viernes, 12 de abril de 2013

And Mother Nature?

Technological advances and scientific discoveries, for a great time and have been applied to conquer Mother Nature. But it is a fact that is lacking wisdom and understanding to accept that we can not coexist without living in intimate connection with everything from ecosystems. We are approaching a point of great opposition with nature. The Christ said that we are sinners all who live contrary to natural and updating it, we would have to add: It is sinful if you live against nature is attacked and if other beings or species that also shape us and give structure to all life on our planet.

And I'm not talking or writing to return to life in the caves or the early ages of our species, but they try to use the technology and its many advances, not to conquer nature, to coexist with it naturally and do it with a humble attitude, caring and respect ...

War experiences that have had on the world, especially those that have led the superpowers, have collapsed the structure of the atmosphere to such an extent that many species have disappeared from the face of the earth and other as polar bears, are the verge of catastrophe. While including the beautiful and Whales gigantezcas sidetracked and run aground on the beaches, as they have done dozens of times the friendly, pleasant and friendly dolphins, to give us a show truly infamous, heartbreaking and profound sadness: Hundreds of dead sea brothers!

In the skirmishes absurd, especially of the most recent and prolonged, as the two of Iraq, have thrown so many bombs with toxic substances and pollutants in the medium term would begin to suffer knew that climate changes and disastrous consequences incalculable and there we are installed, padecièndolas daily throughout our land that no longer include the great and irreversible land pollution caused by the explosion at Chernobyl ¨ ¨ accidental radioctiva whose cloud circled the whole earth leaving no space without polluting or Most recent case in which contaminated water Fukioshima several oceans. Or the countless nuclear tests tested so dismal powers to intimidate potential opponents starving ... A military leaders are not interested and do not love the trees, or vegetation, let alone animal brothers, but to the power and money and worse, they do in the name of democracy. Do not forget, just to emphasize a little more our great faults, which in the Crusades, the killings were done in the name of God and the defense of the Holy Lands. So absurdities have been for many centuries. The Crusaders, were also after money and earnings trade in the hands of Arabs and Muslims. Perhaps the pollution was another, but the foundations of the absurd, the same ...

The era of modernity, is distinguished by a series of abuse and negligent behavior full of arrogance and manipulation that have altered numerous climatic zones with disastrous results we all already know and we suffer directly on our health and on our bodies.

We are based in a collapse of the structure of our values, who had held themselves to the world and had been guided in the past and more primitive: The Indians of America, of the tribes of Africa and many other nations currently marginalized, whose wisdom tells us that nothing is off and we can not live outside the ecosystem that surrounds us all physically and geographically, we can not live without having close connection with mother nature ... Just do not understand the feelings of nihilism and death of seudodirigentes our increasingly worn and sacrificed planet.

Apparently, not enough has been the experience of thousands of deaths of loved ones in the disaster infamous Hiroshima and Nagasaki who left the world without faith in life. All full of doubts and insecurities, unable to believe in any statement promising targets based on values.

Despite all this and above this, we are ever installed on the brink of another war of immense danger that has no other basis than a set of economic and geopolìticosmilitares that could create a great void existential incalculable consequences for the healthy coexistence among all human beings and all their systems and ecosystems is very troubled land ...

It seems that no one has influence on the young North Korean leader belligerent. His strategy psycho military policy, is becoming a major threat to the world. Everything points to another great handling negociativa: Asian seas and islands that are involved China, Japan and South Korea ...

Of course, the big winner of those juicy future economic benefits, it would be China. The huge Asian dragon, was heralded as a major global power. No more and no less than in war-rhetoric handling North Korea, this hidden safe conduct for China auto superpower level OCTs pirate ¨ ¨ being guarantor of negotiations and incidentally put aside military presence in the North American Asian. That is, China's big winner of the conflict of scarcity and famine the North Korean people led by a psychopath without any mental autonomy urges be legitimized as a worthy representative of the North Korean Communists should never attempt a regime change in their country .. . (Do you remember the conflict between Cuba and the United States by installing nuclear missiles on the island, with the intermediaries to the Soviets in October 1962?).

Engage all ecosystems of the world, threatening to destroy the vast majority of species on the planet and put us all to the brink of extinction, are clear signs that in the XXI century we are unable to find a new value orientation that may abide -to all mankind, without distinction of any kind, nor discards or disqualifications-adaptation toward a healthy coexistence.

We urgently need a set of values ​​that fit the modern era and we can benefit or auxiliary beyond scientific advances and their evil intentions to seudodirigentes hands of seeking mass destruction of all species of our only land .

The scenarios of blackmail and coercion to remain in power a group of misfits if not granted all the privileges required: Lifting economic sanctions imposed by the UN, delivery of food and energy and that no intervention or attempt to modify the communist regime North Korean peninsula, must come to an end, for the good of all and on behalf of all humanity.

The wheel is already spinning and now we can only wait a few days to see if China is the absolute winner or will EU Japan and South Korea ...

What about the world and ecosystems of Mother Nature? They will defend together, making use of social networks where you can manifest: NO to the massive destruction of our planet Earth!

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