domingo, 1 de abril de 2012


In a world increasingly poor and sad, with many gaps and weaknesses excessive, the latest formula in the struggle for survival is showing us the Mouse: A harmless-looking creature, small, full of tricks. From there, it faces the arduous and azaroza life support and also lográndola succeed, "haiga been Haiga been like."The origin of the mouse is regarded as the scourge of God. For centuries has acquired more than enough practice to learn to take advantage of the benefits they provide higher animals they consider naive and weak. When all think or believe you can lose the tie and then win them and surprisingly exceeded all their opponents.The mouse is very clever. Comes out of hiding slowly and cautiously. Even when they enter the houses, prevent the meeting with the men elude cats, dogs, snakes, owls and chupacabras always end up using.The mice in the field, are considered a plague that destroy crops and all that they can lead a satisfying, some animals are considered very sensual and hedonistic. Is inexhaustibly prolific, reproduce geometrically. They are a miracle Mephistopheles: In its small and insignificant bodies, pear-shaped, bearing small glands that serve as distilleries, which allow them to survive in the barrels of wine, not even drown with alcohol, which processed Needless so miraculous, hiding his peturbación to avoid being perceived as revelers ... Quite a character this tender, cartoonish and extraordinary animal!Mice in the cities live in the pipe air conditioning. They are so cunning that gnaw the artificial fiber insulation of pipes and thus kill two birds with one stone: They get material for their nests while heat to keep warm. Basements are favorite nesting place. The landfills are shared with the rats. The cities become real rodents but unlike them, eat chips and re-hide. But when mixed with those detestable and disgusting animals, mimic and remain at war with its neighbors. Always carry out deathmatches, confounding all different intruders or criminals or squatters. Rodents are known friends, but they attack with great fury and immediately expel those who smell them seem different and strange.Mice, if they are in danger of being and have exceeded their power or safety limits, degenerate in their behavior and become cannibals, cometej murders and other rodents ally higher for total annihilation.Mice, very easily accept all those animals which emit submissive behaviors, including those already loyal to the danger of death do not undertake the flight as this mouse appease aggression or head strong.Mice combat social stress signals based on light whistling, invisible to other animals and that they pacigua the spirits, hence the screaming pass it frequently. But there are mice in captivity that are uploaded to stress some wheels to run on them wheel spinning endlessly, thinking that it may attempt an escape impossible or make them believe they move or see other rodents that really succeed. They're laboratory mice, animals that are fed up with bread, cheese and wine and no longer know how to leave the experimental rat.Several investigations have found that whenever a mouse receives a rejection to achieve what is proposed, use the wheel to escape, but is almost always lower rodents, most commonly, these always try to escape, while the chiefs, almost never do, they do not use the wheel, support more stressful situations or pressure and go, most of the time, in good condition at the end of the experiments ... It is thus in the lower layers of these curious animals, where the charges are more serious mood.As regards the process of learning and adaptation, this is my fast on them, that is one of its main qualities. They work by space in his small brain, behaving as if they have a past of which to repent. Without this strange kind of tricks, his life could not be supported. In that sense, are considered by the scientific world as a truly extraordianrios animals.On the other hand, there are church mice, these nests, one might say, in the very house of God. That there are no cats and believe that priests have to do with Mephistopheles and the good Lord is in charge of feeding them. But the truth is that living on the crumbs thrown to some of the faithful when they eat bread secretly in the service. Also the hosts go on to become their food. But what demonstrates the ability of such food, assumptions, and small rodents insignifacantes is coming out of hiding slowly and cautiously. After patrolling the windows, banks or beams, looking for spider webs that eat them like cotton candy that children eat at fairs ... also eat dead flies which happens to be a delicacy by day holiday for them. On the ground, going from one side to the other back and forth for hours, eat dust like vacuum cleaners .. Twenty percent of the dust comes from the clothes of the faithful, textile fibers, the remaining eighty percent are tiny flakes of human skin are cannibals! ... The priests believed that fed on miracles and God took care of dedicating words of comfort and goodness in the darkest moments and famine.About death, there is a very curious and touching, when there is nothing to distribute, are selected they will die and those accepted his fate calmly, but do not fight because they havetouched. Adequately regulate everything in a kind of mass meetings, where de-stressing to emit shrieks that their community remains in power, being guided by the supreme head mouse, making it impossible to eliminate its opponents and trying at all costs, leaving a deputy leader that will assure their growth through all time, unaware that birth is a crime that is charged with the death penalty, as well ...

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