domingo, 25 de septiembre de 2011


When you have the great opportunity to travel or to different regions of the world can be eye-witness and direct not only the people who inhabit those places, but their construction, food and all the attractions they offer. For example, in Greece, in Athens, the waters of its seas in some seasons, prove to be very cold and uncomfortable for bodies. The beaches of Spain, one another is comfortable for lounging or walking, the sands are filled with sea shells and debris, with many pebbles that bother the feet and the waters, most of the time, feels cold and nothing nice for swimmers, such as staying in them for long. The same happens in France, Argentina, Uruguay, on the shores of these United States of America.All this, in what regards seas sites and resting places. Compared to other tourist sites, also show us their culture, few places worldwide that possess attractive indeed very interesting or worth a visit.Of course, Greece is a place of great cultural wealth: The Parthenon, Mount Olympus, the Temple of Poseidon, Delphi, Epidaurus, beautiful islands. All this is a high visual impact, emotional and mental health.France, where he sees, like a postcard, and its rich culture everywhere can breathe.There are many places in the world that undoubtedly are of great geographic beauty, and immense cultural wealth, only that there is a unique detail that our country possesses, above all else in the world, services are provided quality tourism and level and has no nungún another, but no other country in the whole world, and that it be clear to all: The economic and cheap to ours!.Retirees from other latitudes, like bees are coming to live in our great and beautiful honeycomb: Pyramids, heritage sites, beautiful, cozy and special populations, an immeasurable beauty beaches and no stones to prevent walk freely in the sand, sea little warm water or cold foods in a wide variety and exquisite taste. Magnificent and extraordinary hotels and the best, all at prices very accessible, even now, we have very cheap domestic airlines.There is no doubt that we are a haven for all visitors, whether tourists or foreign retirees who want to stay and live with us, the thing, the detail and the pity is that our Jodipensionados, especially those of the IMSS ISSSTE, not afford to travel or in the subway, public transportation, especially when they have lost or do not have their credentials INAPAM or those through which assists the Federal District government, because if not, they must make use of their meager budgets and deprived of other things.It is a pity that those older adults should die without ever having known the sea or the volcanoes Popo and Ixtla, huge national symbols or Cancun and Veracruz.When it is understood that our old should give them everything and much love? We owe so much ... and instead, we have paid the prize of increasing years of retirement and the constant risk of losing what little they receive due to multiple robberies, looting and mismanagement of officials who have taken over these institutions.Gentlemen, retired foreigners have made a good choice, enjoy what we do not even have to imagine choice, welcome to this home ...

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