viernes, 6 de abril de 2012


Installed live in the era of gossip, rumors and information. Today we learned everything in seconds. Not informed who do not want. Our large village shrank and went amazing and surprising. Since very few things are unknown to the overwhelming majority: modern civilization is all the more infornada. We know more of what is ignored and even non-existent can be rebuilt, manipulating it by hi-tech digital and virtual.
However, there are plenty of people who are witnesses although the obvious, deny the reality and prefer to continue living like ostriches, thinking that by having his neck stuck in the sand, nothing will happen or nothing may be affected.
However, the large amount of information that every day we are exposed and bombarded, forces us to consider a series of questions that we want it or not, we have them to make, because like it or not, the man and animal Women are always looking for the truth, to live less restless and insecure in their pilgrimage through this plane.
Did American astronauts really have reached the moon?

Some say that it was a montage, in the style holliwodense to first psychologically defeat the Russians in the space race, as they were very gifted. And secondly, to show the world the power of the Yankee empire ... Critics argue that if the Americans had indeed arrived at the earth satellite astro-cherished dream of every good poet, commercial neon signs, and would saturate the lunar surface, making multiple references to the insatiable consumers Earthlings: Mc trios, Woppers, chicken with Colonel Sanders' secret recipe, Pizza Hut ... Well, even, and had tried to cook, marinated, good rabbit Moon, for a while.
It is very difficult to try to fool the current Earthbound. Allow those who so because they are deceived, but the overwhelming majority, is engaged, via the Internet to investigate situations and by that means, find hundreds of servers that keep them aware of almost everything. Still, some making use of high technology, able to manipulate and even deceive computer users, as they do with all public users of other media, as it has done with the fictional Persian Gulf wars, which largely have been almost virtual.
Now, all ages, have had their handlers and makers of stories that have no basis and are based and founded on axioms or dogmas of faith to achieve and reach their goals of control and subjugation of the majority. Many of these clever manipulations have reached survive until our time, dial for the masses rabiantes and energetic, are best conducted, because otherwise, claim handlers, the uncivilized earthlings, the planet would become a chaos. ..
Would there be Jesus of Nazareth?

After much research, taken seriously, there is no data to confirm this. No historian of his time he refers. Perhaps Josephus, a Roman historian, devotes about a line or so of its existence and this could be doubted by the alteration of documents held by his followers. If there are multiple references to him and his alleged teachings, but all are from dubious sources and contaminated by believers, followers or the same ecclesiastical authorities of his church.
The Gospels, for example, are riddled with contradictions and confusing data. Paul who was the great popularizer of Christic doctrine alleged, suffered from epilepsy and as is well known today for the progress neuroscientists, epileptics suffer from severe perceptual disturbances and even, some at the time before the seizure, ensure that they extranormal phenomena occur that connect with mystical happenings, obviously non-existent for the other witnesses, due to asynchronous paroxysmal neuronal firing. Paul swears and perjuara have met Jesus and been converted to his doctrine, even as a Roman soldier who, earlier, Christians persecuted mercilessly.
It is said that in the calm waters and sometimes very restless sea of ​​Galilee, Jesus began his preaching, it's been more than two thousand years. His atoning death for Christians made his word as the word spread outside of the son of God throughout the world. Mark his ministry to the Jewish Christians, the new covenant with God the Father ...
Judea was part of the Roman Empire. Herod was a bizarre and disturbed character, was very hungry and subjected to the Jews. Therefore, the population was in a mental attitude of rebellion. Many Jews had hoped to appear in a leader that shall help to defend themselves from the yoke of the Empire. Also at that time it was believed that the world's end was near and waiting for the appearance of a messiah who will deliver the judgment of God. (Would not come amiss to note that at that time there were many redeeming messiah ...).
The New Testament (Ils 7.14) says: Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son who puts the name Emmanuel ... So it was that gained momentum many new religious ideas. One, perhaps the most significant was the resurrection of the dead. This is what says the Lord God: I will open your graves, you out of them and bring you into the land of Isrrael (Is 37.12)
Many Jews believed that God really resurrect the dead on Judgment Day. It would reward the good with eternal life in the kingdom of God and his angels and the wicked suffer punishment in hell with Satan.
Times were those of Pompey, Antipater, Julio Cesar (44 ad, BC), Antigonus, Herod king of Judea. Rome would rule the Palestinian territory more than four centuries with kings and governors puppet. The Jews were looking for signs of divine purpose that will aid them in their release. That was the atmosphere that marked the prophesied doomsday was near. That was also the time of the birth of Jesus who became Christ. The experiment his life, his ministry and his faith in the context of the territory and the Jewish religion. He spoke as a Jew and he was on his gatherings and Jewish audiences. They saw him as a prophet who reinterpreted traditional Jewish faith, not as who founded a new religion.
According to the Gospels, Jesus became the apostles to Moses and Elijah who heard the Lord say, "This is my beloved Son in whom I delight; Hear (MT 17.5) The Jews never believed that Jesus was no Messiah. He spoke in the synagogues , that was the site of its first impact. Paul began to take his message directly to the people of the Gentiles. Writers evangelists that narrate the life of the Messiah, did not witness the life of Christ, but based their narratives in the stories oral by those who supposedly had been with him. For example, as mentioned Sermon on the Mount, it was not such, but it was a set of statements of Jesus consistent themes grouped by later (80 or 90 years later of his alleged crucifixion) gospel writers who were unknown. They have written that it is not historical, but religious to redeem sinful humanity.
Given the purely religious attitude of all the early Christian writers, is impressive QTY provided data to try to justify, at all costs, life and circumstances of Jesus. Paul, the greatest of the apostles, who never met the Messiah, was enough to know that Jesus was the Christ and that he had died for the sins of man, having been raised and would return again to earth. In these beliefs all his proselytizing efforts basis and such promotional Jewish messiah sacrificed. Some authors, more things for granted and some another, but there is no likelihood with respect to information collected, much less with respect to the facts. All authors of the Gospels, they all said or heard, as valid and quite openly, say that it happened and so it was.
The story of the capture, trial, crucifixion and resurrection, is based on the four Gospels as well as in the Acts of the Apostles believed to have been written by Luke and is the main source of the story of the life and work of the apostles after the death of Jesus. But the gospels were written in the first century AD. of J.C. that is, long after all what that might mean.
The ruins of the synagogue of Capernaum, where Christ began his ministry is supposed to date from the late third or fourth centuries d. of J.C. Another fact that is not tied to temporality, but now, the millions of Catholic followers and fans, have endeavored to say that if there is another synagogue, which was below that and not the other, where he began his ministry their messiah. Current Archaeologists have discovered that there is no link to the data provided and are consistent with the supposed era of Jesus. Outside the Bible, the main source of knowledge, we have concluded that nothing is archeological, but literary and poetic. We now know that if there were disciples of Jesus, they did not write anything or very little, because they were uneducated, illiterate, who believed that the end of the world was near and so had no need to record the thoughts and deeds of Christ. It is also known that the art of reading and writing was something already much more modern times. That is why it has come to the conclusion that the real authors of the Gospels, only based on stories and oral transmissions rescued after the times of the crucifixion, that is, 80 or 100 years later.
Now, fifty years after the supposed death of the messiah, religion supposedly founded by him, had undergone many important changes. The missionary work of Paul and the Hellenist disciples had spread to Palestine, Syria, Egypt. Also Asia Minor, Greece and Rome. At his death there were several important places where religion and Christian faith and were dominant in the Roman Imerio. However, it is speculated also that the death of Jesus by the Romans, there was little impact on the lives of the inhabitants of Jerusalem and Judea. The man hailed as the Messiah of the Jews, months before, was crucified as a common criminal and fraud. Was regarded as one of the false prophets who swarmed at the time and proclaiming to the world and the coming of the Kingdom of God. Perhaps it was the clever rumor of his resurrection, three days after his death, which made him a special being, beating the reaper and his faithful guide to the promised kingdom.
Luke reports that Jesus appeared to more than five times his nearest and disheartened disciples. It is said that the eleven apostles, met and carried out the mission ordained by Christ: Founding a community of good people, baptized in the Holy Spirit and that would be the kingdom of their Messiah. There is also on that occasion was chosen as a substitute Matias Judas Iscariot, who had committed suicide after the alleged betrayal of Jesus, because it was the latter, which at the Last Supper, Judas ordered, complying with what had to do, ie, ordered to perform treason.
Peter, one of his trips to the Mediterranean coast, in the city of Joppa, went into ecstasy and had a vision: A large canvas hanging from the sky and down to earth. In it were all kinds of animals, quadrupeds, reptiles and birds. And it was he heard a voice: "Arise, Peter, kill and eat." "No sir, 'said Peter, I have never eaten anything unholy and unclean." God said again: "What God has cleansed you do not consider unclean" The message was repeated three times, and the canvas was uploaded back to the sky ...
Peter did not know he meant all that, but three men and asked him to accompany them to see his teacher, a Roman centurion named Cornelius. Rich and devout man who prayed regularly to God and had adopted the Jewish faith. Arriving at the house of Pedro centurion this knelt and worshiped him. Peter immediately said, "Arise, I also am a man." They talked, telling Cornelius that an angel had appeared four days before, telling him to call Peter ... This was astonished: "I understand that God is no exception of persons or nation the man that fears him and does him justice is pleasing. " The Holy Spirit fell upon the people, and Jews circumcised believers who had accompanied Peter were astounded that the gift of the Holy Spirit had landed on the Gentiles also, since they heard them speak with tongues and magnify God ... Peter baptized on behalf of Christ and preached the gospel, the resurrection and the promise of perdoanr sins. So God granted the uncircumcised Gentiles repentance to life. So that siguera humanity to Jesus, and could receive the collective name: Christian. The Church of Antioch (Syria) would continue focusing its main thrust into the world of the Gentiles, while that of Jerusalem, would remain orthodox and conservative Jews.
Over time, the Christians emerged as an offshoot of Judaism during the first century and in about three centuries more, bearing it all, even the impossible and preaching their doctrine in the catacombs became the official religion throughout the Roman Empire . Thus began a tradition of apostolic suscesiòn that has reached our days with a uniform hierarchy and very well organized, based on the business of intangibles, miracles, redemption of sins, the saints, the apparition of virgin and miracles ...
Meanwhile, Orthodox Jews, the Jews rejected Christians have fled from Jerusalem in 66. Were considered treacherous. The destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70 - Central Christian gives, but occupied by the Orthodox-was seen as God's punishment for rejecting the Messiah Jesus Christ. Since then, the sides were separated from Judaism and chose to develop its own liturgy: Instead of celebrating the Jewish Sabbath, met in the afternoon of Sunday, the day of resurrection. The most sacred was the offering of bread and wine: The Eucharist, symbolizing the body and blood of Jesus. Subsequently, all Jews were expelled from Judea and the Holy City was given the name of Palestine, after the Philistines, Isrrael bitter enemies.
In the year 305, the Roman Empire was divided into two parts: eastern and western. Chaos was the common denominator. Legend has it that the Emperor Constantine (shrewd negotiator), appeared a large cross in flames before a major battle and it was there where he became a Christian. Is said to protect religious freedom and first granted to the Christians, their legal status and official protection, since it does not cause problems for the faithful to Judaism. In the year 324, joined the Roman Empire under the sign of the Cross and moved to Byzantium, New Rome, which would be dedicated to the worship of Jesus Christ ... were behind the alleged, persecutions of Nero. It was that, the start of a new era: A single empire, one God and millions of people who embraced the new faith and doctrine of Jesus, skilfully promoted and promoted by the idea of ​​the end of the world, the resurrection of the dead and the forgiveness of sins, becoming so, the vast majority religion where only the Catholic Church has the absolute theological truth, the meaning of the scriptures and the eternal exclusive rights of Christ Superstar ... Colorín colorado .. .
¿Easter or holiday? That's another story ...

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