lunes, 4 de marzo de 2013


We are already in March 2013 and the idea of ​​the text that concerns me today, I think I came in December 2012. No, in January this year. Yes, it was in January or was in December?

These are the things that we face daily animal woman man and animal. We live in a world where everyday concerns account for our sense of being, our existence: Beliefs, values ​​and basic attitudes, revolve around the madding crowd and there are few moments in that as people we are, we stand to think about much deeper issues that define our lives ...

Suppose we toparamos with an extraterrestrial civilization and is structured features were not even remotely similar to ours ... for example were anything but people. How would we behave toward them? What would be the correct position?

Our lives revolve around our properties that we have developed since the earth was formed, that is, beyond the 4 billion years. And we have to become social beings, aware of ourselves as well as our neighbors and also with memory, desires, thoughts, feelings and decisions that are coated own a moral identity and respect to the relationship with other beings the planet. (To trees and plants and animals amuchos, beings who are also very few respected ...).

But let me continue with this kind of metaphor or story I'm trying to put together, to communicate something of interest:

Then, as we face against extraterrestrial civilization is that they ignore our ways and ways of behaving. They do not have the same ethical and moral our: They obey other obligations to do good and avoid evil ... Can you imagine, all you perceive this fact than some of our coexistence rules, we would be skirting?

Would be exposed to reconsider, and perhaps even change, our cosmic position to
adapt and react like intergalactic beings. Needless to say, if found to have a visual appearance that does not coincide at all with the common Terricolas beings ...

Go deeper into the story: They already would overcome everything related to degradation and physical exhaustion of old age. You do not die. Found, scientifically the solution to aging and organic deterioration. Hence, do not have any position or religious orientation and achieved to be happy and function effectively in society, using only knowledge of technological and scientific nature. What fears and prejudices?

No, these aliens do not know. Your society lives of real situations, alternatives that have become a reality and the consequences for those who have gone through, not proved undesirable, on the contrary, they have worked very well ... admirable live in communities where Queen peace, abundance and tranquility.

Above, I meant that these beings could even have looks very different from ours, then speculate a bit more how we would try? There are people and us earthlings, we rotate everything under that concept and within that category. The good and evil, they would not have the same implications for them. Will would try and judge it wrongly? What should be the role model our before them?

Imagine having an appearance similar to that of some land animals and this highly developed culture, who speak languages ​​that can communicate telepathically and its technological and scientific advances prove to be much better than ours How should these be treated intelligent beings, being so advanced and different from us?
Do we respect? Are your feelings would be similar to ours?. Would chances of entering the field of earthly social relations? What should be our position on all this?

For example, suppose a being from another galaxy, of the features that come stating, we offered him a candy, as this creature does not have the same characteristics as our physiological buds, the laws of analogy, it would come down all because no would know would decipher as sugar processing your agency would know much less explain their mental states. Earthlings extrapolation we use to understand and grasp what the other records and in this simple example, all our psychological laws would sink into a bottomless ocean, all would be beyond our reach both logical and reasoned. Your central nervous system, and thus would be another very different other cognitive experiences. How can we explain and decipher these messages?

Further, suppose that these alien beings, were very plastic and malleable and that will manifest according to our wishes ... Imagine no more dear reader! Appearances to respond by human observers: could choose very cunning behavior and lead to an endless chain of absurdities and errors. We never reveal who they are or who is truly loved. All that would make our mostly complicated, and in itself, disastrous lives ...

A unique practical answer to all these reflections, I have not. I will try multiple answers:

First, we would have to change our ways pit behave and exist in this the great valley of sin, guilt and penance.
Secondly, we would have to start realizing that we are not unique and unrepeatable than that, very own authentic, it is not worth, before thousands and milion much better and different beings that abound in galaxies.
Third, that there are people who although not prove people are worth even more than ourselves. In our world there are many examples of this, plants and trees ...
Fourth, that if it is possible that the visible, and not everything that looks more with the feeling that with the poor way we often misleading.
Fifth, that our ethics and morals, are reprehensible because being applied only to people, enable and facilitate the destruction of many other organisms necesriamente not have to be human to deserve a good and healthy treatment.
Sixth, it is not necessary to have similar taste sensations to enjoy life with intensity.
Seventh, if feasible to speak out against the other according to the wishes and be nice depending on the situation, without being necessarily open publicly or very overt behaviors.
Eighth, that societies can function effectively and happily supporting alternative livelihoods outside of some religions, without running the risk of undesirable consequences.
Ninth, that science and technology if you can improve and contribute to the development of human nature.
Tenth, it is possible that we can get along with anyone and even aliens, if we devote ourselves to what is observable, going to the simple description of things without making inferences or disqualifications, recognizing that we are all in the universe beings who possess essential mental states - whether or not we immortal-that we do enjoy the feelings, whatever they may be and even result or not, be public or overt.

Finally, in the cosmic immensity, the vast and deep enough, something human will identify us all. Suppose!

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