lunes, 15 de abril de 2013

Support our Children and Youth!

In a prophecy that was disclosed long ago, it was said that when women are not distinguished from men in their ways of being and behaving as all beings shamelessly mingle with each other, these signals would start doomsday ... these signals are not producing for quite some time in our time and resulting incustionables?

No one can deny the immense heat and drought we are experiencing. Heavy snowfall with cold raw. The heavy rains in the wrong places. Evaporation of lakes. Fumes from heaven. The increasing scarcity of water or salt in the oceans. The melting of the arctic and all that stood crumbling and has been gradually sinking. That is, we installed, without exaggeration, in the beginning of the end of time ...

Several books apocalyptic talk that everything will be darkened for months: hail the size of golf balls explode everywhere. There shall be plenty of thunder and lightning. Abound earthquakes shake the land and depart. There will be no electricity. Nothing will work. Environmental pollution is such that those who breathe dusts suffer convulsions and die immediately. Death will be around every corner of the planet. The lack of oxygen will be fatal: In hours more will die beings, animals and plants that in every war that ever lived. The seas, winds and earth will be one. The energy that governs us will be paralyzed. The planet will move from its natural position and the earth will split into several segments. The route will be lost space. Many territories disappear. New continents appear, others will sink or disappear shattered. Everything will be covered with corpses. Eternal night nosotros.Todas signals reach of life become extinct for many centuries. They say that this will be our last ... Did not this happen repeatedly? ...

It is a fact that the abyss is in sight of all:
About a century ago, environmental radioactivity, was virtually non-existent or very low, only 10 curies. In today's world of multi-million curies. That only indicative, hasten our end. This type of pollution is very alarming: Radioactive substances, nowadays, are used in almost all industrial activities. Deposits of this type of garbage and waste contaminants abound throughout the land and are very difficult to eradicate. Both negligent accidents like Chernobyl Fukioshima, have accelerated this great current pollution. For example, in many seas, and radioactive contamination is very high: Marine animals have disappeared with very short for lack of plankton that is part of their staple food. And contaminants affect their estrucuras and when they become human consumption, there is a risk of increasing purchased posibillidades various cancers. Also, ocean currents have been altered and deviations have altered the ecological balance impacting many ecosystems, disappearing beyond 30% oxygen for marine life in various seas. It is found that the atomic tests and toxic wars cause over 15 million severe genetic disorder in many species, including, obviously, those of male and female animals.

Of course, the scientists who bet everything to the field of genetic engineering and robotics and are sure to help transform hechado everything to lose, man transforming, modifying the environment and changing the world. They say they will be able to achieve almost all bacteria Create Oil cosnsuman. Modify genetic structures to regenerate and restore bodies. Altering agricultural products to make them more nutritious and plentiful. Create vaccines and pills restitutive stagnant and degenerate tissue and endless fantasies imaginable. Clearly, all this will be a great confusion, because we do not know what to do with ourselves as well as we are now, let alone with so much change that would be unleashed with such futuristic invasion.

The changes are very difficult to be accepted, there's as simple example that the same feed GM has sparked many protests. Memories are always a nice resting place. It is always much more difficult exercise to imagine. The future is very uncertain and is usually done in the present and from that space is what develops the future or many futures. However, our present is very committed and we are encountering the worst future. Therefore, from now on, we will not forget anything, much less do not know we're doing-for the sake of our children and our youth, because much of what we do in the present, the future will someday and they all occupy those spaces ..

In short, it will require a lot more creativity in our youth and now we must all fight for this to become a reality, this is a critical task as our only genuine contribution. They will have to become innovative to stand as real human beings corrective all the chaos and disorder that we adults do not we get today and that was the result of our irresponsibility and that they inherit.

The creative youths achieve something that is very safe, and what will happen throughout the millennium that new wars will act out in cyberspace and using holograms as if it were real bodies. Be a time of perfect deception: Designing in space a lot of missing aircraft, ships plying seas ghosts or projections illusory cities and factories. The screenings will be held in the assembly realidad.Un demonic tricks that can easily defeat anyone who tries to destroy our ship sidereal benefit of mankind. Wars and will not make anyone rich. Dictatorships come to an end. That is the mission of our infants and young scholars.

The future, everything will be based on the requirements of the intellectual capacity of these new generations. They give way to that majorities have access to development resources to reach their true potential. Everyone will enjoy the fruits of the tree of knowledge ... But to achieve all this, humanity today must be able to face countless unknown and uncertain conditions and it might be time to start to play the role for which it was intended: Convert to land on the best planet in the solar system ... Let's support our young children!

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