viernes, 10 de agosto de 2012


A monk playing with a stick on the sand in the courtyard of his temple installed on top of a mountain. The cloudy sun began to wane and in the distance one could see the dark shadows of the monastery came up in that cold winter.
- What about you? I can feel downcast today. As if sad, 'said his master.
-When the weather is rainy and cold, like now, I tremble like a bunch of dry grass which the wind to wherever he goes. I get the impression that I'm no good, master.

The young monk gave the impression of being completely defeated, unable even to look up to heaven.
'When my feet begin to freeze over every winter, I'm longing for my home, master. I think of my people, my friends, I think a lot in my home. I feel unworthy of my temple. Unworthy of all ...

The teacher approached him, took his arm gently and calmly and deliberately, took him into the meditation hall. They sat facing each other, on some rugs that were in the wooden floor 'took a candle and lit the fire hearth. Suddenly a sudden wind, caused the darkness once again. The young monk shouted:
'I'm afraid, Master. I'm scared. Indeed I am.
The teacher got up to find another candle and relit, making strange faces and body movements, prompting laughter from the young monk who laughed openly for the first time. The teacher now knew that the discouraging words of his disciple, did not reach your heart and perhaps could rescue his narration.
-The real charm of life lies in being able to appreciate any time of year. This is something that now I do not understand ...
The wise man, wrapped in a saffron robe, stood still looking at the mountains through a window that showed a cold moon, covered with dark clouds, which presedìan night. You could not see a light or in the mountains or in distant fields.
He continued:
-Only men of other times, when there were no lights, nothing but fire, could understand the beautiful mystery of life.
-No doubt, master.
The young monk was also given to the contemplation of the dark mountains. There was silence for some moments. In the distance we heard the bellowing of the deer calling. It was the mating season in these majestic and mysterious rock moles. Females require their males.
Then the master monk, and was ready to start his story:
It all happened in a deep cave that was at the summit of Mount Cyleno. There was a strange child birth that just left the womb, leapt out of bed, quickly crossed the threshold of the cave where he was born and went in search of his first adventure on earth: Hide some cows in deep ground outside away from land of their own ... His divine mother, who had observed in his escape, he told the back: "You are a very bold and clever little boy Where are you at night so dark?
Said the little mother, 'for my glory I will continue to do many more tricks in my life ... and it was indeed, the monk said that strange boy was very annoying since, but very nice and very good with the verb, which had earned him the will of the chief god of Olympus, who came to trust the commission to proclaim their ordinations, naming his diligent and faithful messenger and tireless server.
-How interesting teacher said the young monk very aasombrado.
-This messenger god he continued the master, possessed the faculty of easy expression, clear and the supreme gift of persuasion, hence they too were admired as the god of speech and eloquence. This great God, to wear his sandals, in gleaming gold, ran like the wind and took him quickly, both by air and by land and reached everywhere in an instant, he was overcome anything or anyone ...
The young monk watched with close attention to your teacher who innocently lost in his narrative:
This celestial herald, was offered to all, as a tireless runner agile and vigorous body, which he printed an incomparable grace. With fast career expressaba special virtues attributed to not only wore sandals, gold sandals, sandals magnificent, but also their stride extraordianria rpidez you printed the wind.
Suddenly, the young monk very excited, interrupted his master.
-That God is Mercury!
-No, my friend - said the teacher without hesitation, this is a great competitor of ebony, called Usain Bolt, who has come to give their careers and their charismatic personality a new world view breaking the paradigm of a society that produces traditional and obsolete monks like you do not go to the dining room of the monastery to see the Olympics on television and not learn anything so weak and depressed, never win and never cease to break the harmony of the universe and the divine gift of hope ...
Thanks for all your emotions and simplicity, Usain Bolt ... ¿Son of Zeus?

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