martes, 27 de septiembre de 2011


All discussions in our impoverished country, on any topic or issue, tied to polarize, as we all are tinted for a while.
Civilized, we can debate who is right or not, whatever. But what can be discussed freely from religious or moral considerations or ethical when it is told and there are statistics, arguments and legal regulations cintìficos enough in our nation?
The State guarantees should be who, according to laws and regulations, the rights of all citizens,whether to have or defend or be supporters of the ideology that they like best.
But what has happened in this government? Who have tried to modify, rescind and void on constitutional or criminal proceedings, on a whim: The reforms carried out in the ISSSTE, which eventually reduce the pensions of workers employed by the state, getting poorer every day, and then learn that one of the owners - enforcer of these reforms, pay a fee of 20 million pesos per month to the women leaders that the possession there in that noble institution.The amendments to the labor law intended to stop trade unions and implement work schedules and customs from other wages and of course, terminate the right to strike of the working masses.In terms of public safety, has tripled the budget for daily expenses exercising, marine, military and police. Cartels and the Mafia, do not reduce their criminal activities in the least, dropping dead all over the country. In contrast, the authoritarianism of the military forces, that, if you have been on the rise. And of course, talking about accountability hard cash for our armed forces at all.The current regime has been characterized, and there are the facts and figures, to aspire to a system of absolute life and dictatorial. The initiative to create a new federal criminal code, intended to allow the public ministry to those sinister characters and traitors who give you the first stab home-making raids and arrests without warrant. Thing, that no reforms be due, and the PAN have practiced this government on many occasions.With the protected witnesses, we proceeded to incriminate innocent people and the famous seated, intimidated and violates many, if not all, citizens' rights.
We live in a country exhausted and overwhelmed by the violence without restraint any military action and lacking any strategy, decide on a unilateral, undemocratic deal everywhere. Poverty, every day is more acusiante and growing. Our economy is stagnant, despite the seudoautoridades declare the opposite. Since almost twelve years, we are subject to fluctuations in global financial and economic downturn, which will surely come, place us in the abyss itself.Violence and the state's inability to protect cidadania are putting at risk our democracy and very little interest, well known by all is that all our institutions, are captured and dominated by corruption. After each every tragedy, there are corruption and the mess created and fostered by the current high seudodirigentes inexperience.
Urgently restore the social and interpersonal relations between citizens and authorities have been seriously affected by all the aforementioned problems, insecurity, crime, violence, financial problems, law enforcement, unemployment, high unemployment, all the responsibility of these inept public servants and their spoiled-for them-corrupt institutions.
Lack of leadership, lack a real change of direction on economic, the institutional redesign, rethink education, we are going backwards rapidly.
No one can accept arbitrary laws, on a whim, to limit and impede the progress of the country, who are leading, again, outside of modernity.
The media do not help and have an idyllic country that exists only in the sick minds of its producers. As those who collect millions to make the president, a star of his infamous, decadent and unworthy card. These media are trying to make viewers believe that contrast paradisiacal dreams, obviously, with the raw crudìsima daily reality for all Mexicans.
It requires great skill, and not only false and empty promises to correct the infiltaciones and imposing more destabilizing agents to a topic, any debate, polarized, with the firm intention to express the triumph of ideology over that of others.
That has been one of the main problems with the current hardline regime, which leads us dial-and which has led all: Mandatory Faith and punish the disobedient who profess SAME. AMEN.

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