martes, 1 de mayo de 2012


Today no one doubts, that the world is being flooded with sadness. That is the great threat today on the planet: The crying is sick of depression, which are left. We must build dikes in a good mood for the containment of the tears that threaten our suffering world.You have fought against such heroic stupidity, so when you start the century of real change, let us in to discouragement ...
I was born in a small town in the Mexican province, where there was an inordinate bigotry and could only show nudity as hands, faces and a little neck. None of knees, breasts, breasts and juicy thighs. It was a village where the priest had much control and was fully convinced that God had entrusted the custody of the keys to heaven and eternal friendship with the angels and all saints. That narrowness, are suffering in all forms of behavior of all villagers. Our breath of life, was not longer or stronger than a burp. Our local philosophers, were far from Diogenes or Aristippus of Cyrene who preached as the highest good and idleness palcer as an ideal to live ... We were more close to the stoicism of Seneca or of Zeno, which they regarded as the supreme good happiness, but not one that comes through the senses, but by reason and knowledge, mastering the passions ... We were a damn stoic to the Mexican people, ie egg!
I remember a friend of the people that we said the fat man. His huge body was much like a chacalote or a sea lion with paws. It was a big stamp impressive, terrifying, with many likely to cause death or weak people sick, which abounded in our village. It seemed to Pope John 23, maybe more and more high fat, truly mosntruoso. It seemed to have the head upside down. His skull oval hairless chin seemed endless. A large pink edges tore wrinkle his forehead like a small mouth and eyes were located well below normal for big cheeks and eyelids pulled him almost with the gathered down the cheeks and ears. The lower eyelashes were longer than the lower. That made him see his face as if he had a sort of winced, so sore as if I was out the wheel of the very final judgment. He wore a long beard and run up to his ears, as if it were an inverted hair, If I had a look around, look like a cyclops. But appearances are deceptive, it was a very nice chubby and cheerful, as almost all fat people are.
-American propaganda makes us much harm! - Explained to all, stroking his chin high, which almost did not let him see the chin or neck-all is food, food and more food ...
Concrete: That fat chacalotezco, lying, to distract us from your skin greasy and hung that oozed everywhere. In our village, we were far from the northern neighbor and a lot of propaganda that we will arrive, via the mass media, never one of the people, could become as fat as our sea lion with paws, besides money had not even for that, perhaps the mayor could do, their families or the priest, but no more. What if we knew all was that the witch of the people very often invited him to eat sausages with bread at home and many desserts, under the influence of homemade wine prepared by the sorceress. And the gossip of the town have made him something to food, because our friend to be more or less thin, went on to become chacalote in the blink of an eye.
Personally, I hate fat people. My nerves, so carelessly and perversidad.Porque I have to say, the witch, another woman was also super fat, nothing more than her ballenezca; see it infuriated me: It was an old tipical fat I did neither less effort, did not move nor frightened flies and showing that our people had enough everywhere. But yeah, nothing else saw the whale approached his den, he rose from his huge armchair in a single bound - said he had been a gymnast in Olympic-best times, she looked out the window and offered his best sonrrisa my chubby friend. That started the path playful joke. Seeing those two balloons caminates excited, botargas grotesque pair, throwing tender glances, was quite a show in town. Indeed, those who were overweight or Olympic championship fights Sumo. And together, did not give bad appearance, as they made a fool of both ...
The villagers said that she, in her younger years, was high and dry and a woman who was injected vitamins, had had a mole on the left hip, but she was sure that no man had ever seen it, as there had no buttocks. The witch was a virgin, dial it potentiated their spells. They say that before the excess fat, did not look too bad: They parted in the center comb; liked to dye her hair. On occasion, there was a white streak in the hair on the forehead, but it went wrong and he was beige and looked like a skinny chicken heron-like smeared mud ... Still, his appearance was not all fatal. Instead they say he had a big mouth, yes, but with the fat you got smaller and believe that she purposely gained weight to look like everyone, but you run my hand with the sausages and breadand desserts and wine, the more sparse sexual activity, becoming the whale is now ...
That the other small-town gossip, from the dripping, to the more haughty ... Who knows there is truth in all these rumors ... Impossible to find.

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