jueves, 18 de abril de 2013


Why should we devote ourselves to find who or who carried out the attack in Boston? Why is it necessary to dismantle the sinister agreements threats North Korea? I strive Why què writing texts SEEKING THE HUMAN? ...

Very simple, because we are doers of our reality! And I want a healthy and equitable reality of living for all living beings on this planet. I sincerely hope, before I leave this plane, having worked on something for the apparition of a world of harmony, harmony, freedom, justice, fraternity and abundance for all. I am a strong believer in the power of our minds, I think yes we change the optics and perceptions of what daily face the reality, our reality will be transformed gradually to achieve all that we get visualize and imagine with intensity, concentration and order. My great despair arises, when I see that we are all falling into the path of disharmony, of despair, of disappointment, of disorder, of chaos ... It seems as depth know that we are products of the same as we and imagine: If we imagine evil, then evil shall prevail. If we think of poverty, then we will live ahì installed. If only talked of tragedy, the tragedy will haunt us, if we allow for the disease, although patients will be put in your mouth medicines to try to heal or relieve us. We are products of our minds and the world is the product of a collective mind that each decomposes more Last news: Everything is concern, gaps, disharmony, conflicts, threats, attacks, hunger, cynicism, dishonesty, lies ... We are installed in a whirlwind endless tragedies and all because we make our own a set of ideas that recycle the same in our homes, in our workplaces, in our daily lives. Insurmountable situations speak of defeats, losses, deficiencies, sickness, meanness ... not just overcome our subhuman level. Our deep and shallow mental contents, are full of chaos and confusion within and worse, is that we are tired, and those who want to save themselves from a boat is about to sink, but it is getting tired, realizing that their efforts are futile giving way to exhaustion, it will make them pass away and capsized near the ship at the bottom of the jaws of the ocean itself ... Against all that I am! I am to do my best, not tired, not to exhaustion, to avoid more tragedies happen, so there are no gaps, so that things and situations prove more true it possible for peace to reign, to reporting cheaters to collaborate the birth of the world work every day, expecting nothing in return. Only the satisfaction of feeling that I have fulfilled my peers and myself, with all my strength ... I am a doer of my reality and try to make room for all my daily activities. I do not give tickets to any negative idea, there, is unfortunately, I always do my best to make to harmful, we find the positive and viable solutions, I see problems, I see and visualize solutions, observe, analyze, study, investigated and I always try to find it more constructive to all, do not give ideas entrance to illness, sick body, my mind does not register, use my mental strength and income solving thoughts of kindness, love, health for me and for all those around me, I am a doer of my own circumstances and the state and behavior of my body, my faithful vehìculo that gives me such good service every day and that is why I bless every day and give the best of dealings ...

But I hold all of the above, otherwise you dear reader will say, this not only sold out, but even as mad! And for nothing. My thought is provided primarily supported that life strives to create order: The messy in nature and forms clusters in ordered and complex structures, are cells and each one or group of them, give way to the human animal, if not so, would not be here to tell the tale. And so comes also plants and animals ... The universe itself, emerged from a single point and continues to expand gradually in order that we do not understand, but it does. Of course not, but what elevates an Enquiry unmindful that the facade would order either chaos, but still I'm sure more depth in this chaos, there would also be an order or at least mysterious islands of order and self-organization that led an exquisite balance where human emerged after billions of years. This is one of the ideas that I hold in my lonely daily struggle.

Second, as I tried to mention above, we who build the reality of what we experience, the reality of our universe. Our pictures, our ideas, our thoughts, our responses are arming and building the existing world. We do it together. If we fail to say how we want it to be the world would cease to be. Our consciousness is the maker of the very existence ... We are the cosmos, the above and the below, the inside and the outside, everything is provided for us. We are in the parties and we are in all ... That's another of the ideas that give me courage to continue my pilgrimage in the world of my peers.

Third, we are part of biochemical structures that generate informations which airs somehow, others spontaneously .. This position ends with the genetic or the theory of evolution, where everything comes haphazardly or spontaneous. We are beings of untold mental achievements, we can transcend time and space in the transmission of not only more informations, but also of skills and pass them on to others without necessarily having to be in contact with them. And that happens much faster than we could imagine. We are able to transfer information instantaneously to others regardless of the remoteness ... That's another of my favorite ideas that drive me to write because sè that convey more of what I capture in my writing ..

So it is not pointless to suggest propositions, but to transcend space and time and a different world mentalize different contents that allow for spaces of order which may influence later generations strengthening them their ways of being, acting and thinking to change their consciences and all strive every moment transfer patterns of high human information we located within the great universal hologram galactic ...

We should focus on finding the perpetrators of the bombings in Boston or dismantle the North's bellicose or clarify what the vote in Venezuela and so many etceteras more, not because we are living on the charity of the land or because we capitalist tendencies or socialist preferences, but because in doing so, we are helping to create structures increasingly more organized and full of life and hope for all who undoubtedly end up leading to a peak of order and stability that we are doing much needed in our blue and white planet. Of these great and extraordinary scenarios is what we can be proud of and intelligence always sowing life no matter what minimum setting spending extra energy equipment we should do, destroying the black hole without realizing it, we are working together, all Day Excursions ... Order from chaos is the task of the makers ...

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