miércoles, 6 de marzo de 2013

.We Dont Understand!

Without giving us much mind, life has been turning comedy into tragedy and laughter and pleasures of enjoying many wealthy on earth, have been embittered and filled with tears, for the poor and most needy, have arrived in Suddenly the power, if only momentarily, and made them see for a long time, the color black of luck ... Because make no mistake, the indignant in the world, not just protest hunger and unemployment, but also because included in the game nice and licentious life and a good social and political neglect, comes a new class or middle class is strengthened and the privileged desbancan both have enjoyed the power, money and all the many benefits that entails ...

Does it start or stops dribbling a socialist country with the death of its top leader?

A dead leader can become a legend and then says all da principle to a people under such circumstances. His successors, will only endorse their teachings and their ideological positions ... That is the task that leaves a strong man to the next rulers. When Christ died on the cross, and say that resurrects what was what followed? Legend has it tried to correct the liar and epileptic Paul, who kept talking about it and its many miracles, without ever having met him. But it turns out that Paul to meet Christ face to face, say, you said that you rose ¨ How good teacher, but I come to try to correct, you're no longer needed, which trumpeted IT IS MUCH MORE important than what you actually did, thanks for your effort and sacrifice, people need to believe in something, that's what I give them. I'm so glad I met you ¨ ... And left him without further ado ...

The death of Commander Bolivarian insurance to be around a long time both locally in his country, and internationally. That practical politics, was questioned by many and very attractive to others: ¨ me your crown Christ, give it to me I bleed, give me your cross, one hundred crosses, that I'm taking. But give me life because I still have things to do for this people and this country. ¨ Do not take me yet

The truth is that as the Christ, by all impartial investigations to date, never existed, I do not listen to the commander, and neither took into account in their earnest request ...

Venezuela sosobra now lives and times of uncertainty. It is a powerful oil country, the first in Latin America, and the set of vested interests, and must be in severe infighting among themselves and with the successor he left them: the island's defense and also respects your Cuban
leadership. Which is necessary to give validity and continuity Home Venezuelan socialism, promote and develop their missing commander. That, of course, not at all favor the policy of the United States, advocates of democracy in the world.

Should be observed that the Russian stance as was done with Cuba at the time, we can provide security to the brotherly country of Venezuela, against American power as always been alien energy consumption. Do not forget that Russia sells and has sold weapons and fighter jets the Bolivarian army ...

Another point to consider, at this time of unrest Latin America, are the economic changes that may occur, as several countries in the region, the Commander's first helped financially by selling cheap oil. The participation of the opposition, now will be key in such things. The black hand always be terrible ... Ecuador, Bolivia and Nicaragua, insurance will really hurt.

Brazil, may act in two bands: As rival to reduce Venezuela's influence in the area or as an ally, only current Brazilian politicians are of congratulations with many of the policies and actions of Washington ... Very bad sign .. .

The Adventure of the Bolivarian Commander, started in 1999, February 2, before a large and severe socio-political crisis where the ruling class had fallen into disrepute. The pilot opted to welfare the most needy and triumph, and although unfortunately for the wealthy, and retrograde mesquinas upper class ... Venezuela, is again from now on, a juicy booty for many supporters the world neoliberal and globalized. The Commander was able to keep them away, including the U.S. central axis, but now: ¨ Yesterday was the devil here ... in this place. ¨ still smells of sulfur ...

Will Commander socialist ideas, have crossed and transcended space and time? Are the objectives pursued lose presence? Or God only helps the powerful and the rich?

Poverty and misery in the world, are like cancer metastasize everywhere and apparently no one to victory economy model essentially focused on what human helpers to both angry, hungry and unemployed in the world. Leaders come and go and as sucedarà leaders in Venezuela, is very likely to return right to power, and the kings returned to Europe and exiled Napoleon and all wept and mourned for a long time in a big disappointment and poverty: ¨ Ever onward to victory! We will live and overcome! But, the truth is otherwise: Gano cancer ... the Bolivarian Revolution, it is not known so far ...

Most of all wonders is not the conqueror and helper of the world, but the master of himself and There is no such proposal on the planet like earth that teaches that we continue in the absurdity of the solutions and the massive Charismatic leaders illusion that everything can be solved forgetting that everything is fleeting, ephemeral and very circumstantial ... No perversion victory over human life as we live it, is a business that does not cover the expenses, the defeat of death always inevitable and people who stay eventually realize as you pointed Voltaire: ¨ Let the world so stupid and evil as I found ¨ ...

The road is not wealth or poverty, but to acquire wisdom, because that's all we can take ...We dont    understand!

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