lunes, 25 de marzo de 2013

The Panoramic

Our times are a big commitment and a big responsibility on all fronts. We live in an age where we do and accionemos can lead us all to expose a massive, deadly consequences. The fate of the planet is in our hands, that no doubt ... The eternal values ​​are before a very serious risk of extinction because make no mistake, are men and women of today who live in bad faith established in contradictory, installed in the many forms of self-delusion and deny it. That is already stressful, cynical and absurd.

Accept that everything around us, are simple atoms, subatomic particles, matter in different states and multiple combinations and chemical interactions but which when implemented, are amazing and wonderful. The cosmos itself is structured in the same compositions turn up the different planetary systems that populate the universe. Something for which we should feel very special and proud. We are the children of galaxies. But to us on earth, what attracts us and dominates us for quite some time, is the falsity of appearances, the fictitious non-existent, virtual reality manipulated by a sacred and eternal values. That's what we really are pleased so full and superlative.

As beings that we are, we have gone through numerous training events since life first appeared on Earth, makes thing since 4000 billion years, until today. And to top it all, just not perfected. We are the eternal representatives of Penelope: Do and undo ... But nevertheless, perhaps most important of what happened, is our supposed evolution essentially human development course: We have not received anything for free, and miraculous, all our searches that have been awarded any findings, were not the product of chance. All have been carried out by both men and women across our large spacecraft circling the universe within the Milky Way galaxy by the Greeks.

We achieved through continuous effort and slowly, an evolution not only biological but also spiritual and intellectual and also have to accept that, despite all our flaws and countless failures. There, in those achievements, lies our great and delicate responsibility: We are possessors of a vast and great creative energy that is directed to achieve goals and fulfill desires. Our times are times of the investigation of the vastness that lies in our minds. We are based in the crisis of our own inquiry and discovery ... We are beginning to understand that the only religion acceptable to men and women, which will be taught above all to know, love and serve passionately to the universe, of which we the element, so far, more important, regardless of our repeated failures and multiple failures, because we are not one of many beings exist and roam the cosmos, but we have a leading role, to be witnesses of all other objects around us and beyond. From that position, to carry out a precise, effective and accountable, is to depend on a lot, the fate of our species and all other species on our planet beautiful and wonderful blue, white and green.

The power has achieved in their journey man is immense, but so far, its transit to essentially human development, has proved inadequate and very incomplete. This dynamic and the work carried out so far are far from a full and satisfactory realization. Missing are doing projects, plans and solid strategies and congruent. There is no character so far who has been able to achieve, or anybody contemplated that height on the horizon near or next. There are, however, countless advances in many subjects and areas that could well be the label of excellence, but, as far as human development is concerned, in that field, remain still, stuck, trapped behind. No one denies that in scientific and technological areas, men and women of the century, can and should be very proud, as I have already mentioned, of themselves and their achievements won in those two categories: It has gone from a world of dark caverns lit by torches and torches, a world illuminated by sophisticated tools that border on the magical and the divine, giving way to second and third creations, above which the contributions were provided spontaneous energy of the universe. ..

But above all this huge panorama of material advancement, must be accepted with great regret and sadness that we have failed to focus on the subjects face and solve our problems both coexistence, as well as political and psychosocial management affecting our evolution essentially human: It seems, that our psychic operability and functionality, is outside the jurisdiction of science and their great achievements and progress made. Are limited to be giving way to other beings genetically altered artificially: ¨ ¨ Cyborgs, Clones ¨ ¨ ...

It dominates the area and in a superlative degree. It is arriving in the conquest of outer space and the super beings genomic design but healthy harmony and coexistence among earthlings, this current, every day is worse, the 4 trillion of life on our planet, are on the verge incinerators, our failure in the management of conflict and our great stupidity, has also proven to be superlative. We can not let alone achieve harmony with our fellow fraternity, we are ignoring the beating of our hearts, the sound that gave us life, the rhythmic sound that distinguishes our planet, and the pure vibrations of our spirits and bright ... The basic values, eternal, sacred and hold that have sustained our species, ethical and moral rules that have kept us alive, as we are escaping water in his hands, so hopeless and absurd ...

Our self time has slowed and the world is becoming increasingly urgent need of being saved, no sensible government does nothing to transform their run-spiritually lead them and bring puppets ecleciàsticos avejentados, sick, very worn and repetitive-resist transform the governed, are reluctant to reach full development within. We talk about politics, economics, psychosocial proposals ever that could convert and transform into good people and shared, best and most complete beings. These programs vital and spiritual development are nonexistent until now ...

This is the panoramic living and dying in both women and men full SigloXXI, that futility, that barbarism!

Those men and women who have conquered the atom, which discovered Heraclitus of Ephesus in 480, c, which also said that we were children of the fire and everything was dynamic-conquering and now trying to populate other planets. They dominate countless diseases, prolonging life. Who have overcome and controlled nature in many apectos are also men and women with zero rating in all that pertains to knowledge, performance and operation of their minds, and with regard to the release of their spiritual strength they have as abandoned ... They are the beings in the XXI century are still dominated by their subhuman tendencies and desires, as well as by their instincts contaminated, condemned thus to their early extinction, being unable to resolve their privacy and their progress moral and several thousand years ...

The world is now, with the great responsibility and urgency of projects and strategies to multiply the Salvation of the species, but the groups installed in poverty, homeless and located in ignorance, as are a majority. And worst, are forgotten masses, almost completely. No, no, for them, the macro project to propose and develop a world of welfare, justice, fraternity and liberty that includes everyone.

Politicians and seudodirigentes, are unjust, greedy, selfish, ignorant. The sole purpose is pursuing their welfare and enrriquecimiento. Some, not only are scoundrels, but real thieves and robbers, bandits, gangsters, which can eliminate whoever provided and continue to be in power forever. Politicians eternally sacrificed their people with all sorts of crazy disguised consistent and promising projects and the truth is that manipulate and bad govern this, almost crumbling planet. How can these imitations of human beings, strive to build salvation of so many homeless and disoriented? How could
decisionmaking propose plans and projects for both hungry and marginalized that they do not mean not even a penny of profit?

The debts are there, that's the serious and great responsibility of beings who have achieved the much desired human development that has ignited their schedules ¨ ¨ - in other text-be addressing this and therefore, should not and can leave in oblivion it so painstakingly acquired by those who have gone before us and do nothing in their communities, in their societies, for justice to prevail, respect, order and fairness ...

The terrible thing, we have seen, is not in the apocalyptic prophecies and catastrophic predictions or claims that arise everywhere at all times. What is really scary is the case in our move, in the way that man have drawn mass seudodirigentes sadistic and paranoid. They, along with the ignorant masses, scheduled and masochistic us towards destruction and useless death. We have been convinced that everything goes wrong and you must walk towards that end predictable, as soon as they can, or to accept the idea of ​​going to populate other planets as cannon fodder, because there everything will be much better. ..

Do you, dear reader, that has reached a fuller and better human, moral and spiritual, which is providing, what their proposals, their actions? How he came to life?
Or live evading their responsibility without doing anything to unmask the ideologies installed in power and we are all on the brink of madness, the shame and indignity?

Hopefully everything he narrated, dear reader, and I apologize for my inability to synthesis-were a sinister joke or simple ideas that I can think of, but believe me, unfortunately not, This is the panorama!

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