martes, 24 de abril de 2012


(This text I will present to the blog, just as I will with the paper on the floor of the House Senate of the Mexican Republic, in the fraction of the Left Party Parlamentaira PRD, on April 20, 2012 )
The work will be divided into four phases: The first one deals with the suffering of cancer in assessing biological exclusively medical. The second part will deal strictly Psychosomatic aspects. The third phase will address everything about the mind-body. The fourth phase will speak of casuistry or psychotherapeutic treatment design.
I understand Cancer: A crazed cellular alteration that causes errors in an uncontrolled multiplication.
This organic disease, these genetic mutations that cause a normal cell to lose control.
In the beginning of this century, cancer is almost hunted could say: Half of malignant tumors and do not cause the damage of the past. The situation has improved dramatically. There are major advances in understanding the root causes and development. Apparently, new treatments are on the verge of defeat this evil disease. Cellular alterations and thousandths in diameter can be detected by modern imaging techniques such as the axial tomography, magnetic resonance and PET (Positron Emission Tomography).
How to heal the malignant cells?
First, we should mention that if the immune system fails to destroy malignant cells, tissues grow into a cancer. Furthermore, note that the tumor mass begins to make its own vascular network that is vital to their survival and that is one of the largest and most serious obstacles to the recovery of patients.
Third, it must be said that only 30 years ago, experts in the field, when asked how it creates a cancer, had no answer and his silence was more than frustrating for those involved. The researchers did not find the mechanism that causes a cell to lose control and start to divide uncontrollably to the point of deteriorating at breakneck speed.
We now know, after great efforts, a normal cell is distinguished from a malignant, because their molecular components are a group of genes called oncogenes that promote the genesis and spread of malignant tumors.

These days, science has come to the conclusion that cancer is a genetic disease, although the snuff provides almost 30% of lung disorders, problems in the oral cavity, kidney and bladder. That diets rich in fat and low in fiber, lead to colon and stomach. That 10% are related to malignant tumors in sexual areas. The sun's rays cause 8% of skin cancer. In this aspect more directly enters and genetic inheritance and 5% of that 8% are inherited cancers. The remainder of the other alterations cancer is unknown origin. But nevertheless, scientists say, the main trigger of all cancerous processes, is a mismatch of a genetic character. In this regard, it is important to note that today is known that the 30, 000 million cells that make up the organizational structure, these are monitored by the DNA molecule, ie, by hereditary genetic content. Thus, the body configuration is governed by the proliferation of cells that regulate each other and that allows the organs and tissues grow in balance and keep the entire body structure in order.
In the process of regulation, molecules involved in a rigorous manner as proteins, enzymes and amino acids with a high accuracy. Minimum failure in control systems, can lead to a severe cellular alteration: Cancer. That is, as I mentioned, in a demonstration program improperly displayed split a cell defective in many years before the onset malignant tumor. It is, therefore, scientists say, of mutations in specific genes. These genes are involved, are the key to the "open sesame" to understand the roots of the problem serious tumor.
However, a gene is nothing but a speck of DNA. Used to make proteins that perform specific functions in the body. But if that gene is exposed to an alteration, as could be the loss of information, the protein would result in a defective or may not even occur. In the human genome, there are over 100 000 genes, only very few are involved in cancer processes, others inspect, put it in some way, the life cycle from cell growth, differentiation, survival and death.
The genes involved in cancer, have been called proto-oncogenes, stimulate cell proliferation. When these tiny participants can mutate, then they become oncogenes and are going to cause uncontrolled cell proliferation, leading to cancer genetic Frankenstein.
To give answer to the question of how to heal the malignant cells, it is important to understand the circuits inside the cell, especially regarding the signals that inhibit cell proliferation, ie the anti-oncogenes, whose function is to prevent such malignant proliferation in healthy people.
To date, they have identified 17 tumor suppressor genes involved in cancer. For example, the P53 gene is involved in more than 80% of colon diseases. But recent research has been found that this gene, and appears in more than 52% of the hundred types of cancer are registered. This important gene, is the great guardian of the human genome. And its healthy situation, their work is invaluable: mechanism monitors the entire genetic process that facilitates cell proliferation. But if present some flaw in the system, the P53 would detect the problem and proceed to restore other auxiliary activating DNA repair. If that action does not correct the fault, then proceeds to give an order of cell destruction called apoptosis. But if the guardian, for some reason, reversed its mutation could represent the true hell for the whole organism, with the risk of getting serious disease, a cancer like it. It is in the process of cell destruction, through a series of processes mutants, these changes make the cells immortal and deadly to humans.
It is important to note that the mutated genes will result in a new genetic program that makes it easier to sneak killer cells from the immune system, creating its own network of blood vessels themselves that will allow them to move without restraint and recklessly throughout the body. So far, the reason is unknown how cancer cells escape the cell mass suicide ordered by the P53 gene.
Since 1971, an official record, the United States of North America, declared war on cancer. Richard Nixon was the President who signed the document. 42 years have passed. Extratosféricas sums have been spent dollars. There are over 800 000 products, health food and synthetic, which have tried to implement and test and Cancer continues to advance relentlessly. There are, of course, other factors triggers: The adult population is steadily growing worldwide, degenerative diseases abound more than ever. Environmental pollution is excessive. The diet completely scrap. Climate change with its intense sunlight. Excessive abuse of snuff and carcinogens proliferate everywhere. In 2000, there were almost 90 thousand new cases of malignant disorders. Women were most affected by 67%. Most cases were in malignancies of the uterus, breast, stomach and lymphatic system. The places where there were positive cases were: Mexico City, Veracruz, Jalisco, Nuevo Leon and Tamaulipas. Globally, we extrapolate statistically that during the twenty-first century in 100 Europeans, at least four will develop a malignant tumor throughout his life.
Do they work or not current therapies? Do you have a valid diagnosis?
It is believed that it is possible to cure a little over 50% of malignant tumors. There are no data figures to corroborate that belief reliably. Scientists think that if you go the right way in all regards and healing treatments: Surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. These measures are enabling a growing number of patients diagnosed with cancer, especially in early stages and in young people obtain a great improvement and even cure the disease. The mortality seems to have also declined or patients can improve their quality of life significantly and achieve much better live than in the past.
It should be stressed that the battle against Cancer, surgery is still the best medicine against this disease. Surgery today is far less invasive and damaging than that practiced some decades ago. Now, using high technology, is trying to do almost anything to avoid damage to any organ, although they are deep and radical surgery: Radiation from high energy photons that penetrate deep into tissues, especially in prostate cancers. With the assistance of CT scans, MRIs and three-dimensional imaging, it is feasible to attack tumor masses with high precision without damaging or affecting healthy tissues. There is also, intraoperative radiation therapy, is to head and neck cancers. There is, likewise, with injections of various anticancer drugs. Chemotherapy is based on products such as Docetaxel inhibits cell division or hampers to stop being immortal and being destroyed. Taxol that kills the cell cycle of malignant genes, causing the cell to proliferate and die not. It is used in lung, soft tissue, breast ovary and stomach.
In all these kinds of therapies, and those carried out with Taxotere, there are some risks of side effects, even inevitable, because the products interact in a non-selective and also attack healthy cells and tissues, causing various abnormalities in patients, especially , with respect to red cells, platelets, in hair follicles and mucous. Hence, patients, mostly lose hair, suffer problems with your immune system, mucosal inflammation and ulcers in the mouth.
At present, we have designed a microscopic spheres called liposomes that are capable of delivering drugs through the bloodstream and pour the poison directly into cancerous tumors.
More recently, it has been coated with poison conveyor areas, with an outer coating to avoid being detected by the body's defense cells (T lymphocytes), making it much more effective this type of therapy. The most encouraging results, have occurred in breast cancer and Kaposi's sarcoma. The product which is Doxorubicin.
Despite the progress in that territory, there is a strange mechanism in which the cancer cell learns to vomit the poison supplied (the patient does not accept the product). These cells, spit the medicine before it can act. In the course of this mysterious process terrifying, is seeking to block, it seems, the action of a protein that appears to be causing the ejection mechanism. So far, the achievements in this regard are minimal and far from encouraging.
In Cancer, according to the latest therapies, it is reset to genes that have gone mad and get elements of the immune system, T lymphocytes, monocytes, phagocytes, macrophages, slow the development of cancer cells and are capable of destruction of tumor cells, most delas sometimes camouflage themselves and laugh with sophisticated defensive systems coping mechanisms, which to date have managed to erase the identity of the antigen that characterizes them, doing almost impossible to detect.
It may be in the field of immune system, which is home to more hope to try to reach findings that provide the help of millions of people linked to developing the disease classified as terrifying centuries. This is nothing more nor less, to encourage the army in charge of destroying foreign invaders in the body, including the cancer cells. For now, it's the interleukin 2 which etá trying to help T lymphocytes to reinforce them. In the laboratory, the method is remarkable, but when turning to the sick, does not give the expected results and toxicity of the body increases the costs significantly and still are very high ... The truth, no results flattering about all in this area is extremely attenuated and very discreet. In the same vein, there are vaccines, as well as injections of healthy cells that may replace the defective ones. There are very cautious in this type of progress and we are awaiting the latest scientific results.
Sometimes the cancer is very much like a chess game, where scientists are waiting or looking for a brilliant move that can provide optimal output.
(To be continued Part Two)

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