martes, 6 de septiembre de 2011


The thousand masked, nothing more and nothing less than: FEAR!. This is a mood of constant and continuous alert that  prevents us from the fully enjoyment of life. Fearit is  said, is not innate, which means, it's not something we bring into our genetic code installed "Perse" .
Apparently, that nagging feeling of great discomfort, is learned and transmitted by our trainers, from very early start: Here comes the bogeyman!, You will see gets that the old sack man will come for you!, You can die if you do that!
But fear is also transmitted, as if it were a fax from the unconscious of trainers and will stop signals on the way to form new beings. They, the trainers can say what they want, but their problems, come through feelings (electrical impulses of the fax) to the new generations. Hence it is said: But if we all did it with all good intentions, so right! Yes, but his evil unconscious, they did no do so. Those bad, evil, wrong content, passed directly and settled in the minds of infants, without any defense. But the important thing is to answer the question of whether or not there is a way to eradicate the fear?
It seems to be the hero, the character that most would go to answer the question, to go to see how your fears work: A hero is said to be due to death, because he dares to live intensely, and within very little of that intensity cares death. Your input, usually, is so immense that will be remembered forever by all, hence it is said that the hero is the only character who has conquered death and transcends all time, because in truth, he never dies ... But is that such people that  do not have any fear, nor do they know? No, of course they know and have fear, except that unlike ordinary mortals, they know their way through it.
First, the hero, defines an idea that is going to provide him with energy for life and then dare to go for achieving it, to get it, put it into practice. Own ideas, always giving energy, never borrowed, as these undermine the essence, though seeming otherwise. Thus we have the same fear becomes a kind of caution to go along this path of pain and overcome, whenever the opportunity arises to do so. That is, the hero defines his own idea and make a plan, the plan contemplates the pros and cons and then with all his strength and energy, takes his fight, moving his map carefully, and that fear will be controlled, who the helpers to get ahead by not committing careless ... Ah! always knows he can die that death is his eternal companion, only until that happens, he enjoys his adventure intensely, as he had always known, is a big run to win ...
So the hero, he cares more for his  traffic through the world of the dangers, the challenges, of unconquerable, that he is very happy in  life, makes him useful to others and is always working for the welfare of his fellows .. . The hero knows that the success will be achived and if it is not , he also knows that sooner or later life, will reward him  with courageous immortality or his bravery , meanwhile the fearful and useless,  consider him, wrong and reckless ...

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