martes, 24 de abril de 2012


(Chemicals and Psychosomatic Aspects)
Medical statistics have indicated that low morale directly affects the immune system. Apparently the brain directly affects him through nerve connections and hormones. We now know that the people most affected are those that are isolated and choose their lives without frequent interpersonal relationships: Widowed, divorced and lonely.
If we were talking as reductionist (people who pretend to explain everything by analyzing each of the interacting parties), we would say that the disease could be explained as a simple molecular disorder. Viruses and bacteria create chaos in the molecules, so if a specialized protein that helps to process fats, is affected, could not perform its functions throughout the body irremediablemnte enter a disease ...
This apparently has a logic, however, there are experiments that might disprove the results obtained. For example, some mice were given a diet high in fat, for a few months, this facilitated to be presented in their bodies a metabolic disorder. But in a control group was fed the same diet, but it established a different care variable: No sound in space, and experimental laboratory demonstrations for more than forty minutes daily. Could be found to sacrifice more than 60% of the control group, showed less damage than the rest of his teammates. The amount of cholesterol in blood, was the same for all. It was clear that the mice were better treated and protected, demonstrated stronger and more resilient. Is it possible that this could happen to us? Reductionists would deny. We are not mice, they would say. Not so easy to accept a simplification.
But other research, provide data much more flattering: After 9 years of studies looked at the deaths of 700 people in a group of 4,700 men and women, residents of a small population of the United States. We found that higher mortality rate occurred between divorced individuals. These occurred in the first year, symptoms such as poor health and mental problems such as memory problems, insomnia and low productivity indicie. The study found that lonely people have few or no social contact, dies before others with friends, belonging to social clubs, religious or stable families, but also are divorced. Apparently, people are less sociable long before the fateful meager and their mortality rate is two to three times higher in the homeless and hopeless love.
Now, let's extrapolate that perhaps to many may seem extraordinary emotional states-this is no longer a secret to anyone, such as stress, produce a series of reactions that often complicate cardiac functions: The adrenal glands (located above of riñoes) secrete more adrenaline in the blood. These excesses, usually produce disfribilación--breaks of certain fibers that leads to cardiac arrhythmias, and may trigger a heart attack.
But human relations are processed in an area of ​​the limbic system, tonsils calls a kind of almonds, sunk deep in the cerebral cortex. With modern scanners and CT scans, it was found that a friendly conversation or endearments true, a touch, making these tonsils electrically ordered the hypothalamus to manufacture human growth hormone that helps people to live more pleasantly. This ultimately makes people find rewarding human relationships, are more protected against disease and death itself, that all those other less social or isolated. Hence, it is thought that there are no diseases but sick.
In other research, it was found that at the death of a loved one, to make a laboratory making T lymphocyte count before and after the death of that being important, it was discovered that although the cells did not change in counts in widowers lymphocytes did not respond to stimuli presented and appeared lethargic and sick. It is suspected that there may be a close relationship between emotions and the immune system.
The emotions are processed in the brain. Endorphins, type of neurohormones, soar in number, when checked very pleasurable feelings. And there is a chance that the defenders of our body cells, macrophages and T lymphocytes, have been discovered receptors for endorphins and other neurotransmitters. This certifies the connection of emotions and our organic defense system. If this kind of chemical telegrams, come to our ceerebro, could we think that something like "I'm depressed," not to do. "" I want to die "could also be highly unpleasant news messages to our brains and trigger negative reactions serious in our bodies?
You need more research on the emotional behavior of the hypothalamus and its relation to the immune system.
What's more, with some mice, it has been found that you can condition them to activate their immune system: They injected a product llmado Poly C which activates lymphocytes that destroy invaders. After each injection, the mouse is forced to smell camphor. After 20 days of experimentation, it was found that the rodents could stimulate their fighting cells only with the smell of camphor, without injecting the product. I wish that I could do the same with humans and not only with mice. Must await experiments with humans.
From the foregoing, it is possible to accommodate psicosomátca medicine: The realción mind body, is emerging with strength in modern medicine: sessions of psychotherapy, relaxation, meditation and visualization to enhance security and confidence against disease. Apparently, so far, our mood is the only weapon we have to deal with the challenges of everyday life that we are so stressed.
(To continue the third phase: the mind-body relationship)

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