There are situations in life that should not happen, but they happen . There are things that happen and should not happen. But our duty is to pass and was something of them and not the force of time and energy detracting submit to oblivion. Such situations you mentioned , some happen at the time, so that there is present a dynamic and leading to social change.
In Mexico , as in other countries, in the decade of the 60 's, were several events of a social nature that would come to take shape the perception of a different world : First happened in Czechoslovakia , then in France and then in Spain. It was those moments of canmbios airs in humanity. The Cuba of the late 50's he had dared , in he same American continent, to oust Batista puppet and implement a community social regime .
That wave of incidents and events, began offering a set of scenarios so superlative inquietarían young people from other parts of the world. The United States itself had to face riots and street protests in his great and powerful nation with a movement " hippie " than to see the world that through love , drugs and peace , it was possible to live :No to war killer of innocent and defenseless people and youth outside the tricks and interests of powerful politicians and wealthy !
That world was convulsed , a disorder , suitable to propose a different order and different existing social process .
In Mexico , the Union of Railwaymen , electricians and protests by health professionals , were already driving and operating several years ago in 1968.
The Mexican government made several mistakes in their actions sociopolitical and close the homes of students from the provinces , established in Mexico City and suspend economic aid via scholarships , youth in their schools (especially at the Polytechnic ) , led to a student uprising that would go to slaughter more vile, cowardly and disgraceful of all the country's history ...
Mexico , from those then, like any other country exploited by international imperialism , not entitled to great participation even less respect for their most basic human rights . Everything flowed based on a large pink scenery , mounted by the mass media in open collusion with politicians in turn, they were the same with over forty years in power . The truth is that the people, as a whole, suffered hunger and a lot of repression . The interests and concerns of the majority, did not have any political representation . The existing political parties , left no room for such social approaches outside vested interests and established :It was a great handling machinery and alienation !
People were very tired , tired and exhausted. Politicians and the wealthy , made and unmade at will, under the tint of honesty and respect , within a framework of " healthy living " . Even had already been associated with international mafias , to celebrate the XIX Olympic Games , when the people lacked the basic necessities for survival : More than 3 million landless peasants to cultivate . Over 45% of illiterates . 40 % of people without eating meat , fish, poultry , eggs or milk. 25% without modern calazado carry a lot of barefoot in their villages. The 80 % of the rural population could only try food very low quality and balanced , once a day , and the diet was based tortilla , corn, beans and chili , as well they went. The monthly income of their salaries , was less than one thousand pesos. There were millions of marginalized indigenous civilization. Many of them died of disease easily controlled in other parts of the world.
It was so a student brawl between young high school and vocational Ochoterena Issac 5 of the National Polytechnic Institute , would give way to the 1968 student social movement .
I was a high school student Issac Ochoterena , went mate Felipe Muñoz , "The Warm " Olympic gold medal in breaststroke of those games. Our school was a small school, aptly directed by two teachers , sisters , Magda and teacher Amanda Sanchez.
We were attacked by surprise one night in July. The facts are narrated in another text of the same blogg , in October last year :Never, never , never !
Now I would only add that for me, everything started from a cleverly planned and mounting nothing strange dark spontaneous interests .
I remember leaving the extras Actors Guild , which was in front of my high school , where he went frequently to be selected to perform a role that allowed me to get some money. Suddenly, about ten young people mature , their backpacks Jacqueline was caught a few bottles and set them on fire, throwing them to the windows of the school , which was made of wood . They were already pursued by the school students Electricians ' Union , which was streets above , it also went to set fire by launching Molotov cocktails . We pursue the attackers together and despite being a number greater than them, catch them at the side of the Government Secretariat , located in Bucareli Street , we could with them and powering were armed with sticks and chains a very neat and professional. They wore football helmets and various protections . They were retreating to reach vocational facilities already there in May and were supported by some students of the polytechnic. We dispersed and ran to our respective schools. That was the first brawl and was conducted by the evening of July 21, 1968 .
The next day was another confrontation escenificaría , among high school students at UNAM , which we supposedly came to support us, against several vocational students IPN . Apparently it was the City Manager , gave the order to the police chief for using the " Riot Police " intervene in the conflict and then derive all start cutting into a strictly political scenario . So it was and so it was done . And with that, initially gave the 1968 student movement in Mexico .
Now in hindsight , we should see that the XIX Olympic Games were to door and with it the eyes of the world on our Nation. What was a small group of leftist seudodirigentes eternally unemployed and were seen as a scourge by the Mexican burges system . What had many interests involved, to implement a political reform that would provide space for dissidents and social activists . What a great repression lived in matters of freedom of expression and free association. What was a lot of political prisoners ( leaders like Demetrio Vallejo and Valentín Campa detainees at Lecumberri . ) Of previous movements that sought to liberate all costs .
Most students , in fact we believed in what he was succeeding , that they were fighting only school that on other occasions , we had already taken place, for example at some sporting event between the two rival educational institutions , major the country. But on this occasion it was not suddenly appeared a petition calling on the authorities disappearance Grenadier Group , dismissal of police chiefs and from there took a leap , within hours , to freedom of political prisoners and the repeal of several items , the 145 and 145 bis of the Mexican Constitution that were supported the crime of social dissolution , as well as the request for indemnification to the families of the dead and wounded from July 26 .
The opinions of many sectors of the country , were swift and every one who gave the opinion that they thought best regarding the matter more complicated every day . I remember the face of anxiety and concern of the director of my high school principal , when interviewed on Mexican TV . The poor woman did not know how to answer about all that he was coming up .
Apparently , there was a whole political puzzle , which is unaware of the cover and started to elaborate the pieces everywhere. For now, all operated to " fishing in troubled river " ... Nobody brought anything or explain anything to anyone. Pure unsubstantiated opinions loose anything.
After the student brawls and clashes entanglement that yielded many injured and arrested , abounded marches and protests during the months of July, August and September. There was already by then , a great social unrest. The police forces and the same army , which has already been integrated into the social subjugation and repression , from the July 30 , attacked the students in different scenarios and various capital city : Santo Tomas
( Place where they are and were some schools in the National InstitutoPolitécnico ) , University City, the Zocalo , San Ildefonso School ( whose front door was blown up by an army Bazukaso ) , Avenida Juarez , Bucareli Street , Palma , Madero , San Cosme and the Chamber of Benito Juarez ... the magazine "Why" was destroyed in all of its facilities by the repressive forces and their editors arrested for seditious and biased : They showed the army to launching the Bazukaso Educational Institution door .
Apparently, the government was at a critical juncture , ably led by strategists who were driving the whole process merely student protest , into other courses that have not yet managed to fully decipher accurately.
The study that we watched , we watched with surprise as suddenly, began to emerge struggle committees in various schools and colleges of the leading schools in the city and even there was a National Strike Committee is supposed , coordinated all movement actions in different states of the Mexican Republic .
They appeared very avesados fellow political issues that we had never met before. All this was very interesting , we were taught to participate in a socio-political process and how it could jeopardize the system and even modify mates ... It was very awake and very knowledgeable. But the bulk of the student body , was being led in a very skillful to achieve very accurate and precise objectives for a small group of seudodirigentes ( radishes, red on the outside but white on the inside ) , who waited only moments of negotiation with the authorities to realize their claims : it was, more or less , to press toward the opening of the Olympics and try to prevent them or make them feel that could prevent and get well , their dark goals and objectives ... the first September , the day of presidential report , would be very helpful to know how they were and if they had reached the authorities turn him to date ...
The first of September the appearance of the President of the Republic in its report said : "We have confidence that will not be achieved prevent any sporting event door at best be achieved brilliance restarles . Injury does not offend me ( the ape and students told him the truth if it seemed) , slander not hurt me . Visible forces both outside and inside , have influenced to try to increase the student conflict . defend the principles and braved the consequences ... we would not want to see us in case you do not want to take action , but we will if necessary . "
The basic " student " and intellectuals , said first President on August 1 in Guadalajara , Jalisco , said he tended his hand to restore peace and tranquility of conscience , then , a month away in his presidential report says it will launch a military force who violate the social order : a hand extended , that apply the paraffin test ...
Perhaps the most important dates of the student struggle of 68 were: The August 13 with the first protest march against the city authorities chime in Santo Tomas to the square of the constitution. On Monday August 27th the march for the attacks , arrests and peitorio specifications approval from the Museum Antropolgía with final stop at the base and raising capital in the center of the flag to Rojinegra symbol of proletarian struggles . ( On August 28 , honoring the national flag by countless bureaucrats who shouted : "We will not take us !Let not force us !) . 's September 13 " the Long March of Silence " to protest government policy in support of the list of demands and the need for public dialogue with the authorities, one of the slogans was: "Silence is more eloquent than words silenced the bayonets yesterday " ... on September 17 the Council Needless National sent a communication to the President of the Republic said: we reiterate the need for public dialogue again so as to achieve the final settlement and the six points from our Pliego Petition . we would also remind you that the commitment of our country to organize the XIX Olympic Games requires us to both parties to expedite the final resolution of the problem ... Government Trough answered your Senior Officer : It took due note of the contents of the second paragraph of its letter . No realción clearly establishes that their application may have with the celebration of the Olympic Games ... I reiterate the government's decision to make use of legal resources to enable them to operate smoothly the games, and the firm resolve to defend the right that has the Mexican people on its soil for the cultural sporting event in the world , as you call it, and ensure that our nation meets with decorum , international commitment freely contracted . lived movement the most important moment of political activity . September 18 , Tuesday , at 22 am . Taking University City facilities by the military and repressive forces of the Mexican intelligence service . All those present were arrested and beaten with great violence . Ten thousand soldiers under the command of General José Gonzalo Hernández Castillo and Toledo, led the invasorio operating , and illegal violates the autonomy of the National Autonomous University of Mexico . Rector Barros Sierra made public statements condemning towards students and teachers dissidents (SIC! ) . the September 23 " the night of St. Thomas ." That day at midnight the army invaded polytechnic facilities in Santo Tomas . pupils resistance was quickly overcome by the high-powered weapons troop . the number of injuries and deaths was incalculable. Such student facilities were the main bastions and all places where the leaders of the movement, after the military takeover of CU
October 2, 1968 (See text :Never, never , never ! ) March protesting the massacre of students at the hands of repressive military and police forces . They leave from the Plaza de Tlatelolco and end in Santo Tomas , who was taken by the army. At the last moment , the National Strike Committee decided that to avoid provocation , the march would be changed by a rally in the Plaza of the Three Cultures in Tlatelolco ... not repeat the details of the infamous wrongs our young Mexicans ( that information is in this very blogg as I mentioned ) , that were skirting a series of bloody clashes that eventually culminated in his death through the decisions psychotic Mexican authorities when they knew , as well , about the true professional agitators of the movement ... and has been as it was, it was infamy : Killing the innocent and helpless and real hope for any country !
Just one final consideration : Yes there was , in the 1968 student movement , political trends found and distant , especially in the crucial final phase : The student base was heavily forced into other courses that eventually exceed genuine and true positions of struggle that was becoming mass popular protest . Hence the change of venue of the March, because in the Suburb Santa Maria la Rivera, where the Santo Tomas and facilities Polytechnic , after being held therein massive act , risks and losses, would been unimaginable , is a colony of countless dwellings everywhere and also facilitated the concealment of students. Then , it was much more practical , for what already had planned , the Plaza of Three Cultures , which is a plain surrounded by buildings, of which one is the Foreign Secretary and the Church of Santiago Tlatelolco and several buildings , easily controlled by the troops and the bodies of assault . Olimpia Battalion , who was in charge of the slaughter - with - data from reliable sources , were drugged to carry out his felony that evening bloody and infamous ... And as usual , many of the seudodirigentes , mostly , were unharmed and well delivered , to the degree that still live and enjoy great privileges , embedded in political and academic positions of great importance in the country. Thus, the puzzle was completed from your home . But as in all Mexican puzzle , there are leftover pieces that fit or force and was pending on the cover include judgment ( ONE WAS FALSE AND framed !) The real culprits both executions as the mental strategies to use and annihilate those young beautiful SI believed in getting a better country for all Mexicans ... Unfortunately , it was , from my very personal point of view and from my research :
AM 2 OCTOBER 1968 !
In Mexico , as in other countries, in the decade of the 60 's, were several events of a social nature that would come to take shape the perception of a different world : First happened in Czechoslovakia , then in France and then in Spain. It was those moments of canmbios airs in humanity. The Cuba of the late 50's he had dared , in he same American continent, to oust Batista puppet and implement a community social regime .
That wave of incidents and events, began offering a set of scenarios so superlative inquietarían young people from other parts of the world. The United States itself had to face riots and street protests in his great and powerful nation with a movement " hippie " than to see the world that through love , drugs and peace , it was possible to live :No to war killer of innocent and defenseless people and youth outside the tricks and interests of powerful politicians and wealthy !
That world was convulsed , a disorder , suitable to propose a different order and different existing social process .
In Mexico , the Union of Railwaymen , electricians and protests by health professionals , were already driving and operating several years ago in 1968.
The Mexican government made several mistakes in their actions sociopolitical and close the homes of students from the provinces , established in Mexico City and suspend economic aid via scholarships , youth in their schools (especially at the Polytechnic ) , led to a student uprising that would go to slaughter more vile, cowardly and disgraceful of all the country's history ...
Mexico , from those then, like any other country exploited by international imperialism , not entitled to great participation even less respect for their most basic human rights . Everything flowed based on a large pink scenery , mounted by the mass media in open collusion with politicians in turn, they were the same with over forty years in power . The truth is that the people, as a whole, suffered hunger and a lot of repression . The interests and concerns of the majority, did not have any political representation . The existing political parties , left no room for such social approaches outside vested interests and established :It was a great handling machinery and alienation !
People were very tired , tired and exhausted. Politicians and the wealthy , made and unmade at will, under the tint of honesty and respect , within a framework of " healthy living " . Even had already been associated with international mafias , to celebrate the XIX Olympic Games , when the people lacked the basic necessities for survival : More than 3 million landless peasants to cultivate . Over 45% of illiterates . 40 % of people without eating meat , fish, poultry , eggs or milk. 25% without modern calazado carry a lot of barefoot in their villages. The 80 % of the rural population could only try food very low quality and balanced , once a day , and the diet was based tortilla , corn, beans and chili , as well they went. The monthly income of their salaries , was less than one thousand pesos. There were millions of marginalized indigenous civilization. Many of them died of disease easily controlled in other parts of the world.
It was so a student brawl between young high school and vocational Ochoterena Issac 5 of the National Polytechnic Institute , would give way to the 1968 student social movement .
I was a high school student Issac Ochoterena , went mate Felipe Muñoz , "The Warm " Olympic gold medal in breaststroke of those games. Our school was a small school, aptly directed by two teachers , sisters , Magda and teacher Amanda Sanchez.
We were attacked by surprise one night in July. The facts are narrated in another text of the same blogg , in October last year :Never, never , never !
Now I would only add that for me, everything started from a cleverly planned and mounting nothing strange dark spontaneous interests .
I remember leaving the extras Actors Guild , which was in front of my high school , where he went frequently to be selected to perform a role that allowed me to get some money. Suddenly, about ten young people mature , their backpacks Jacqueline was caught a few bottles and set them on fire, throwing them to the windows of the school , which was made of wood . They were already pursued by the school students Electricians ' Union , which was streets above , it also went to set fire by launching Molotov cocktails . We pursue the attackers together and despite being a number greater than them, catch them at the side of the Government Secretariat , located in Bucareli Street , we could with them and powering were armed with sticks and chains a very neat and professional. They wore football helmets and various protections . They were retreating to reach vocational facilities already there in May and were supported by some students of the polytechnic. We dispersed and ran to our respective schools. That was the first brawl and was conducted by the evening of July 21, 1968 .
The next day was another confrontation escenificaría , among high school students at UNAM , which we supposedly came to support us, against several vocational students IPN . Apparently it was the City Manager , gave the order to the police chief for using the " Riot Police " intervene in the conflict and then derive all start cutting into a strictly political scenario . So it was and so it was done . And with that, initially gave the 1968 student movement in Mexico .
Now in hindsight , we should see that the XIX Olympic Games were to door and with it the eyes of the world on our Nation. What was a small group of leftist seudodirigentes eternally unemployed and were seen as a scourge by the Mexican burges system . What had many interests involved, to implement a political reform that would provide space for dissidents and social activists . What a great repression lived in matters of freedom of expression and free association. What was a lot of political prisoners ( leaders like Demetrio Vallejo and Valentín Campa detainees at Lecumberri . ) Of previous movements that sought to liberate all costs .
Most students , in fact we believed in what he was succeeding , that they were fighting only school that on other occasions , we had already taken place, for example at some sporting event between the two rival educational institutions , major the country. But on this occasion it was not suddenly appeared a petition calling on the authorities disappearance Grenadier Group , dismissal of police chiefs and from there took a leap , within hours , to freedom of political prisoners and the repeal of several items , the 145 and 145 bis of the Mexican Constitution that were supported the crime of social dissolution , as well as the request for indemnification to the families of the dead and wounded from July 26 .
The opinions of many sectors of the country , were swift and every one who gave the opinion that they thought best regarding the matter more complicated every day . I remember the face of anxiety and concern of the director of my high school principal , when interviewed on Mexican TV . The poor woman did not know how to answer about all that he was coming up .
Apparently , there was a whole political puzzle , which is unaware of the cover and started to elaborate the pieces everywhere. For now, all operated to " fishing in troubled river " ... Nobody brought anything or explain anything to anyone. Pure unsubstantiated opinions loose anything.
After the student brawls and clashes entanglement that yielded many injured and arrested , abounded marches and protests during the months of July, August and September. There was already by then , a great social unrest. The police forces and the same army , which has already been integrated into the social subjugation and repression , from the July 30 , attacked the students in different scenarios and various capital city : Santo Tomas
( Place where they are and were some schools in the National InstitutoPolitécnico ) , University City, the Zocalo , San Ildefonso School ( whose front door was blown up by an army Bazukaso ) , Avenida Juarez , Bucareli Street , Palma , Madero , San Cosme and the Chamber of Benito Juarez ... the magazine "Why" was destroyed in all of its facilities by the repressive forces and their editors arrested for seditious and biased : They showed the army to launching the Bazukaso Educational Institution door .
Apparently, the government was at a critical juncture , ably led by strategists who were driving the whole process merely student protest , into other courses that have not yet managed to fully decipher accurately.
The study that we watched , we watched with surprise as suddenly, began to emerge struggle committees in various schools and colleges of the leading schools in the city and even there was a National Strike Committee is supposed , coordinated all movement actions in different states of the Mexican Republic .
They appeared very avesados fellow political issues that we had never met before. All this was very interesting , we were taught to participate in a socio-political process and how it could jeopardize the system and even modify mates ... It was very awake and very knowledgeable. But the bulk of the student body , was being led in a very skillful to achieve very accurate and precise objectives for a small group of seudodirigentes ( radishes, red on the outside but white on the inside ) , who waited only moments of negotiation with the authorities to realize their claims : it was, more or less , to press toward the opening of the Olympics and try to prevent them or make them feel that could prevent and get well , their dark goals and objectives ... the first September , the day of presidential report , would be very helpful to know how they were and if they had reached the authorities turn him to date ...
The first of September the appearance of the President of the Republic in its report said : "We have confidence that will not be achieved prevent any sporting event door at best be achieved brilliance restarles . Injury does not offend me ( the ape and students told him the truth if it seemed) , slander not hurt me . Visible forces both outside and inside , have influenced to try to increase the student conflict . defend the principles and braved the consequences ... we would not want to see us in case you do not want to take action , but we will if necessary . "
The basic " student " and intellectuals , said first President on August 1 in Guadalajara , Jalisco , said he tended his hand to restore peace and tranquility of conscience , then , a month away in his presidential report says it will launch a military force who violate the social order : a hand extended , that apply the paraffin test ...
Perhaps the most important dates of the student struggle of 68 were: The August 13 with the first protest march against the city authorities chime in Santo Tomas to the square of the constitution. On Monday August 27th the march for the attacks , arrests and peitorio specifications approval from the Museum Antropolgía with final stop at the base and raising capital in the center of the flag to Rojinegra symbol of proletarian struggles . ( On August 28 , honoring the national flag by countless bureaucrats who shouted : "We will not take us !Let not force us !) . 's September 13 " the Long March of Silence " to protest government policy in support of the list of demands and the need for public dialogue with the authorities, one of the slogans was: "Silence is more eloquent than words silenced the bayonets yesterday " ... on September 17 the Council Needless National sent a communication to the President of the Republic said: we reiterate the need for public dialogue again so as to achieve the final settlement and the six points from our Pliego Petition . we would also remind you that the commitment of our country to organize the XIX Olympic Games requires us to both parties to expedite the final resolution of the problem ... Government Trough answered your Senior Officer : It took due note of the contents of the second paragraph of its letter . No realción clearly establishes that their application may have with the celebration of the Olympic Games ... I reiterate the government's decision to make use of legal resources to enable them to operate smoothly the games, and the firm resolve to defend the right that has the Mexican people on its soil for the cultural sporting event in the world , as you call it, and ensure that our nation meets with decorum , international commitment freely contracted . lived movement the most important moment of political activity . September 18 , Tuesday , at 22 am . Taking University City facilities by the military and repressive forces of the Mexican intelligence service . All those present were arrested and beaten with great violence . Ten thousand soldiers under the command of General José Gonzalo Hernández Castillo and Toledo, led the invasorio operating , and illegal violates the autonomy of the National Autonomous University of Mexico . Rector Barros Sierra made public statements condemning towards students and teachers dissidents (SIC! ) . the September 23 " the night of St. Thomas ." That day at midnight the army invaded polytechnic facilities in Santo Tomas . pupils resistance was quickly overcome by the high-powered weapons troop . the number of injuries and deaths was incalculable. Such student facilities were the main bastions and all places where the leaders of the movement, after the military takeover of CU
October 2, 1968 (See text :Never, never , never ! ) March protesting the massacre of students at the hands of repressive military and police forces . They leave from the Plaza de Tlatelolco and end in Santo Tomas , who was taken by the army. At the last moment , the National Strike Committee decided that to avoid provocation , the march would be changed by a rally in the Plaza of the Three Cultures in Tlatelolco ... not repeat the details of the infamous wrongs our young Mexicans ( that information is in this very blogg as I mentioned ) , that were skirting a series of bloody clashes that eventually culminated in his death through the decisions psychotic Mexican authorities when they knew , as well , about the true professional agitators of the movement ... and has been as it was, it was infamy : Killing the innocent and helpless and real hope for any country !
Just one final consideration : Yes there was , in the 1968 student movement , political trends found and distant , especially in the crucial final phase : The student base was heavily forced into other courses that eventually exceed genuine and true positions of struggle that was becoming mass popular protest . Hence the change of venue of the March, because in the Suburb Santa Maria la Rivera, where the Santo Tomas and facilities Polytechnic , after being held therein massive act , risks and losses, would been unimaginable , is a colony of countless dwellings everywhere and also facilitated the concealment of students. Then , it was much more practical , for what already had planned , the Plaza of Three Cultures , which is a plain surrounded by buildings, of which one is the Foreign Secretary and the Church of Santiago Tlatelolco and several buildings , easily controlled by the troops and the bodies of assault . Olimpia Battalion , who was in charge of the slaughter - with - data from reliable sources , were drugged to carry out his felony that evening bloody and infamous ... And as usual , many of the seudodirigentes , mostly , were unharmed and well delivered , to the degree that still live and enjoy great privileges , embedded in political and academic positions of great importance in the country. Thus, the puzzle was completed from your home . But as in all Mexican puzzle , there are leftover pieces that fit or force and was pending on the cover include judgment ( ONE WAS FALSE AND framed !) The real culprits both executions as the mental strategies to use and annihilate those young beautiful SI believed in getting a better country for all Mexicans ... Unfortunately , it was , from my very personal point of view and from my research :
AM 2 OCTOBER 1968 !
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