martes, 31 de julio de 2012


The Greeks paid homage to the best of their gods, Zeus, called Olympic sports games, which were held every four years in Olympia. The famous temple and the statue of its principal God was there.In this major sporting event, could only engage the young of good character and health. If they had done something wrong in their lives or make unhealthy actiividades with their bodies, unable to participate in Olympic sports games, the most important in Greece, although they were excellent athletes.All athletes know that Zeus would punish anyone who broke the rules or trying to win by cheating. The competitions were held under strict order, discipline and respect at max that they knew God loved fair play.The athletes trained at least ten months before the Games. The preparation and training was grueling, requiring a great effort and sacrifice. It was conducted, in the first place, healthy, feeding well and a full time, body and soul, to the discipline to compete to acquire the best polishing with this, their talents and abilities. They competed in various disciplines, the more outstanding were boxing, jumping, wrestling, throwing, spear and careers. The sports tournament lasted five days. It began at dawn and ended at the end of the day. Athletes winners were rewarded with a crown made based on olive tree leaves. They were also distinguished with parties and are elaborated with figures statues that were placed in major public places in every city for admired and became role models and example for other young people from all over Greece.It added that this major sporting event, traders also went all surrounding areas to Greek territory, as were the Egyptians, the Cretans and other countries around the Mediterranean to take advantage of the festival and sell their items and goods. The Olympics were a big party that gathered all were very important for Greece and honored him with its highest God of Olympus: Zeus.But how do you become a real winner in the Olympics?It is a fact that has to train very dedicated and discplinadamente and do it, not just ten months as they did in their time the Greek athletes. Now, in the world of modernity, the training they have to carry out high-performance athletes, they last for many years and is conjoined with a number of other skills that will prepare them in practice to access the Olympic and just be able to achieve a medal. It is also, more important sports games, but not Greece, but of all mankind, and now attending the best competitors in the world.Each new Olympics, athletes will try to beat the best to do his best role and very worthily represent their countries of origin. However, no Olympics, where athletes are, turn out to be very even in performance and in the projection of their talents. This just London 2012 Olympic is one of them. We are witnessing, through television broadcasts, the immense talent of many young athletes who border on the incredible and they are able to do with their bodies, sports proesas never seen before, breaking records ever thought to be insurmountable: 18 Olympic medals ! Needless to say, the breaking of several world and Olympic past, in various disciplines, especially those related to water activities ... Some games are just beginning and already we have installed all at the height of emotion and of adrenaline and utter amazement. No doubt when man proposes something and are trained to do well and with discipline, there are no impossibilities.Listening to one interview with a medal, I realized that referred to his silver medal as the realization of a dream that had wrought: "Yes, I had envisioned for some time, is a dream come true." .. To another winner, I heard something like this: "It's a dream that I met and got ready to do, today is a reality that I assimilate."For, just that it takes to be a winner in life, to become a filmmaker to be dreams.It turns out that modern psychology now understands much better the mechanisms of our brain tells us that humans are holders of multiple layers or areas of the brain: the neocortex, more recent evolutionary part, layer or new area, so to speak so , recently acquired in our development. Controls cognition, language and reasoning. The limbic area is located in layers above which controls emotions and the whole physiology. And the reptilian layer that is related to survival and basic instincts. Viewed thus, the dreams were really the expression of a set of emotions. We would say that our limbic brain, speaks to us through dreams, as these represent the emotional level of our psyche and every night, because we all dream, although we do not agree, 'let us see other ways we live, at the level necessary our emotional balance. The plane reasoned what we experience from the area of ​​the neocortex and do it from reality. The role of our limbic brain is to ensure the balance of being, ie the emotional brain, he knows what we need and doing everything possible to help our brain to process the dream and reach equilibrium psychoemotional we require.A winner, unable to locate his brain in open collaboration between the cognitive process and the emotional brain. Previously, the area of ​​the neocortex, or rational layer, leaving little room for emotional brain and dreams were left out thus losing a great tool for achieving goals. Medical clinics in Greek antiquity, Hippocrates healers, for example, sought in dreams the possible emotional data that had the disease appear. At other times, other thinkers - Freud, Jung - Through the analysis of dreams, scanned the unconscious of his patients to try to understand the suffering and impediments in their development. Modern psychotherapeutic techniques, rely heavily on the strength and utility of our primitive brain and the dynamics of dreams from that area, which is about to leave and cause them to dream and the dreamer relive and process these images and then process them and work with them, creating a dynamic between thinking, intention, and all of our emotions and our whole being.It is in every minute, every second of our life, the emotional memory processing sleep,is present and succor us as if it were a torch lighting the way and the goal we have chosen. Hence the importance of sports teams in the professional advice of human behavior and master modern psychotherapeutic techniques to achieve the objectives pursued."It's a dream come true" ... Yes, first design the dream, let your imagination. Then he proceeds to structure the work and training plan are determined times, movements and strategies. Other advisers appear and perform a work multidisciplinario.Todos day the therapist reviews the athlete's dream content and refines the contents and re-perform other visualization exercises. This is the layer limbic endorse the need to include its target and print it integrates emotional and dreamlike content. That is a job that takes many months of dedication and effort. The day of sport commitment, only require the invocation of the dream images worked, putting them in line with what is practiced, for coming into harmony all brain areas, it matches reality and making the best and highly concentrated, the dream become a reality, making us winners, which was designed just in dream work and displays .. That is, it achieves the necessary and appropriate temper not to fail, thus providing a great balance between the emotional, the primitive and the rationale ... Triumph, the best do the job of high concentration and emotional resilience to invoke the dream and displayed to the difficulty of the challenge and pressure. This is an action that is given in seconds.However, there still remains great athletes athletes fail at the right time and not necessarily because they do not carry out issues like that today I present or not know, but quite simply because they have failed to Zeus and have carried out activities with illicit organizations and that the limbic area betrays his emotional breaking his balance and when they should bring up your magical moment, the high precision, fail miserably because his brain no longer be as accurate and precise, and intoxicated that once made them great, now makes them look second, due to their own failures and emotional barriers that become their worst punishment and prison itself, that is, Zeus punishes improper and not be allowed to perform their preventing dreams with him in the pantheon of Gods, the leaves on the ground but turn out to be very good athletes ...

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