lunes, 29 de abril de 2013


The destruction of our planet, rarely, if not rarely, occur within the habitat of the animal called man or woman. Such destruction, are presented in much greater numbers in the area surrounding our nature, in the mountains, in forests, in the sea, far away from the asphalt jungles overcrowded.

Perhaps if these destructions inflicted him daily to our planet earth, is subject to exceptional circumstances directly affecting man in the places they inhabit, we would have become aware of the importance of living in a not so destructive, aggressive, materialistic and especially against other species that also serve mother nature and will not harm or propitiate him so much havoc as negative as it does so frequently the Homo Sapiens.

Hopefully aerosols, fumes, pollutants, toxic substances, produced in human bodies irreversible situations affecting immediate and palpable, to the point of annihilation, as do penguins hopelessly, in fish, in the birds, in polar bears falling instantly killed due to excessive saturation of volatile toxic materials in their territories ...

Not just understand that times of high environmental contingency in big cities, are highly harmful and holistically speaking include other species of the whole earth. Everything is caused by the poor quality of gasoline from cars and bad mechanical condition of cars. By factories that pollute the air, the waters of the rivers and seas. For oil wells that affect the atomic structure of the food particles and break the chains ecological seas and forests. By our behavior in the environment that are truly harmful and are leading us towards a world of natural affectations irreversible No research may be redeemed early.

It would be very useful to hear one day that terrorists of any territory, whichever, planted a bomb that blew apart the detergent factory installed on the Mississippi River, or to the central building of chemicals for painting cars, shattered by a bomb planted by a group of activists. But no, he attacks the disaster victims that occur daily in our absurd world, the weak and unprotected.

The groups that spread terror, happen to be sick people, drug addict, fanatic religious extremists. His ideas, his ideology, his philosophical positions, if they have them, are antagonistic to proposals or proposals creative life. Everything is focused on power, money and trying to prevailing views that lack human sustenance: His thrusts, his attacks are based on matters of faith, religious or mystical. Nothing to speak of human development, the improvement of the species, of a change of mind ... are so absurd that attack the system, such as those that sustain and promote

Who are worse or better? Those who set off bombs in the name of Islam? Do you have libraries full of informations manipulated? Those who hit the hungry and unemployed Spanish? Are members of a monarchy corrupt and dishonest? Do hooded Rectory building of UNAM? Do softies academic authorities placed by the system? Do the dissidents of Education Reform? No to choose from!
The existential absurdity surrounds us, confuses and discourages ...

What you have to accept there yes?

That that much abuse, excess and incongruity that we have allowed and committed, if toxic pollution has affected our behaviors and ways of thinking and although not immediately fall dead as happens to our brothers penguins, yes we are slowly dying victims the aberrant and bizarre way of living that we have all built, consciously allowing our own self-destruction: We are products of a polluted world environmentally and mentally, and worse, and we take as normal and very few do something serious about it. Should remember that fable of King crazy undressed clothes everyone saw at last that all his subjects were suffering from the same madness ...

FICTION: Any alien visitor, be amazed at what we do with our magnificent planet. Would not believe in such situation and consciously wrong, we do every day to help our self-destruction and to wipe out the other species that we enrriquecen. They would be shocked to know of millionaires who contribute money to develop vaccines against polio, when you know that many of these diseases are caused by the use of their polluting companies. Surely these aliens would laugh at that money donated by these operators rascals, first I was caught by those who now seek to disguise helpers. Insurance Aliens talk among themselves of excess cynicism of the would-be saviors of humanity. Say: ¨ The Earthlings hardly universally accepted spiritual and precious, never do anything that will lead to greater and true enlightenment ¨ ...

The truth is that we do not live in the memory of the caverns. Anger primitive dominates us from the depths of our lives, our brains: In the XXI century so for others respond primitive act and resolve from our reptilezcas installed and covered areas at the bottom of our highest governing body: Our temperament, our caracter and personal tastes, prejudices source project essentially cavemen, distorting the reality of things.

We are supported by false educations, are the product of appearances, there is no single leader or wealthy millionaire in the world that has its own value or is not supported by alliances and negotiations absurd attempts against all who can effectively distinguish and separate it valuable objectionable and undesirable, applying a rational attitude a truly human content actictud ... live installed on the abuse of language in the handling and eternal lies in the tricks that emboban crowds and drag them to a culture of false values ​​are never in line with reality.

We're like some insect pests that accumulate things in their nests without ning order and destroy everything in their path. Or as the arachnids that elaborate but sophisticated and beautiful webs that are not solid. Useful only to trick their enemies. We should be like the workers, tireless, industrious and intelligent processing bees which capture and convert into honey to feed his fellow ...

We must end our mental pollution, remembering that Wisdom is organized life, order, succession and unity. That also we possess in our brain centers a purpose that imposes order on the anarchy, which is our mind, which sheds light on these random seas. A Whole New Mind, you must put aside all manipulation, all demagoguery, false educations, appearances, should perceive with greater and greater clarity, so that this becomes interwoven organized thinking. Our thinking, our minds, born of an active effort that leads to the order and helps us out of chaos. Our minds, facing the world, are computers and obey our designs because we are the ones that dictate. Hence the importance of being critical, very critical and hard on ourselves, as if brings us happiness, if we cause pain and all for sistematizarnos and overcome the usurpers of good living, to demagogues who try meekly embobarnos to make our planet a big dump. We must rediscover and respect the laws that govern nature. We must dare to leave our own caves. It is the clash of paradigms and to do everything possible to make way for a new more rational and spiritual paradigm that favors the evolution of our human species. Do you long?

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