sábado, 26 de enero de 2013


Today we face moments when no one is saved, governments, businesses, families, individuals-to be suffering a crisis or conflict or having obstacles before it ... The facts are very clear and have been taking some decades ago on a scale never seen before: Conflicts between nations, countless social crises, family problems, personal despair, ecological disasters ... All we are paying daily with a lot of stress, anxieties and shortcomings The consequences of all the mistakes made, for all animals of our species ...

What is the role of information systems in all this tragedy? The thrill of speed in the concrete jungles that? We always want to do everything as quickly and as fast as possible ... The quality of our lives, the quality of which has reached such speeds? They care about the bankers and financial a different world?

No! We are based in the conflict and that it is our modus vivendi, for some time: The quantitative want more, much more, than the qualitative. We forget that the quality usually is reached and is obtained with the calm, not a life installed in vertigo, fearless and furious, but the speed very attractive to us all and in all.

In the world of this century, there is much talk of globalization, to sell and buy things anywhere on the planet, the successes of marketing, the benefits of good publicity, but who speaks, seriously, not simple bookish recipes, our complex human interactions and the intricate and complex human systems.

Nobody! that is not related with ligths publishers seeking profits through human suffering ... Gone are Gustav Young, Marshal McLuhan, the Jaques Lacan, the Chrinton Michel, the Ray Bradbury ... No more, no, solid ideological foundation that illuminate the complexity existing selflessly and practice. We're losing control of our driving to the accelerating pace of technological progress and the many vested economic and political interests around. The accelerated rapid change, are a very negative influence on what we think and use in our lives and in our relationships. Our nervous systems are already very upset and exhausted. We are living contrary to nature, contrary to the natural. We are installed with the strong possibility of a massive failure terricola. We are about to suffer a major ideological collision. Hence, we are all caught up in a tremendous and complex social crisis, family, individual, ecological and beliefs.

For quite a lot of time, so we have been operating for irresponable and other bizarre, violating all existing natural systems, believing that in this way you can continue for a long time, letting our abuses, aberrations, debauchery and licentiousness, the survivors resolve future ...

We have enough stupid-idiots to build cultures that produce waste smothering us daily. Our waste is not going anywhere, just pile up and we are covering garbage and filth all: We are the species most absurd of all the planet, so systematically destroying their living environments, their habitats and also, to extinguish many other species that are required to maintain the balance of subsistence and worse, we are the species that destroys its own similar because they profess an ideology difrente (for example, the Prince Harry of England killing Afghans! ...) We are destroying the diversity of healthy and constructive culture: There is no human dimension of understanding what we're losing and destruction that we have been able to do ...

This feeling nihilistic, absurd annihilation and everything that entails, is the basis of all the crises we are experiencing in the companies comprising all the nations of the world ... For as much as we try to deny and justify everything reasonably made it all feel very uncomfortable and because we sense that we are being enslaved and put through what we have created and with it our own existence we get out of hand, living or subsisting installed everyday worry, stress and anxiety caused by the problems and conflicts in our governments, our families and throughout the whole social structure: The poor, many of the larger and the wealthy and powerful is becoming less, thus enhances social cholera and revanchism. What progress as humanity? In that we have indeed come about?

At present, no one is sure of having accomplished something, if you happen eg ecological catastrophe or nuclear, no one would be saved. There would be nothing to say or do, the end for some serious immediately and for survivors, just a little later, but in the end, there would be no output. All that could be said in favor or against, would be a big lie ... Who the hell could respond truthfully to the survivors. Nobody would know to tell them that they would work or be useful. Thus, the anxiety and uncertainty reigns everywhere in the globe: We are, like it or not, to a real world rather should be a nightmare, however, is the true reality, in which a group of powerful rogues and cheats, along with the permissiveness of all, they make and unmake autorisamos with non-renewable and the lives of each and every other species: The world of endless desires and satisfactions unnecessary and superfluous, where triumphs that have more money and power ...

Not many direct perpetrators, but we know them all, thanks to the speed of information in which we move and move the mass media to impose any great speed. These information systems in its own contradiction, dismantled, without intending to powerful landowners who pressure us and handled daily very negatively to all: When they talk bad or someone, we witness their preferences and their ideological tendencies and immediately know which is the way they process the contents of the reality in and digested to users.

Meanwhile, bankers are financial-never lose in profits from money that is not theirs and that they invest even against their depositors, unaware that the food they eat or the houses and cars they want to purchase, are inflated prices on the investment of their own money that these same bankers, used to invest in these industries and factories to later resell at exorbitant prices charged by multiple interests and honerosos ...

The bankers and the owners of the media are abuzadores rogues who contributed very significantly to enhance the career of shock, collision and destruction of the human condition, preventing spiritual evolution: loans and purchase loans with demands absurd and inhuman conditions. And the electronics box indicating idiot like living daily, to see and eat, how to dress ... partners alienation and confusion eternal imprinting operating speed and overall human despair all ...

It is time that hagmos a screeching halt. Just as we have been showing the Greeks and Spaniards. It is time for us to stop and force all those rascals to reframe their perceptions and give up their abuses and outrages. That social activist groups as anonimus, intervene and force the reversing many aberrations and irresponsibility that diminish us all.

Changes to be understood, require time and patience, need we recover our balance, our ability to think and can get different forms of precibir and appreciate our reality. We have a deep understanding that we suffer many serious problems and that we should give in and save others also. Rapid changes occur in other areas, such as food, health, and education higuiene. That if it is required to print a lot more speed. Much of humanity is demanding and requires urgent and not out of charity, but out of necessity ...

The XXI century has already stated with accuracy that is required of educational leaders capable of creating a much more spiritual humanizing and connect them all to work in a large congregation planet where the action would lead to a change in mentality which can wrap and accountable all, and thus began gradually to new horizons ...

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