miércoles, 11 de abril de 2012


We wish it or not, our lives are based on previous experience. Something very similar to existential program from source, which leads to determinism and tends to be updated.Our childhoods, seem forgotten, but we built on them. Very few people remember clearly his individual history, but it experienced in its infancy, is experienced in new account and is in the acts and actions expressed that we clarify the reason for our behavior, especially if these can be compared with those of our trainers. We història powered largely passed along tracks that blend into the dynamics of real life today. We live in a constant repetition of a forgotten past in which each step of our journey originated in symbolic scenes of a childhood lost long ago. We are victims of an unresolved past, unfinished and repetitive, covering up the important and significant current events.The formation of personality, quite independently of the genetic characteristics, due more to changes and estructures specific to our trainers and social customs and practices to which the individual is exposed and must adapt meekly from his childhood, avoiding issuing reactions protest or hostility to be accepted by their peers.Personality emerges from conscious and unconscious motives generated by patterns belonging to infantile patterns that are submerged in the past. These patterns, appear to cover the original models from which they come, but make their appearance as current power emergency situations setting in motion the primitive model, repeating well, learned behaviors of those models as if a dub is happen. All what objects to these tracks, will be ignored or not taken into account. And worse, to engage with others, will be chosen people, moments and spaces that facilitate the repetition of learned behaviors. This, too, will be surrounded by cultural impacts and the environment held in the training of children.When our present moments are eclipsed or saturated by repetition of a past incomplete or poorly understood, it is almost impossible to enjoy the satisfactions of this and that is when we focus all of our potential, all our desires towards changing our lives simulated repetitive and saturated vintage models and patterns repetitive behaviors opting for less traumatic, more operative and more simple, doing our best to contact every moment with structure challenging behaviors contrary to our orthodox classics and we make it impossible to obtain pleasure.It is neither more nor less, to modify what was experienced in our childhood, our trainers to beat us to set default estructures psychic. To change our social environment that did not choose freely. To go beyond the habit of our stories, because where there is no renewal, death reigns. To become modern Prometheus, eager to change human existence, if DISOBEDIENT CONSTRUCTION THE NEED THE PLANET

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