miércoles, 10 de abril de 2013


Everything around us has a principle: atoms and void ... Anything else is questionable and anyone could give their opinion ...

The physicist Heisenberg proposed a basic idea: There is an eternal substance which arise basic and elementary particles that make up a single field and everything interacts within that initial field, including ourselves. We are part of the cosmic whole unit ...

 The great Heraclitus ¨ ¨ dark, said: If we want to find the true knowledge, we ignore the world around us ¨ perceived by the senses ...

In our culture, we are doomed to an education to gratify our senses: eyes to focus on the nice things we use. The ear enticing you with melodious sounds and harmonics. The nose please her with exquisite fragrances. Touches the skin soft and smooth and the language with new flavors and new sensations, that is, we are educated to the outside world ... Schopenhauer raised regarding education: ¨ Is it necessary knowledge or get them out? ¨ ...

All our lives, running in the outside world and our inner beauty of our inner world, is completely abandoned. But is the inner world, different from the outside?

Francis Bacon, when addressing the issue, suggested that both the soul and the mind are developed along with the body, grow to its development, are fed with food and ending with his death. And he added: ¨ nothing else exists but only the atoms, space and the law, and that law is that of evolution and dissolution everywhere, no more hell than this world and no other gods those living in the clouds, in the garden of Epicurus and never interfere in the affairs of men ¨ ...

 Today, we must accept that our receivers are very sleepy and that its structure is very weak. We can only stammer and hesitation about reports and development impacts from high technology and science.

Of course, we now know much more precisely, that there is a reality parallel to ours, which we see daily in the objective reality is the microworld of elementary particles: Hidden in the privacy of the infinitely small world that occur and produce truly extraordinary and surprising phenomena. And now, with the most sophisticated measuring instruments, states that these phenomena inexorablemnete realaes: Ray Lasser and superconductors as a couple of examples.

The millionaire Leibniz spoke of the world of monads and that all reality was a psychic entity set and dynamic, a kind of immaterial points, individual, indivisible and simple. He claimed that man was composed of monads constituting lower body and a central monad conformed to me. Those strange particles, he said, develop gradually and in line with each other and so that the whole universe is unfolding in harmony and order.

All these signs and information described above, we receive them, capture them, treat them to process, but we can not decipher or understand. Achieving such perceptions, having to go through the sieve of his truth ¨ ¨ Each is a victory of our age that seems out of reach if it is sane, we should despise and regard as useless for our use, as it was from the time of Hipparchus the first inhabitant of planet-thousand years before Copernicus discovered that the earth revolved around the sun, contrary to what our eyes .. Virtually appreciate who cares or that discovery serves in their daily lives. Maybe that shot the child awakening to leave behind our thinking mystical and superstitious beliefs that had already taken root in the most ignorant and illiterate who are victims of manipulation of the set of vested interests - especially of Holy Mother Church and Catholic achieve other developmental stages. Because we will say that what we have done is to carry out the projection of our own humanity to heaven and make use of fables and myths product of our fears and our existential angst to try power autoconvencernos survive death. That is a requirement of our product obsessive rooted unconscious fears a terrifying and terrible loneliness that all deep down we know that we suffer ...

 And yet, in this text, should I continue with the discoveries of human culture about our structures and forms of behavior and operation, in that sense, we must also consider the views of Baruch Spinoza: ¨ The greatest good is knowledge of the union that the mind has with all of nature, our capacity for individual separation is illusion, we are part of the great stream of light and cause a great universal energy that surrounds and embraces us. Apparently we are fleeting forms of something larger than ourselves and that is infinite while we are finite in body ¨ ... ¨ Our bodies are cells in the body of the cosmos, we installed an incident in the drama of life, we are flashing lights eterna.Todo light in us is part of the same immensity. Is an illusion, a dream is to separate the part of the whole and as parts of the whole, we are eternal ¨ ... And the immense effort Spinoza: ¨ But, concludes personal memory, soul-energy, and can not imagine anything and remembers nothing of what is thought, only as far as the body lasts ¨ ...

For Paracelsus, born in 1493, nothing is separable. The unit shown in all things, he says, are forces that govern everything and man is inseparable from the life of the universe. He adds, then the universe turns out to be a great body, a huge body within which we all exist and are linked to each other: ¨ The spirit encased in matter full of atoms and our bodies, our cells, form a giant particle Meeting where an energy ¨ holds everything together. He concludes: ¨ Nothing exists, we dissolved, are space, time and vacuum. Energy is the ultimate reality in a force field and are structured the same as that of holding the entire universe is God manifest. There the material as we imagine ¨ ...

Hoyle Heisenberg and say that there is nothing and that at a time if any. They refer to the connection between our consciousness and cosmic consciousness, hence we should hold ourselves essentially spiritual beings, made of the same energetic particles around us and around the infinite universe. Everything else is a figment of our imagination than anything unhealthy divide, no Inner or outer, unity and integration, although we can not understand yet at this stage of our earthly slow and apathetic move ...

Imagine the importance of this text lies in spreading some light on the limits and boundaries that have been imposed on male and female animals, emphasizing that all knowledge that does not lead to action, or imagination that does not support the to test intelligence or experience, could hinder the intellect and thus never broaden, deepen, strengthen and sharpen our species to prevail prosperity, order, freedom and justice ...

  My research ended with Irish David Hume who said: ¨ We do not know the mind but as we know the subject, never actually perceive that assumption being that is the ¨ mind and left the controversy saying ¨ There is no soul on the basis of observable process of thinking, nothing matters, do not think ¨ ... In today's age, that is the Leitmotiv!

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