miércoles, 30 de mayo de 2012


It is said that conservatism is the tendency or attitude contrary to the social and political innovations. And conservative, anyone who belongs to the political party enemy of innovation ...

We live in a constant and continuous exchange of views Interpersonal, where we use without much consciousness, our ego's defensive functions to safeguard unconscious psychological conflicts. To the extent that the person can manage such conflicts, try to hide them too as their partners, especially in the exchange of peer relationships.Now, people are motivated to prove or at least have that intention, say that it is a basic human behavior, that motivation is thought leads to obtain relief from a distance, isolation, or loneliness, hence rightly be said that one of the distinctions of the human, is its great capacity for social interaction. But humans also have a tendency to hide our feelings, especially the most intimate and fundamental causes of emotional disturbances. In fact, almost all, we care about the impression that we can cause or lead over others, hence our reactions to both interpersonal social stimulation, are or are particularly important. For example, politicians, especially in times of campaigning or proselytizing, seeking at all costs, sympathy or respect for citizens to obtain benefits and votes ... It is in such cases, attempting to hide the less admired his personality, especially if some information is involved in a serious emotional disturbance, that the show, you could lose or risk losing the respect of voters.That is of paramount importance interviews? Because they focus on treating not only to understand the other, but to obtain and gather information to find the unmanifest and if it could be some psychopathology that is to hide.A few days ago, I was able to see on TV an interview with a candidate for President of my country. One of the interviewers, it only took a couple of minutes for the candidate interviewed, fundamental and decisive statement to ask you the question: ¨ Are you conservative? ¨ ... Yes, I am conservative! That was his response ...To be sure the information contained in a response, especially that obtained by a surprise and quick question, it forces the listener to express facts about their true feelings and experiences, but did not want, that is, does your unconscious. This includes and involves neurotic symptoms or emotional disorders and prastornos of conduct or character. In these categories can be appreciated if there are defects in the candidate's ability to function in the land of love, sex, work, social and domestic life. Just one meeting for a good person interviewed, let them see their actions and joint integration of his personality and thought processes of the interviewee can be observedConsider the conservative profile:
These people are involved in a conflict between obedience and defiance. They are always asking, ¨ Should I be good, or I can be wrong? ¨ live between anger and fear.Fear that they attack their misconduct and they can punish and anger because they are forced to abandon their desires and risk of submitting to authority. That is why people always appear to be very well behaved. Importantly, punctuality, thoroughness, neatness, grooming (much gel in her hair, excess lotions), order and strict observance of obligations (?), The central conflict arising from the fear of authority. His vital issues are framed in a vicious cycle where fear comes from the challenge, leads to obedience and anger that comes from obedience, leads them back to another challenge, do not know the renovation, hence they prefer to all costs conservatism. It is very easy to recognize people in them everything is stereotyped, including his manner and gestures that always turn out to be the same, being adaptive traits of great social value for them, not distinguishing the occasion might warrant a change.You need to realize that, for both the individual conservative social dynamics such as interpersonal, they should work according to their own designs without taking into account the consideration or the interest of others, but proceeds as if any act is He would have granted a special privilege (?). Everything, not accidental, nor is any sign of enthusiasm, but simply a symbolic appeasement aimed at preventing the punishment of possible transgressions that he imagines.The conservative features live grounded in unhealthy behaviors or mature, but in a different impression on their partners. In Him all comes from a subjective fear that makes it look good at first glance to his fellows, but that does not correspond to a much more detailed analysis of their psychodynamics. The salient features are from the conservative element that sustains angry lived in contradictory to himself: Clutter, negligence and obstinacy, suddenly to derive a sadistic excessive (?), Which reveals a defiant anger This is because the basic features include many opposites: diligence and negligence, order and disorder, all of which may appear at the same time of a priority or major. That is, contradictory reasons may be collected in a single act or to an event.The conservative, afraid to reveal their secret habits. You may dread regarding the cleaning of which boasts that appears everywhere, I could never put your fingers to your nose in public or repeat the use of trousers or shirt the day before. That would expose him to shame or humiliation. But privately, a victim of his contradictory personality indulging in a grotesque way to his feelings, which belies the painful struggles of a child with parental authority.The time factor for the conservative, is another key area to try to understand them. The stop wasting time and homework, is related to the struggle for power, because it secretly control and dominance: The situation will last? As if the clock would measure the value of the experiences and thereby have a sense of accomplishment and there was a direct proportion between the quantity and quality.The curator is usually served their money and position, rather than of affection, which provides emotional security. Financial situations are topics of discussion and danger as it is the money that comes to represent the closest source in their life and social projections should always be pompous and glamorous in the eyes of others. They are people who are considered all cartoons of social contact. (?) The label of conservative exageradda aims to control his hostile impulses. In them all, and very little emotional sincerity appearance of social form, denoting difficulty in relation to the anger and the bonds of friendship, which handles with an apparent false understanding and sympathy and cardboard.Regarding their position and power struggles, people are being conservative highly competitive individuals, although frankly fear competition open and say they are mediators and followers of non-confrontation and social peace, above all things Their behavior is perceived in terms of competitive implications, which leads to uneven relationship with the mother figure in the early stages and in the struggle to establish hygienic disciplines. In the late phase of the first child, the parent is included in such battles. His style is dominant and authority comes from having lived with male characters that made him feel powerful and exerted a great command of his person.Your emotions are, in general, it can even more secret to himself. They prefer to operate as if the emotion does not exist and try to feel with the mind more than the heart. It uses the intelcto to avoid emotions. Elude the battles in the realm of feelings, prefer the territories of the theories and concepts where discussed endlessly about details, laws and numbers, not emotions and actions related reasons. Words and language are the best instrument of thought, keeping their partners useless waste of these speeches and lectures. There is some real information, so bored on his listeners.The conservative, avoid affection, warmth and affection. Your false sense of strength and pride is linked to anger and anger challenging intensely living inside which makes it wary of any feelings of affection or sympathy. In his personal life reacts to your emotions with feelings of affection and helpless dependents do you have fear of ridicule and rejection. Pleasurable experiences are postponed, because the pleasure is dangerous in itself. They can be very effective for planning future happiness, but they live in a very rigid, they can relax and lose the moments of pleasurable experiences without actually enjoy them. His avoidance of pleasure due to an Oedipal guilt incosnciente that dominates their forbidden impulses. Hence the stiffness they experience.The conservative, often deny having problems in their sexual relationships, creating a great lover of his megalomania Product details and feelings of self-sufficiency. However, the conservative character of the couple knows that sex is always the same. There is variety and spontaneity that is considered very dangerous. Everything must be under control, make love in a geometrical and mathematical neither are allowed to do something different. For people who live manaera not spontaneous, it is puzzling that no two people make love in the same way. Mutual exploration or tenderness, they are totally unrelated issues. The bed is a field to show also its great capacity for reasoning and intellectual domain. Are very concerned about the implementation and adequacy. Are very concerned about the number of orgasms achieved by partners experienced care quality. It more respect and safety of your partner and not jeopardizing his omnipotent position of moral superiority.It is rare to find among the conservative case in trying to establish its grandeur appear as experts in matters in which actually know very little. They try to collect facts on the fly and without great foundations, they are experts. They have a great tendency to delegate.Always try to give the impression of power all by themselves and admit they need to hate someone else. His need to want to save all, is the result of their fear of moving away from the desired objects and loved, but not yours, reflecting his great obsessive struggle for power.Thus, in the conservative, no room for spontaneity, for fresh, innovative for it, for life.Everything is accustomed, predictable, stiff, with little grace, and humor ... are very fond of wearing red, green, white, yellow or blue ever ... (cheers, applause, whistles and shouts OUT OUT! !)

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