domingo, 25 de marzo de 2012


In the year 387 B.C. Plato, the immense Aristocles, I keep the ideas of his teacher Socrates in several books and signed them with the name of Platon, meaning broad-shouldered. He founded an academy in Athens and from there taught philosophy ...

Plato, pointed out that humans are just spirits created by the supreme intelligence is God, and in that spirit are all prototype ideas. The interesting thing is remember them and decide what to do with them. When we remember these things take shape prototypes and remembering that we come from God, trying to be good and return to God not to fall, never to the world we live full of crimes, injustice and evil.

In the Dialogue of the Republic refers to the need to have a religion. Plato believes that a nation can not be strong unless he believes in God and belief that inspires hope, devotion and service, helping to moderate the ambitions and passions dominate. He adds, that if faith in God is added the belief in the immortality of the people, hope in an afterlife will encourage you to face our own death and to deal with our loved ones. And he concludes: "Of course, none of these beliefs can be demonstrated. God can be just the ideal personification of our love and our hope, however, will not make us any harm and if you can believe us much good to ourselves and our children." ..

Meanwhile Socrates, referring to God, said: "All that exists with a useful purpose, must be the work of a supreme intelligence" ... and not say more ...

Aristotle was a little further and commented: "There is a being incorporeal, a first unmoved mover, indivisible, perfect and eternal. An energy that does not create, but moves the world, and it does not as a mechanical force, but as the total of all ground operations: God moves the world as the beloved moves the lover. It is the final cause of nature. He is pure energy. not so much a person as a magnetic power. It is absolutely perfect. not want anything does nothing. It is the essence of everything, the way of all forms "... Yconcluye: God is just the thought of thought, gives order and intelligence to the world. All things that exist is because thought has been given divine being and essence of his thought "...
Thus, according to Aristotle, we all have logos (reason and cosmic intelligence) in us, in our homes, that is, a bit of God and, he says, is the soul ...

Then, as a group of businessmen have been able to appropriate God's son even made him, as his superstar, and be nominated representatives of these deities on earth?

Well, through ignorance of the majority. Hence, the German monk of the Order of the Augustinian, Martin Luther, came to bring order to so much abuse of the popes, when Leon X, resorted to the system of indulgences was to deliver that amount of money as alms to the treasure of the Catholic Church to complete the works of St. Peter and the war against the Turks, which the sinner would get the forgiveness of their sins ... Of course Luther was excommunicated immediately and the Emperor Charles V as punishment, but Friar achievement to get a safe conduct to reside in the castle of Wartburg, Frederick of Saxony domain. Martin Luther, in 1532 created the new religious faith actually was the separation of obsolete Catholic dogmas which refused to recognize papal authority as God's representative on earth, the celibacy of priests and the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist that form the foundation of Catholicism. Luther just so outdated and old Catholic dogma to make way for the creation of something new, more healthy and liberating.

Mexican Catholic Church, has failed to reform ever. They have always wanted to operate with great privileges, especially in education and stock market speculation stock. Lately, have struggled to return to the hardline policy demanding the government be allowed to participate more freely and that no civil authority and influence jerza about their pedophile prelates.

The truth is that they have been involved in many illegal acts of concealment and, lacking characters sensitive to the height of the time. They do not understand the social problems of our time, leaving resagados and discouraged to undertake a reform that brings powerful precepts of the gospel to a noble people in need of faith. The Mexican clergy, all viewed from a one-sided view and has always taken advantage of and takes advantage of Mexico devout and sanctimonious to fanaticism.

But morality has nothing to do with religion or with the laws of the State. Socrates said that morality was a matter for each person and his conscience. Except that in Mexico, today, is not in use and that is why Catholic politicians - who are also first-ordinary people, away from the imperatives of the state and the instructions that direct deformation inducing certain citizens, making them very difficult to understand the myriad of processes which the subject as it is the Pope's visit in times of presidential elections and the difference between honesty, meanness and deceit, which is why they point to as schizophrenic by conducting double standards: One thing is what they preach and quite another to do, what's more, the Catholic-conservative politicians, who run the country, have fallen into disuse and cynicism of their behavior moral.La poverty and violence in which have plunged the entire country - who want resctar with words of encouragement from the pontiff, is the result of shamelessness and taking very bad behavior towards the others. This has resulted in a more desolate landscape and wildest of all against all and where the law of the jungle. Is this the way of Christianity in the ruling party that is paying for everything not to lose power?

The results of the presidential terms of alternation, has been destructive for all, even though they have wanted to involve the general deficiencies in the remote past mistakes and attitudes and legislative protections. And to top it off, now through a spiritual and religious hypnosis tries to go beyond the misery of the majority supported the manipulative management of the major media: All applaud and celebrate the most representative of the Vatican government, as if indeed it were a saint. It is very pitiful handling the tremendous people that make it truly is good and innocent, do not have any modesty, have no limits. They have forced people to respond with much encouragement and warmth of a full representnate business of intangibles more prosperous world. Nothing is more alien to the pain and suffering of the impoverished, unemployed, assaulted, raped or starving Mexicans.

We achieve that aim Social Justice Catholics seudodirigentes current home with the help of God?

No, because God in matters and affairs of the Earth, would fail. Do not bring God into situations outbursts and exclusions, that never bring anything good.

What if you have to do is limit our desires and demands. We need to subordinate our interests to healthier and higher standards. See clearly that we are destroying and that road would come out to light the worst aspects of human nature. Fighting corruption and decay daily, because they are taking over and humans are not properly orienting their personality towards achieving higher goals they would have to go beyond his own being. Do not expect to appropriate all, but let us try to appropriate what belongs to others. We have the obligation to heal, albeit gradually, both our personal lives and political life as well as economic. Prevent what we lived lacks a constructive basis, because then we would have to accept that the future is not worth it. We need to opt for a more caring and sharing behavior, most humane as insurance, long term, this will be the most prudent that we could do for future generations. Also, we focus our efforts not only progress in the field of high technology or comfort. Forgetting the planet itself. Do not forget that we live moments of great abuse and unforgivable mistakes, we are depleting nature. A minority of crazies, has taken a great advantage in position, power and wealth. In that sense the wealthy millionaires and act without restraints, negotiating and depedrando what belongs to us all. We must stop being toys of the powerful and wealthy. We must fight because it is always well to prevail over all things and above all the vested interests, above-dial distracting manipulations spiritual-to which we submit desconectándonos with each other plunging us into a forgetfulness of whether thereof. Enajenandonos. We must not allow the powerful live as they please, but to live thinking about the meaning of life and our lives, always in harmony within, keeping a healthy balance between spiritual truth and necessary equipment away, even slightly, our very altered, manipulated and programmed life, everything becomes ridiculous, misusing our free will provoking a serious decline in our interiors, deep isolation and loneliness.

Our century is too bogged down in a deterioration of good behavior: We have carried out extermination on a scale previously unseen crime. We are declining as a species. Our spiritual capacity is greatly reduced. And to top it off, as if something else is missing, we are collapsing amid environmental destruction and a population explosion. Climate changes are leading to shortages of both groundwater and productive land and that will lead to many conflicts not too distant future. Lose significant pure and each of us and we only care about the survival of exhausting a healthy environment and enviable as that nature has given us. We almost lost her stability and undermine the independence and space belonging to everyone, not just a few Predators powerful and abusive. The disarticulation suffocates us, our minds are overwhelmed by chaos and confusion and lack of synthetic thinking and lack of a unifying philosophy. The Catholic religion, let's face does not reach more than a simple manipulation of weak minds, fearful and delayed. Their representatives are not exempt from selfishness and ambition and God lives in the clouds and does not meddle in worldly matters, but not let them do what they do or paid in dirty tricks of Catholic politicians who favor both ...

It is very urgent that all us brave problems: PURE HEART!

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