lunes, 18 de marzo de 2013

Intelligence Madness and Languages ​​.

Try to arrive at a definition of what is madness or intelligence, is really a kaleidoscopic task. The positions and trends, to date, have each chosen to defend their own definitions. There is no unified approach that could light the scene or could propose a position arrojase light the pathways involved ...

Regarding languages, something similar happens: If the awakening of innocence and the fact that Adam and Eve have learned to distiguir right from wrong, they were punished with expulsion from paradise and with them all, the Tower brought Babel, the confusion of languages ​​and thus the fall of humanity building ...

What if it is a regrettable fact that humans live is installed in a series of double messages within which, the first of which, it be the opposite to the second. Hence it is said that we live in an age structured messages based on where schizoid culture prevails and sausage stick, used by countless political and spiritual leaders to manipulate and rule their countries or followers worldwide ...

How is it possible to talk of a bailout, bankers rascals when the World Bank or International Monetary Fund or the euro zone, with its central bank, taxes on their savings deposits with compulsory fees that profoundly affect their already By itself, stunted, pockets? A clear example of this, what happened to the Cypriots just a couple of days ago, who had to hurriedly go to ATMs, to try to rescue their money ... All this leads to suffering in minutes a great emotional impact which of course sick people more sensitive and unsettles who were healthy: They batters on one hand-and the more painful it is in his honestly-earned money, and on the other, they are made to see that they are being helping with the action taken!

What of Cyprus, something truly worthy of asylum and on top, still add financial institutions and rescuers ¨ ¨ that although it is painful solutions, is the only thing that will allow that country to succeed, ¨ smooth or with layoffs ¨ massive labor ... So, another double message of threat scenarios hunger and deprivation ...

An example of this type of semantic double-trends in time and used by the fascist leader Mussolini, is being implemented by the very Francisco I, successor of Peter in the Catholic Church, reminding his fans: ¨ A some mercy changes the world, makes a less cold and more fair. If the Lord does not forgive the world would not exist ¨ ...

Some questions: Does this Pope came to power, acts of mercy by pedophile priests and sexual deviants, using his humility and mercy? Speech that the Supreme Pontiff referring ¨ Mr. never tires of forgiving ¨ ... do priests or their victims?

And senior English-Protestant-incidentally, do not expect the Pope to intervene in the matter of the Falklands. It was said that the inhabitants of these Islands, reaffirmed in a referendum they want to remain British. So why did the Supreme Pontiff to a few hours of your entonizaciòn, received the President of Argentina and spoke to her in private? It is the first head of state received by Pope. And we know that once adverse Kirchner ideology Pope, asked the papal intervention in such matters already caricaturezca led war in the year 1982 in the month of April, with disastrous results for both Argentina and for England ...
The double messages of language at the Tower of Babel of modernity!

What do obey these double posts of language?
 Pursue a clear objective: To confuse and dominate people, subjecting them to get them what interests the leaders ...

It is a fact that all humans of the modern world, we are invaded by these linguistic or semantic contradictions to be reported and disseminated on a continuous and constant mass media, smart nullify our actions or at least, the very significantly disrupt and put us on the brink of madness. We live, not realizing clearly, in a jumble of words with double meaning or message annihilate us as thinkers and software they are. We excessively difficult crumbling messages and try to understand them within a coherent thread certainty assist him.

The characters that emit the double messages are as important to the vast majority in the world and the contents are of such importance that it is the effort to find the language and the synthesis between existing positions crafty, nobody will be saved from suffering the madness, however intelligent, is whether or not exact definitions of these terms: The inteligence, madness and languages ​​...

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