jueves, 28 de marzo de 2013


More than two thousand years, what happened today I come to tell. Since then have been numerous and significant changes in the way people lived, worked, glad, worshiped, loved, fought and died.
Only very close dates have known how great were the differences with us and how different they were, at times, their daily activities to ours, as well as his way of seeing the world, the concept of heaven and hell and even the same conception of God.
The gods of the time, it seemed only had an interest in the welfare of the lords and needy people or slaves. The powerful easy wanted riches and honors, joys and all the goods of this world, at any price and bypassing who were left, adored and worshiped a golden calf ... Apparently, his heart had closed to love.
There were very few rich, but they were very rich indeed, and there were many poor, extremely poor. While some of these were only poor monetarily speaking, because each had inmensammente rich in spiritual development. However, the vast majority of those beings of the past, both rich and poor, need-based living outdoors in sensations acquired through hearing or through sight and, when these feelings were missing, all bore the impression of being as dead, missing, lost in the outside world, wandering like lost souls ...
It was at that time, in one place in the Middle East, where a couple of pilgrims could not find inn for the night. They had already played in several of them and nobody wanted to accept. Pilgrims were not common, but as humbly dressed, her appearance was unreliable, which is why no one wanted to accept as good and decent people who really turned out to be. He saw at a glance that belonged to the less bailed, and then people only noticed appearances. All the focused interests in the material world, in the illusions of matter and substance easily escaped the insensitivity they had developed. Back then, most people were very insensitive and very little spiritual.
So this couple of pilgrims nobody wanted to give shelter or protection. For them there was no resting place. It was a world in which there was no place for those who were considered poor or slave, and that the pilgrim was pregnant and almost ready to give birth ...
Pilgrims walked some distance still more, without losing heart or hope, until at last, and very late at night, a traveler asked passed them on the road, they said they could find shelter in one of the caves of the nearest hill, same as the shepherds of the area used as a shelter for your animals. The pilgrim, despite his poor, took courage and made another effort, managing to reach the cave ... In fact, here they found the shelter indicated. That was the only place available to them ...
The pilgrim was immediately rushed to prepare the cave-stable, installing a clay lamp filled with oil and conditioned with an armful of straw a comfortable bed for your great companion. The clothed with a layer of wool by way of blanket. Near the bottom of the cave found a crib that had been excavated from the wall and filled with hay and straw to serve as a beautiful baby crib waiting, a Divine Guest, as Divine as all children born in the world.
It was that one night of immense beauty. All was quiet, calm and harmony. He chatted with all animals of all species and all together, stood in respectful silence waiting for that important event. The pilgrim would relieve his wife in any way necessary, and she, in turn, is catered for herself and began to do their job ...
The sky was full of stars, it was something like if it were thousands of bright twinkling eyes and perplexed, by way of hundreds of thousands of witnesses of this extraordinary event ... The moment came and took place in the most simple and beautiful. It was an unforgettable event truly unique. The baby's cries brought the birth of humanity ... It was then that a big star, appeared on the very top of the sky, providing a signal, guide, to indicate four Kings, Melchor, Gaspar, and Baltazar David, you should meet to visit the child Divine honor him and present him some presents ...
So, the wise men agreed to meet at a certain time and place and hence to the place from which the star was pointing.
The date was met and were arriving one by one: Melchor was the first, dressed beautifully with a blue velvet suit, a white turban with large ruby ​​in the center, steel gray layer impregnated with tiny diamonds and orange slippers. Came riding his peaceful and beautiful camel, which also looked far and wide for their endless belts gemstones ...
Then arrived the Baltaza black, in his great elephant who carried on his head a large bright yellow feather. The Wise Man, dressed in sensational fashion. His dress was silk, red. His white as the foam layer, dotted with many small emeralds and wore turban was an intense electric blue with a large yellow diamond in the center, resembling a star by their flashes.
After his spectacular arrival in Gaspar white horse, wrapped in different colored fabrics that made him look like a big pegasus. The Magician King, carried in his costume jewelry around her outfit. Her dress was purple with gold plating and silver turban, with a large pearl in the center. In his hands he could see several rings with huge gems ...
To be sure the jewelry worn by the Magi, were not mere ornament, as the naked eye could aoreciar, No, they used them to cure crushing when necessary and to receive and give good vibes to people in need .. .
Lacking arrival to King David. We waited patiently for a considerable time, but as this did not come, they were forced to leave without the ...
-What happened to him? - They asked the three wise men.
- Why not come? - Gaspar said in a tone of astonishment.
And so, without obtaining exact answer and unable to wait more, took their march in absolute silence and meditation as preparing for such a wonderful event, which in the final analysis, was carried out: It was a truly unique event, the three Magi worshiped the Divine Guest and presented him his present before the eyes of real surprise of the shepherds who were there. All was peace, respectful silence and harmony. The moment had passed. The three wise men came to their beautiful animals, reassembled and made their way back to their hometowns. People gathered there, the revered his way with the utmost respect.
But what happened to the Wizard King David? Why not come to the meeting?
The King David, on his way to meet with the other three wise men, encountered a world of needs and wants that forced him to share the myrrh and frankincense which led him to the Divine Child. The dramatic ostrich it was transported, had to sell dividing the profits with the poor people. Your gift to the layer who suffered from cold. Her jewels were crushed to aid in the potions administered to patients. Also helped provide food for the poor, injured stagnation and participated in all the activities that required his presence to achieve human welfare through its fine and kind vibration ... and it was from village to village for a long time ... Until one day, and very tired and battered, he came to a village where they swirled and squeezed a large crowd. An old woman approached and asked:
-Which is what happens here, good woman? Why all the fuss?
They crucified-a wretch who said he was the king of the Jews, 'said the old lady looking sad, shrugging and shaking his head negatively.
David felt he was fading, and the soil could not hold more. Everything in your head spinning. His vision blurred, he sensed that something very serious was happening there. I felt in the depths of his being, cell by cell ...
It should be mentioned that cruxificciones, back then, were not strange, but applied to the bandits, thieves, the evil doer, so David felt that what was happening in that place was monstrous, truly terrifying, horrifying. In addition, all said so, to heaven, despite being of late, he was shadowed, dark, decadent ...
David meanwhile, continued to walk among the people, he noted with surprise the faces of each and every step to make his way through the crowd, I discovered that the faces of most of those people had the mark of evil, cynicism, of indifference, emptiness ... There were others, however, that showed in her eyes, a very deep pain, deep sadness ...
Well walked and walked toward the hill where he was crucified. A space opened achievement grips the crowd angry and full of rage. Finally, managed to reach the top. It was a skull-shaped hill, a place to chill, in which were three large vertical timbers in a cross, with his lacerated respective victims.
Already by that time, King David wept bitterly, nothing took away from that show would head to do with him, so I guessed. His cries almost drowned, had hampered the breathing, his face was purple tornaba alas It seemed he was going to suffocate. The pain that embargaba, was at its highest ... After a moment, he managed to recover a bit and encouraged her to get closer to where the crosses were. The Roman soldiers ahì vigilant, it looked so indifferent, so it was just a simple man in years. They continued their game of dice, drinking and chatting enthusiastically with eachother.
For his part, King David turned slowly toward the great cross that was installed at the center, which had crucified a man carrying on her head a crown dde thorns that bleed profusely into his forehead. Bracing and wiping the sweat dripping into your eyes preventing him see, looked to subside immediately before him, kneeling in the sand ...
Sir, said King David, forgive me, I lost track of the other Kings and I could never find you ... In my journey, I stopped several times to share with those in need of myrrh and incense you wore. Succor the sick, gave out my belongings, worked tirelessly for the spiritual development of my peers and I was late. I could not get to the appointment ... And today ... Today I come to find in this condition ... Oh! Who has allowed you to do this sir? ... Who have been the infamous? ...
King David was drowning in tears with every word that issued, it was then that Christ, rising a little and with a big grin of pain on his face said:
-David ... Get up, Get well and listen carefully ... I myself have done everything that your eyes see, did you betray me, to lie by for me, I sacrificed for another, and this, to show the way the release of the essence ... This now contemplate, is the crucifixion of the false, personality, vanity, the lower self ... nobody's fault ... No I'm just pointing blame .. dignified exit ... This is the way ...
The face of Jesus Christ and showed immense pain. Before the arrival of King David, had been wounded with a spear between the ribs, so that every time a word reached emitted to hear a hissing sound, a rattle that made her whole body constrinera hard to breathe However ..., Christ continued to tell David:
-There are more important issues than life, ideals, which are the food of the spirit ... Jesus was choking on the blood that flowed from his own mouth, he paused and continued:
-So, brother David, truly, I say to you, love your way with me you sought, long ago found me ...

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