domingo, 29 de julio de 2012


We're not silly pitencantròpo the Pleistocene. We never were. And the more recent anthropological discoveries show that we are older than 20 or 30 thousand years that science recognized only decades ago.

Apparently intelligent beings do not have existed hundreds of years, but hundreds of thousands of years. In the course of time, chances are that we have many things happened, without this we have reached to be the civilization we are. It seems logical to have been without moving a lot of years, of which there is no record yet for lack of exploracòn or subsurface ice caps and a suddenly, just like that because yes, start walking and trace.

It is a fact we know now, thanks to advances in modern physics, which are made of jumps, leaps and falls. Humanity, in millions of years (not hundreds or thousands of years) has probably completed several cycles. Among them, it reaches a certain level of progress in many aspects and then plummet and start from scratch another cycle with different approaches. There is nothing in the world that would indicate otherwise or could prevent compliance with these requirements: The most outstanding cultures, empires, countries, animals and ourselves in our own persons, we are born, grow, together , we reproduce, we reach our maximum development, die and transcend to start over. So is the existence of cyclical on this planet.

Of course, who would not fail to tell us that everything is speculation, as the story of the 30 or 50 thousand years of existence, like the millions of earthly presence. But if there is a sure thing in all this, the same motivations or sentiments, were present at the impulse of trying to be better and move forward, and has been for 30 thousand years or millions of years ago. Kant says: "we possess a knowledge that comes through the senses, but is independent of all sensory experience is the knowledge that belongs to human nature" ... We are all dead and we all live ! That is, we the human species.

In this world, are not the first more prominent, intelligent and skilled at all. What happens is that we have not found sufficient remains of cultures predecessors and besides, I found today, for example in Egypt, the Mayan Yucatan, Teotihuacan in the Valley of Mexico or the Incas of Peru, we have not known decipher or interpret. And then the findings, we have not admitted at all, or we did not want to accept them as what they really are. But the fact that neither are the first prominent, nor be the last.

In this cycle, we arrive at the time of confusion, while the professionals of deception, while the technological paradise of mystifying. The false helpers, saviors of humanity, are in evidence everywhere. Their flags are flying in all areas and corners of the planet. Have been so many lies and falsehoods that have sustained our civilization than ever as there are now thousands of false leaders who try to bring up a lost and unfulfilled humanity from itself. We are built on false foundations and tend to rely on opinions of others, when many stupid, idiots are those who think or report, if not know what they are talking and then the other, they risk serious error and echo opinions and judgments that lack the necessary information. These fools are those who believe and follow, in fact, do not know what things are talking about.

Of course, one must believe in something and the sooner the better, is urgent. But beware of the absurd and crazy for well presented is offered to us because we run the serious risk of being aberrant building something in honor of our already immense misery.

We must accept that we have turned our planet into a third category that runs through our veins madness. The overwhelming majority, are fakes, they pretend they understand, but the truth is that nobody understands anything. Everything is based on hypothesis and conjecture. What yesterday was important and worthy of sacrifice, it is now mocked, scorned and cornered. We have lost our roots, our knowledge bases. Now anything aberrant or bizarre or absurd, finds supporters and donors.

Is it that there is nothing to understand?

First, as a civilization, we are floating in the air, because the floor no longer exists in reality. We like jumping from stone to stone, from rock to rock in a stream of water that does not lead to any Tues We are lost in a lake of endless pools that never lead to greatness of the ocean.


 But what is spirit?
The sublimity of our whole is that which is contrary to the mass, matter, which itself has no power to change. The spirit is energy mutant energy force for change towards the ultimate. The spirit is the light of a high and generous idealism, is the receptacle of sublime feelings translated into fine unite us and unite with all cosmic and universal. It is neither more nor less than our direct connection to the divine immensity, instance in which belong to everyone and everything belongs to us.

Keep the old man you have and whatever they say of him, always unexpected and surround will not help to know the end of our cycle or that exist in a fallen world where everything is prepared based on defects : The water we eat, the air we breathe, the food we eat. And soon the earth will get tired of our constant attacks and before we have populated all of deformed beings or "perfect" with faculty mutated by the magic of progress, we will gradually disappear in an absurd unconscious collective suicide as has happened to them other previous human civilizations. We have always been the same kind absurd and disoriented, so we found the missing link ... We are ourselves!

Ah! closing the opening of the Olympic Games English, should not have been Hey Jude, but ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE!

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