miércoles, 23 de mayo de 2012


The time to listen, speak and act, has finally arrived! Let's now much more profound than simple social reformers ... We are the creators of a world that seeks to replace the first creation by the Divine in the universe, and yet it seems that we did the opposite, because despite all our efforts and expertise in numerous areas, we are slaves of the same we have built with our own hands ...We must recognize that while our power grows more on the subject and now on the genetics itself more we feel powerless in our individual lives and the conviviality in the society and what is worse, we are losing human beings, we're losing our own human essence.Our identity, that which identifies us with ourselves, which projects us into the meeting to others, what is said is true for us, has been lost to build a material world full of absurdities, where the most damage wins or does it have more money and power. We are aspiring, daily, to acquire false identities.We are divine, yes, but also have to accept that we are faithful servants of the outside world bizarre, full of things and vested interests that limit and hinder our true potential for development essentially human. And at this rate, those mistakes will make us completely insane live-in-ourselves outside, well away from our true and real spiritual essence.We must be conscious that both women and men of this age, they remain ignorant about the most important and fundamental problems of human existence: What man is.How should reach humanism characteristic of their species. I must live and you have to do to release the tremendous energies that exist in your inner universe and use them productively for the benefit of his fellows, of the total community ...Moreover, the lack of faith in ourselves, is beginning to cause the idea of ​​powerlessness and insignificance of both men and women, creating a state of moral confusion in which prefabricated false leaders, super computers or machinery very powerful and sophisticated materials and triumphs, have become the source of our standards and value judgments.Increasingly, we are becoming mere merchandise and great numbers in the super market personalities ... success depends largely on people to sell well, they can impose their personality to others, resulting a good package: Joyful, solid, reliable, aggressive, ambitious, with good family background, good belonging to social clubs, including knowledge of appropriate and important people, beautiful people, who use gold credit cards, in short, be like others want and do what others tell them and act as effectively and coldness at any cost ...Apparently, the crisis of identity in modern society installed and its excesses, is actually the crisis caused by the fact that almost everyone, we have evolved into instruments without I head, resting our poor identity in the participation gigantezcas bureaucracies, where we are nothing or almost nothing and nobody ...The deep affection no longer checked. We no longer feel love for ourselves, all importanica deposited in the outside world. The other bit to us. We no longer care about anything or anyone, in the deepest sense of the word and not because we are selfish, but because our relationships and ourselves are very weak. This could explain why we do not mind an ecological catastrophe like the one we are causing the planet, but we know all the evidence suggests these risks to the health of ourselves and healthy living for generations to come.The lack of concern at those levels is the result of the loss of all emotional attachment to the people closest to us. We have developed a world full of disposable items and that term can be applied equally, and to things like people more intimate and close, these beings are also ¨ ¨ disposable ones ...Today, we no longer face a culture of frustration, but the culture of debauchery where anything goes and life matters very little and that is causing us a complex abysmal lack of direction, accompanied by a great feeling of loneliness in which only wants what the powerful and wealthy have (ambition) or do what the leaders say (Borregismo).That we have served a large neocortex more complex and more interconnected, three times that of our primate ancestors and our instinctive behavior has decreased, if the reason in the sense of understanding, a quality unique to homo sapiens, has become an instrument of manipulative intelligence that has made us unhappy beings, lonely, worried, anxious, depressed, destructive, deceitful, violent, manipulative, deceitful, dishonest, cowardly and dependent.It would seem that the essence of our problem we would be talking about not just exceed the level of sub-human dimension and that no one has dared to start the ascent to the truly human dimensions or what would be even more catastrophic, which only a few enlightened, Socrates, Buddha, Christ, have achieved all this leading us to a tremendous conclusion that AMONG PRIMATES AND BE CIVILIZED, the grotesque WE ARE ...Moreover, the age of globalized modernity, has failed to fulfill its great promise: Progress unlimited wealth and greater happiness for a greater number of people and freedom without threats or violence.More and more people around the world realize the following:That the unlimited satisfaction of desires does not produce well, is not the way to happiness, even the maximum pleasureThat the dream of becoming independent masters of our lives ended when we begin to understand that we are all cogs in a machine and that our thoughts, feelings and tastes manipulate the government, church, employers, educational institutions and the harmfulmass media.-That economic progress has continued limited to rich nations and the gap between the powerful and the indebted countries, is widening once more, a mistake that we are paying very high cost to not too distant future ...-Unlimited technical progress, has created a myriad of dangers to ecosystems and, along with scientific discoveries, modern wars could end civilization and perhaps human life on the planet.For all anteriromente above, is that this arises HUMANIST DEMOCRATIC MANIFESTO and are intended to motivate it be public forums, coalitions and clubs, where everyone has the opportunity to speak and act more strongly with the support of all members of the civil society committed to its historical reality, regardless of creed, class, age, sex, beyond the aberrant political parties. It is to vindicate the rights and obligations of our Mexican society.THE HUMANIST DEMOCRATIC MANIFESTO, ACCEPTED THE FOLLOWING ASSUMPTIONS:
The criteria that guide the education here on, shall be that based on the results of scientific progress and always properly regulated in defense of human integrity and the planet itself. Will be democratic, considering democracy as a structure based on laws and legal precepts in a system of life founded on constant economic, social and cultural development of all the people, conducted and supervised by the organized civil society in periods of time and previously established.National education will be free-without hostility or exclusion-response analysis and understanding of all the country's problems. Will focus on the protection and utilization of our resources. A defense of political independence, the assurance of our identity and economic independence and the continuity and growth of our culture.This education should contribute to better human social life and giving all the factual information necessary to promote a strong identity in the students, facilitating the appreciation, dignity, integration and family belief in the concern for the welfare of others. As fraternity and equal rights of all human beings, avoiding privileges groups, sexes, religions or individuals.-The right to information is guaranteed by supervisory committees to force the mass media to make good use of space-air with balance and respect all of society, since it does not belong and which belongs to everyone and not should saturate or misleading junk information for purposes of exlusividad or interests. The expression of ideas shall not be liable to any repression and all who wish, may use communication channels to express themselves freely and without censorship. Anyone CAGIVA should open channels of public communication in return for use of airspace that belongs to all. The right to expression of opinion is guaranteed by the State. It sensurarà only the attack on the morals and the rights of third parties provided no data or arguments that support valid criticism.- Never Under no circumstances may prevent the right to assemble or associate peaceably for lawful purpose. No armed meeting is entitled to release. We respect these views, but do not share.- It will not be illegal or may be dissolved a meeting or assembly healthily expressing requests or proposals to the authorities are in the range you are.-The country's rectory and socioeconomic development of the same, the State, overseen by organized civilians have voice and vote to ensure the sovereignty and strength of the nation and its democratic regime. Will require that the new global social organization ensures the promotion of economic growth and employment and a much fairer distribution of income and wealth at all costs avoiding monopolies or strawmen.Civilians organized, will urge the Mexican government to implement as soon as possible and under no circumstances a planning system Humanist Democratic National print solid, dynamic, continuing and equitable growth of the economy to social and cultural modernization of the society.-All power emanates from the people organized. Sovereignty is imposed civilians organized and instituted for the benefit of all Mexicans, without exception. The people have every right, by plebiscite, to alter their form of government when deemed by a majority., Stand together in a representative, democratic and federal, composed of free and sovereign states in their internal affairs were supervised by civilian organizations.-Democracy, Justice, freedom and social peace are considered actions and not words.Ideas as the sum of knowledge and commitment you have with the man himself to his country and to the universe.-We start from opposite worlds who seek similarities and agreements through dialogue and listening.-We act to take history and make our future in the present day to day.-Mexico is for all and for all. We are always fighting and will fight against the system of vested interests that run counter to the overwhelming majority of our people.The HUMANIST DEMOCRATIC MANIFESTO APPEALS TO ALL THE PEOPLE OF OUR BROTHERS AND MEXICAN LAND located in OTHER COUNTRIES, TO ACT AS ONE BEING, TO THE CHALLENGE OF HEALING AND PREVENTING THE HOMELAND more abuses, taunts and HANDLING FOR HUMAN DIGNITY.Today the future of the youth, is in the clarity of those we love our country. The Mexican government with their bad examples in their behavior, markets with what belongs to us all and we will respond to them. Political parties do not understand the real needs of the people involved. We are facing a void full of absurdities that encourage spiritual desasociego the lies that have left many years of false governments and rulers. Young people undoubtedly will be the honest men of tomorrow, fincamos them hope for a better Mexico for our grandchildren, a Mexico with more dignity: NO MORE betrayals. NO MORE embarrassing renditions. NO MORE FOREIGN submissions. MEXICAN PARTNERS NOT menial. Let us dare to live with pride, with our heads held HIGH. WITH DIGNITY. LIVE TO DIE, LIFE IS A FABULOUS ADVENTURE, let's define it. WE ARE CHILDREN OF DIVINE ENERGY. NO OTHER DESTINATION THAT ALL we form BETWEEN: LIVING AND DYING FOR A BETTER MEXICO. NO MORE GUILT. NO MORE FEARS. NO MORE PAIN. NO MORE SILENCE!Now is the time to support our youth with everything. It is now that we build with them the historic day with clear and precise demands, which come true: LIVING AND DYING WITH DIGNITY ...The HUMANIST DEMOCRATIC MANIFESTO consolidated with thoughts ideas and postulates the actions of our brave young men and proposes the development of a new discourse, a common language to give full and final answer to all of our dead, our shadows all living, that of a good time for all, learn to live with dignity, overcoming our past unworthy full of betrayals, profitable growing risks from moment to moment, united in one objective: THE COMMON-UNION!We affirm that democracy is a form of organization necessary to regulate social relations. It has its basis in the structure of the human being: I, super ego and id.Necessarily have to rely on the representation that the people placed in the elected government. Exercised that power should not rest on relations of command-obedience, but obeying.It is important to note that democracy is forged from within the self and its actions demonstrate the Spirit's conviction. Democracy First in, with self and then outward projection and implementation. Internal and external realization realization ...The main task before us requires the historical process of our country, to strengthen sovereignty, freedom and justice is: Go in Search of the Human.The moment of great historical overview of our race has finally arrived. The set of vested interests, essentially hindering human development, is reaching its end. We arrived at the time of emergence of new symbols and values ​​that are emerging from the depth of our great treasures of our great culture, strengthening our identity and hermanàndonos in the fight for you love and feel: MEXICO, OUR GREAT COUNTRY, OUR COUNTRY!The process has been slow but substantial and highly qualitative, could spawn a generation of young intrepid and courageous cast. The circle of hell, undignified death, betrayal and defeat, is about to collapse. First Democrats in, with self-control and individual peace, because the real and true revolution occurs in the territory of the inner, spiritual territory, only to be taken abroad. An exterior nurtured a series of legal rules that give real expression and true to our culture, our social organization, our universal evolution. Everything inside the positive sum, win-win ... We must strive to create spaces immediately greatness, where spirits are twinned, where politics and administration of public affairs fall within an obsessive idea and fixed law, the legal rule of just laws, which are not only the expression of a great spiritual force balanced and healthy culture uses to save themselves and evolve.WE ARE SPIRITUAL BEINGS AND EARTH ONE WITH POSSIBILITY OF PERFORMANCE: THE CREATIVE WORK, D-MAN, SUSTAINED IN THE BALANCE OF PEACE, THE LAW AND ORDER ... CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR YOUNG WARRIORS ... THANKS FOR THIS JOY THAT PROVIDE ...(CONTINUED UNDER UNDER GUIDANCE AND DEVOTION)

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