jueves, 3 de enero de 2013


When times are good, and the sun shines for all Father, things are easy. But when you live to face difficult times, full of darkness, confusion and many conflicts, our actions must denote that we are made in truth, because that's when measured, the strength and weaknesses of both people, as of governments, organizations and institutions.

Usually, the vast majority, we live in very low-trust cultures, and in times of difficulty, everything turns into chaotic, complicated and confictivo everywhere: Even today, nobody can stand more pressure and controls and limits begin to break off social rashly and continuous. It seems that everything in the environment, only it was a sophisticated and ephemeral scenery: the cosmetic and pink curtains rushed toward the ground. Trust no longer exists, everything desquebraja and irretrievably divided: Confusion reigns to gain wealth and power ...

In today's world - make no mistake-, the driving force is economics and finance, based on the globalization of markets and the subhuman excessive competition with all the risks that such entails driving force. And on the world stage, no noticeable sign that economic model like starvation and excessive operator, could end in immediate or future: The whole world sociological environment, has admitted, for several decades, in a spiral of changes forced to redefine our positions on the planning of our lives, our families and the entire society as a whole ...

But that happens very often not clearly understood the concept of change: It is neither more nor less, than a set of signals that occur daily, a new culture that we have created together, taking as baseline excessive technological advancement and are increasing at a rapid pace: New trends in the world economy, different business practices in major international corporations, innovative marketing and advertising strategies increasingly inhuman, reengineering of production processes in the field Supertechnology of computer science, new approaches to learning, culturally, religiously, politically. The end of U.S. dominance in the world, the fall of the European Common Market, the end of a known order of things ... In short, the world of the XXI century is just beginning, undergoing a violent transition period where the old order of things, will decline to make way for a new world, a new culture with other codes and symbols, like it or not ...

Speaking of changes, as the issue is about leadership, communication and networks themselves there and we will have to implement and set to face the confusing and turbulent world we already live and suffer and apparently will continue to suffer, perhaps, for centuries, leaving behind the things that shaped our lives, under the precept of living up to the experienced to look forward into the unknown.

First, we will have to locate the changes phase in which we are immersed, consists of a series of meetings discontinuous nonlinear and unpredictable, where a single event can influence the whole so uncertain, too devastating and annihilating. But knowing it-and that's what's important spuer-matter, we can also assist the great opportunity to effect change and influence our destiny and our chaotic world ... you just have to learn to live and coexist in uncertainty, being very flexible, trying to get comfortable in a structure that allows us to adapt to change, reconciling opposites instead of forcing us to choose between them ...

Second, in a confusing world full of change and uncertainty, how to gain confidence, will be by ourselves, under the belief that if something do not work, goat always the possibility of doing something more and that will give input to and from our homes, we become subjects of our own security and with it, the leaders! For anyone who is leader causes changes in their environment and leads to achieve individual and collective goals, and social and that gives security against uncertainty in daring to build their own roads. As Aristotle said: "Animal Politikon" social animal, and not as erroneously believed-political animal, which is safe and your relationships with them are required to give us a sense of connection, feeling that we are important to others, What we also give meaning to our lives.

Third, as leaders, we must begin by deciding what kind of life we ​​lead, as we want to be known or remembered, we want to leave for our neighbor, as we live and work. In short, having clear goals and motivation and attractive enough to reach them, living with a lot of integrity, coherence and consistency, committed ourselves to everyone and everything ... And there's the other issue of network and communication where we make a radical change in and during the changes themselves, live always forward with the vision of where we want to be tomorrow and what direction to take to get there with success, successfully, remembering that the way forward without a goal, and we could be tripped us into crisis ...

Now, computer technology and its advances, is something that is continually configurandonos, as we also give way to it every moment. It's a give and take. Also, it allows us to get more information and develops us intellectually. We are based in an ocean of information and connections to and everything affects everything we do and do and that will form the network that already surrounds the earth and the universe. Everything is very structured networks that are attached for the information and its internal and very fast currents flowing through other networks. No one knows, for sure, who is part of the network and who is not. Everything is connected to everything else. A network is a body that has no well-defined borders that has no center. There is no visible head. No one is in charge of it and not linear, it is not possible to know what cause or causes. In the network is everything going on, sends and receives data and information. Increases the speed of change and the quicker result that exchange, give better service.

The benefit will be for people agile and can easily adapt to the times actual network demands. This is the world where the interconnections have to take advantage of what others do, and they sure take advantage of what we do. It is a joint where it is unclear who supports whom, or who works for whom. We have become indefinite and networking organizations linked. Hence we must to do many things, the more you do, the more opportunities there for everyone. Will open many new spaces. Be explored everywhere. We will have to reshape the world according to our specifications. The new focus will be on ourselves and should do everything in real time. There will be different things to offer, very different from what competitors can offer within the network, with clear strategy, with clear and distinct ideas. Not be better, just different in everything we do, with new combinations. Innovation is the word, creating advantages. You have to create things in different ways, you have to propose something different with styles difficult to imitate. Become experts on particular issues, to the extent they can not be copied because it is unique and perfect.

Given the turbulence and the speed of change, we can not sit and wait for someone to guide us and take control of our lives. We have to imagine the future with great skill, to create us new and better opportunities. We must commit ourselves to the continuity and change and face with courage, with our beliefs and our actions to uncertainty. We must prepare ourselves continuously to not disappear, yet we do not know what we should know. The process of learning created and generated the need to keep learning. We will create strategies that will point out what we should do, with skills that we must act, we must understand that we need to explore and to create favorable and competitive positions. All this is to be encouraged and do not get hooked with anything to achieve and attain the goals we set. We must create spaces of life for others, for our community. Visualize new ways, new paths and trails, we intrepid adventurers. We will use our intuition. Conclude with absolute powers and surprised everyone with collective participation decisions, power sharing, involving everyone in the process of building the future, creating many opportunities for participation for all, ending the established, as promoters of cultural exchange encouraging the creation and emergence of creative collaborators, doing the impossible to unleash the tremendous energy from everyone without any fear of anything. This paper will henceforth, the leader of leaders ...

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