition and market dominance and to try to avoid the risks of its declining power, which inevitably expose them to the famine that they provoke in others.
They are also a number of times the chances of sharing and redistribution of world geographical map, but now we see that it has only temporarily alleviate the needs of the victors. There have been those real solutions. Neither are now going to appropriate the fuel and energy of the weaker ones. This will again be simply palliative and to solve a humanitarian crisis of much greater scope and depth.
Despite all the shortcomings and tasteless, it is not already time to search for binding total earthling. It is known that a meeting between the powers guerrrero or against a block of them, lead to the entire civilization, a catastrophe, and even more unpredictable consequences. The idea of ​​a common union, does not, is just arriving to the ideas of financial bailouts Infinia locks, restrictions and adjustments. The free trade agreements, have not worked, the agreements are delayed with ease and beneficial and to benefit the more powerful partner. Eastern mass production, has not worked, they also are collapsing.
The only thing that has worked, are the tricks and wiles and financial experts gobalizadores starvers.

They live precarious moments, we have a world where everything costs and very expensive. No one knows how to make to survive. The settings have already passed. Not even the overthrow of tyrants, it's for them. People throw them out, but do not know what is, nobody knows how to organize victory, want to continue fighting, that gave them to eat daily. There is no target at which to go, nobody knows what is going on. Models are always repeated again and again. No one has a rest point.
The world is sinking. The final predictions, never arrive. People ordianaria and common after disasters, tragedies, that continuous insurance, are left to try to undertake, begin the same way as absurd as ever, where there is no point of rest, where there is no money, or resources to make bread every day, which seldom fails to their homes. In their lives, just anything, and that, much, despair and pain.


 Ya son incontables las veces que se anuncia el fin del mundo, el fin de la humanidad: Què si un cometa arremeterìa contra la tierra; què la presencia de una plaga maligna acabarìa con todo; què varios volcanes harìan erupciòn de manera conjunta; què los ejes terrestres variarìan su posiciòn; què las potencias se pelearìan entre ellas. Y asì, un sin fin de vaticinios, al parecer, interminables, sin dejar de incluir, por supuesto, al màs extravagante de ellos y mucho màs pròximo: El de las profecìas Mayas para diciembre del 2012. Pese a todo ello, el planeta continùa, y lo peor, con nosotros en èl y viajando,sin tenerlo en cuenta, todos los dìas en el universo.

Lo que sì es un hecho, es la descomposiciòn progresiva de nuestro mundo. Y està, no està dada, necesariamente, por eventos o situaciones, surgìdas de manera gratuìta, sùbita o sorpresiva, sino por la ingerencia muy directa de los siete mil millones de habitantes que ya somos hasta la actualidad.

Sabemos que han sìdo los atentados, por parte nuestra, a la madre naturaleza, los que hacen suponer y casì asegurar, la apariciòn de las alteraciones climatològicas que nos han ido colocando al borde del colapso. No existe lugar en la tierra que en estos momentos, no estè enfrentando una catàstrofe o evento atmosfèrico de graves magnitudes e irremediables consecuencias. Infinidad de seres humanos, estàn sufriendo lo inimaginable, expuestos a un total desamparo y a una absoluta desolaciòn.

La humanidad entera, a ùltimas fechas, ha estado severamente golpeada, tanto por los eventos de ìndole natural, terremotos, huracànes, incendios, inundaciones, asì como por guerras civiles o derivadas del crimen organizado, y desestabilizaciones econòmicas, politicas y financieras. Todo ello, ha ido reportando muchas bajas humanas y provocado desesperanza y desiluciòn en todo el orbe.

Los descontentos sociales y las protestas a nivel mundial, cada dìa van en aumento y tambièn, han propiciado infinidad de muertes. No acabamos de estructurar un plan de acciòn que mitigue las crisis existenciales de todos los pobladores del planeta. Nos continuamos percibièndo como extraños, como ajenos unos a otros: Todo es competencia y precios, poder e intrigas, lucha y muerte.

Ya se viò que la mismìsima Comunidad Econòmica Europea, es sumamente fràgil ante los embates dirigidos por los expertos y especialistas financieros, los cuales mediante as facilidades que les otorga el proceso econòmico de la globalizaciòn, son muy capaces de cimbrar cualquier tipo de economìa, por muy blindada que  supuestamente pudiese estar: Grecia, Italia, España. Los usureros banqueros, no desean disculpar a nadie del pago de interèses leoninos, por muy absurdos que estos sean. Exigen, a cambio de miserables condonaciones, ajustes  econòmicos sociales, insoportables para los habitantes de los paìses de economìas insolventes o retardatarias de pagos. No se cansan de amasar fortunas y fortunas mediante el cobro de interèses moratorios infrahumanos. Cuidado con que se colapse la economìa italiana. No habrìa posibilidad de rescate financiero alguno. Y el mundo se la pasarìa aun mucho peor. Gracia sòlo requirìo de la condonaciòn del 50% de su deuda y de severos ajustes para sus ciudadanos. Pero lo de Italia, serìa algo mucho màs serio y colocarìa a todo el mundo ante un gravìsimo riesgo y una severa tensiòn.

Vivimos en un mundo donde la globalizaciòn y la guerra informàtica financiera, hacen estragos en todos aquellos que tratan de conducir a sus pueblos hacia mejores derroteros. Al parecer, nadie en el mundo, acierta a dar con la formula para conseguir estabilidad econòmia para los suyos, de manera sòlida, eficiente y sostenìda. El desempleo, el hambre, la marginaciòn y la exclusiòn, son nota de todos los dìas, en todas partes hacia donde se mire.

Son momentos muy delicados los que vive la humanidad entera. Todos, en una u otra medida, se han visto obligados a restringir,sensiblemente, sus niveles de vida. Han sido, precisamente, momentos muy similares, los que han conducìdo a generaciones anteriores a enfrentamientos armados de ìndole mundial. Las potencias, se han tenìdo que pelear por la competencia y la hegemonìa de los mercados y para tratar de evitar los riesgos de la disminuciòn de su poder, lo que les expondrìa irremediablemente a la hambruna que ellos provocan en los otros.

Son tambièn, ya varias veces las ocasiones del reparto y redistribuciòn del mapa geogràfico mundial, pero ahora vemos que eso sòlo ha servido para mitigar momentàneamente las necesidades de los vencedores. No han sìdo esas verdaderas soluciones. Como tampoco lo son ahora, el irse a apropiar de los combustibles y energèticos de los otros màs dèbiles. Todo ello, volveràn a ser simplemente paliativos como para solucionar una crisis humana de mucho mayor envergadura y profundidad.

Pese a todas las carencias y sin sabores, aùn no se està a tiempo de una bùsqueda por la uniòn terricola total. Se sabe que un encuentro guerrrero entre las potencias, o contra un bloque de ellas, conducirìa a la civilizaciòn entera, a una catàstrofe, aùn mayor y de consecuencias impredecibles. La idea de COMUN UNION, no llega, apenas se està arribando a las ideas de los rescates financieros con infiniad de candados, restricciones y  ajustes. Los tratados de libre comercio, tampoco han funcionado, los acuerdos se retrazan con una gran facilidad y en benefico y para beneficio de los socios màs poderosos. La producciòn masiva oriental, tampoco ha funcionado, ellos tambièn estàn por derrumbarse.

Lo ùnico que ha funcionado, son los trucos y artimañas de los expertos  hambreadores-financieros gobalizadores.

 Se viven momentos precarios, hemos hecho un mundo, donde todo cuesta y cuesta muy caro. Ya nadie sabe como hacerle para subsistir. Los ajustes ya los han rebasado. Ni siquiera los derrocamientos de los tiranos, les sirve para mucho. La gente los derroca, pero no saben lo que sigue, nadie sabe como organizar la victoria, desean continuar peleando, eso les daba para comer diariamente. No existe un objetivo hacia el cual dirigirse, nadie sabe que es lo que continùa. Los modelos de siempre se repiten una y otra vez. Nadie tiene un punto de reposo.

El mundo se hunde. Los vaticinios finales, nunca llegan. La gente ordianaria y comùn, despues de las catàstrofes, de las tragedias, que de seguro continuaràn, sòlo les queda tratar de emprender, de iniciar el mismo camino de absurdos de siempre, donde no hay un punto de reposo, donde no hay dinero, ni recursos para hacerse del pan de cada dìa, el cual no llega casì nunca a sus hogares. En sus vidas, sòlo hay algo, y de eso, mucho: DESESPERACION Y DOLOR.

miércoles, 26 de octubre de 2011


When life surprises you and there is not old enough to do something, then we must accept the designs of fate and face come from the best possible way. We must know that the attitude we take, will also be a determinant of our actions, that is, how to approach situations, so we will be projecting a lot of our future. The tools we have, for such a task, it is only the imagination and our firm desire to want to do something or someone in your life.Our trainers, of course, also become a factor. A lot depends on your styles in form and ways to lead, their way of life mpercibir as it will be based on them to take the first guidelines for the deployment of our own flight.The environment is another factor that will influence very directly. Depend greatly on the environment around us, so that situations arise or even be absent or not. Who would include the element of chance, as one of the key ingredients to living a life interesting and creative. All these elements will be implemented, some first and others later, but everyone at some point, will do their work or take their place in our actions and pilgrimage.A key issue is the age, especially in a system of life in which we live, as long as the person can not fend for themselves, they are subject, for a long time, plenty of setbacks, most the time, could be decisive to achieve a good future.Everything, then, occurs within the established parameters, but is that there might be some other way than to face the existence of the human animal called?Of course, that all species are from the same or similar way to humans: The offspring enter and immediately life, are assisted by their parents and also, almost immediately, are designed to exercise your content as a species are carriers. A horse, for example, the birth of his colt, he receives it in a safe place, clean it and lets start developer, guiding you to learn all that will lead him to become a strong and magnificent colt. So it is with a bear. The bear will be led by its founder, to become a great bear and for that, will accompany him for a long time, until it becomes self-sufficient, so from then on, leave it alone for the challenges of their own survival. So too do the birds: they are received in a nest, fed and cared for by parents and once they learned to fly by themselves, are driven and pressured to do so and leave their safe and comfortable home.The family institution ours, that of our species, has failed a lot with the goal of making strong and independent to their offspring. Time passes and apparently, the efforts of parents, are proving inefficient to meet the task of making proposals healthy and productive to their offspring.We are one of the most vulnerable species in the world: We have no natural defense a chance in our fiscal structures. We are born totally helpless compared to other inhabitants of this land. We do not have claws, fangs, legs fast, powerful eyes, with ears of high and very low frequencies. With a super instinct. We, from our arrival, very helpless. We require the help of others to survive, because otherwise we could not achieve. Our growth and maturity, it takes time and sometimes not reach the much desired and human development.A colt, I sure will become a horse, just as you would a bear, would become, sooner or later into a bear. Genetic constitutions, they strongly suggest and this is what you get by their trainers at the end of its preparation. They simply are exercises that appear to modifications of its kind sooner or later. There is no more. They are taught simply to provide their livelihood and learn to survive, facing or avoiding risks. But nothing more. Experts say that in animals at birth, is a phenomenon that identifies them with their kind: the mark. This is to stay with the baby very closely, until his father is identified, which will always be very outstanding to copy their behavior and follow it. It's like a fingerprint of the espeice, much needed in all animals. This phenomenon of imprinting, occurs within seconds or maybe minutes. It is vital, ultimately, it determines from the beginning, the path of all animals. It is the primary guide of the species.In our families, things happen very differently and as time passes, everything is more complicated. We are born in places where many people attended. Not all of these births are identified with operate on his duties. Occasionally, a few, the product is placed in the breast of the mother. First, it is manipulated for cleaning and reception is the most shocking for breeding. You have to be very alert to breathe input is essential that to happen, but the product of alteration conmsecuencias suffer irreversible nerve throughout their stay on the planet. Of course, that the phenomenon of imprinting, is not covered by us as a species. Imagine all those people impronting strange baby. Or let alone, strange, because they belong to the same species, if not resolved, just made. At the very least we are all made in our own species. Hence, a baby, growing up, should develop the human and this is never the case. We, too, are the only species that develops anything but human.Our training for life, do not know what should be included. What would be what we had to give our young? Is there a mark for us and when it appears? Do you train for the human? Have we failed as a species?Parents argue that schools fail because they are learning to be parents, they have to face that responsibility, not knowing what to do.Nobody knows the time when the young of the human species, absorb the other and others, and even whether or not a time of brand or mark that extends into our species. The observation fails us and abruptly interrupt any spontaneous behavior of our descendants. Do not let them do what adults want to drive. For example, there are times when babies are sheltered and wrapped up the total immobility. We are never sure what to do in the early formative stages.Children already installed in educational institutions, the drive to sustain the system of vested interests and are punished or reprimanded for that issue or proposed authentic and spontaneous behavior. Proceed to standardize on your criteria. They molded the character with everything established. The human is hiding is increasingly produced and emergence of something quite alien to it, something completely opposite.If, as a species, we could say without fear of error, which is the one that has failed. Unknown what way should respect on and everything. And attentive ruthlessly against the other species by the system and considered superior. Failure as worthy representatives of the human animal species, and has been for thousands of years: We have developed very foreign to someone true and genuinely human. We are the animal that lives inside of an isolated and hidden under a great fear of meeting and displayed as it is. Of course we have failed as a species.Could still do something?There are always possibilities of action, while not end demos nature, which is that all species have the conforman.Oportunidades, there will be, but the time factor is short and we always know how to exploit to the fullest, because we belong to the species at risk of extinction.First of all, it is required to watch our babies with a very different perspective that we have been concerned: What they do, how they do, they spend their time.There are basic behaviors in our species, as have other species: We are social by nature. Children look and like to be with other classmates. Sonrreir love. Play a lot, always looking for excuses to do so. They love to talk, almost all talk like parrots. They like to hug and cuddle. And that kiss kiss. Strokes are very important to them. Helping others. They are cooperative and participatory, not like to be excluded. They express their appreciation spontaneously. They are clean, they like swimming, enjoy it much, so require. Looking forward to your loved ones suffer if you do not see. They are known to entertain whatever. They love having their own spaces and modify to his pleasure. They express their love and understanding and know like always share their possessions and moods with their pets and favorite toys. They are very curious and are always willing to learn new experiences and new learning. Like visits to the countryside and the sea.Are all these, some of the basic behaviors of infants of our species. Could not create a new education based on them and be aware that they are always very present, no missing from the rooms and home environments, school and family?On another occasion, I discuss other cuestionantes ... (¿We educate for the human? How to save the ESPCI?)