lunes, 7 de mayo de 2012


The biological-medical sciences have advanced by leaps and rapid in recent decades.Have been assisted and aided by sophisticated, fine and new technological discoveries, nonexistent just a hundred years ago.
Many diseases apparently incurable in the past, are now a thing of playground for professionals in the health services of their countries: tuberculosis, sinusitis, colds, diarrhea, stomach infections and a long etcetera. Scientists through their research, have come to provide invaluable information to medical science as never before recorded in the history of mankind. Each day that passes, one revolutionizes data obtained and everything worked, making it possible to obtain the cover of a puzzle that is increasingly concluded: PRODUCE MORE HUMANITY CUSTOM, OR DISEASE-FREE LIVING fittest. In short: TAKE THE REINS OF MOTHER NATURE AND NATURAL SELECTION TO LEAD.
Genetic engineering, underpinned by information technology and robotics, could be a viable solution to prevent genetic flaws that cause disease and also serve as a control to prevent damage to the environment of our planet with everything that constitutes, for all is supported in the sequences and multiple combinations of Dexosiribonucleìco acid (DNA)
Actions in this respect are raised on three different fronts, namely basic research.Therapy and diagnosis and prevention.
In reference to research, I will say that just 40 years ago physicians in dealing with genetics, had no idea how to proceed. Only known chromosome number in humans, two individual bands, one inherited from each parent 23 and one by the mother, also 23 chromosomes. He knew something about their location within the cell nucleus, a body composed of 50 trillion cells, each with a complete set of chromosomes 46 in all, the volumes of the life, books of all our existence, ie , a needle in a huge haystack. It was also known something about the situation of some genes scattered throughout the body.But nothing more. Regarding the field of defective genes that give rise to many diseases, eg cancer, no nothing. One could only speak of probabilities and mathematical language was mainly ...
At the present time, nearly forty years later, the Doctors Paulin and Carey, followed by Dr. James Watson of Harvard University and his colleague Francis Crick English at the University of Cambridge, discovered that the DNA molecule consists of a double helix and two strands of two meters, perfectly funky which contain about 3 billion chemical base nucleic acid: (A) Adenine. (G) guanine. (C) and Cytosine (T) thymine. These letters, combined in series of three-AGC, AGT, ATA called triplets, result in more than twenty different alternatives and the basis for synthesizing the twenty amino acids known today, essential for life. This is a sort of molecular alphabet that contains the genetic message piece by piece to build the human puzzle. And there, precisely, are written all the secrets of life and heritage of the whole human race: the aging, multiple defects and diseases, depression, ezquisofrenia, Mongolism, insanity, cancer, disorders lung, heart and liver. In these genes, 150 thousand in total, are coded too, protein synthesis and the thousands of changes that occurred in the cell, enable us to calculate between 10 and 20 million chemically distinct proteins.

A gene is a piece of DNA and the acid contains the information needed to make proteins that will perform a specific function in the body. But if the gene suffers any damage or defect or lack of information, a mutation, say, this may affect the health of the protein, synthesizing a way defective or not even be manufactured and therefore can not fulfill its job. Of course, that the failures thus generated, will be fatal tragedy carrying a cell in the body, proliferating errors to all other cells that are in bipartition.
It is very important to note that when errors occur, they do so for all genes equally, for example, Down syndrome is known as trisomy 21. It is an error in chromosome 21 that is repeated more. And this would cause any person to submit the same alteration in the chromosome, ie, would suffer from mongolism.
Now, that has identical cell division and to ensure that the organs and tissues grow in balance and maintain body architecture, requires the participation of thousands of molecules such as proteins, enzymes, amino acids and growth factors. If the precision mecaniscista fails, if there is an alteration in the program, normal cells are transformed into disease and it has been shown that behind all degenerative processes, regardless of the triggers, whether internal or external, there is a genetic disorder. And worse, that any kind of organic disorder, especially cancer, has an origin in the healthy genes somehow lose control and become abnormal oncogenes that promote the genesis and spread of tumors or malignant tumors That is the recent diagnosis. We are based in the genetic era!
With respect to therapies and diagnostics, everything is focused on discovering as a normal cell becomes malignant, why go crazy and multiply without any use to the body, nor any useful task.
First, we must accept that the world population has risen precipitously and thus patients have also proliferated, especially to an aging population is mostly with many degenerative problems in their bodies. On the other hand, environmental factors with lifestyle habits such as scrap diet, sun exposure without adequate protection, use of snuff, drugs, alcohol and presence in food and environment of carcinogens.
Advances in the most recent scientific research indicates that have aided medical science on how and who apparently is on the right track and correct with respect to treatment and cure of cancer tumors.
Combinations of surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy, and allow many patients to achieve their recovery and healing in less time. Children are more therapeutic benefit of this progress achieved. Apparently, the mortality has been shot and now provides a better quality of life for cancer patients. Surgeries and not as aggressive and made every effort not to affect the function of organs affected.
The radio therapy, with beams of high energy photons penetrate deeply into tissues and neoplacias succumb to radiation without damaging other healthy tissues. In these therapies, experts attending from CT scanners and MRIs, as well as programs geneeraciòn three-dimensional pictures. In that way, one proceeds to the radiation resulting in the majority of cases, be of a millimeter and high power.
Anticancer drugs, are another option that is placed in the circulatory system to carry the poison to all body tissues. This is the treatment known as chemotherapy, which seeks to attack the malignant cell is no longer immortal and self-destructs. This therapy, still has many contraindications, as attacks molecular healthy dividing cells, the red blood cells, platelets, hair follicles and mucous membranes.
Recently, it is looking for a vaccine to the immune system recognize and attack cells robustly to oncology. Let's wait a little longer. Another cutting-edge therapies, consisting of injections of healthy genes to replace defective ones.
Gene therapy is aimed at strengthening the immune system, stimulating it to produce granulocytes, macrophages, lymphocytes, phagocytes and antibodies that can identify specific types or specific foreign invaders in the body. With these therapies, seeks to strengthen the body's natural defense and is based on them contemplated the future of highly destructive and degenerative diseases of the body.
Moreover, in the face of early prevention and diagnosis, are public awareness campaigns: We talk about diets, excessive abuse of snuff, alcohol and drugs, regular doctor visits and hospitals, and results have been disappointing, due more than anything else, to the population's economic situation, which can not cover even the minimum subsistence, let alone what they say or suggested in the above campaigns.
When these campaigns will be included in preventive health care and integrative holistic that would lead to complementary and alternative medicines?

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